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95 lines (83 loc) · 3.83 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (83 loc) · 3.83 KB

JS Shaders

CPU rendered ASCII art shader writing tool with hot reloading.



First create a .mjs file that exports a function named fragment. The module should have the following TypeScript signature:

interface FragmentModule {
   * Return a mono-chromatic value for a pixel and time index:
   * @param x    The x-coordinate of the pixel (In the range 0..1)
   * @param y    The y-coordinate of the pixel (In the range 0..1)
   * @param time The number of seconds since the start of program execution.
   * @returns    The lightness/darkness of the pixel.
  fragment: (x: number, y: number, time: number) => number;

Then run the module like so:

node render.mjs <file.mjs>

Console Shots

node render.mjs ./geo.mjs:

Loaded successfully!
                       ········@@@@@@@@@     **&#
                     ···@@  ···@@@   ++@@@ ··+**&#@
                   ···@@    ···@@@     +·@ ··+**&#@@
                 ···@@@@&   ···@@@     ··· ··+**&#@
                 ··@@@@@@#  ···@@@@  ++·····++*&&#@
                 ··@@@@@@@#····@@@@++++····   *&
                ··@@@@@@@@·····@@@@@+++····  @@
                ··@#     ······@@@@@@        @@
                ··@     ·······@@@@@@@@      @@@
               ···    ······&&&&&&&@@@@@@   @@@@
              ····&&&&&&      &&**     &&&&&&@@@@
              ·&&&&&&&&      &&&***     &&&&&&&&@

node render.mjs ./spiral.mjs:

Reloaded successfully!
 @@@@@#################@@@@                  ··++**&##@@
@####&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&###@@@                ··++*&&##@
#&&&&*******++++++******&&&&##@@@              ··++*&&#@@
&****+++++··········+++++***&&###@@             ··+**&##@@
*+++·····            ·····++***&&#@@             ·++*&&#@@
+···                      ···++*&&##@            ··+**&##@
·                            ··+**&##@           ··+**&##@
                               ·++*&##@           ·++*&##@
                                ··+*&#@@          ·++*&##@
                                 ·++*&#@          ·+**&##@
             @@@@@@@@@@           ·+*&#@         ··+**&#@@
         @@@#####&&&&####@@        +*&#@         ·++*&&#@@
      @@@###&&&*********&&##@      +*&#@        ··+**&##@
    @@###&&***+++········++*&@     +*#@         ·+**&##@
  @@##&&***++···           ·+&@   ·*#@         ·+**&##@@
 @@##&&**++··                 *   *#         ··+**&##@
@##&&**++··                    @+#         ··+**&&#@@
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&**++·             @#&*++     &   #&******&&&##@@
**++·            @##&*+·     #*     @@@###@@@@
*++·            @##&*+·      #*·
*+··           @##&*+·       #&+·                           ··
++·            @#&*++·       @#*+·                        ··++
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