Releases: daneren2005/Subsonic
Fix if you jump straight to chat tab
New Chat Tab
Set auto refresh rate for the chat tab in the settings
Add as many or as few servers as you want from settings
Separate how many songs are preloaded into two settings for Wifi/Mobile
When you are playing from a infinite shuffle list, it is persistent between start ups now
Improvements to the white/black themes, see in app changelog for more details
Fix the album art on the bottom of the main tabs being stretched
Redesigned UI: not everything everyone wanted, but a decent starting point
Converted everything to fragments
Swipe between tabs
Breadcrumb Trail
Change Log for viewing full changes in app
Endless Loading on album lists instead of pressing more
Look at what is playing from main tabs
Added Playing: Track/Total on Now Playing title
When clicking an album in search, the parent is also added to the back stack
Added total time to playlist/album headers
Fixed search menu items
Changed Downloading/Cache to Cache/Permanent Cache to hopefully make it more obvious what they do
If persistent notification is set, start notification on first start
Fixed losing the current playing list after inactive sometimes
Fixed crash on 2.2 and below devices
Hold media back/forward buttons to skip forward/backward in a song
Fixed crash on older (2.3 and below) devices
Added options for Gapless Playback. If you are on the Galaxy S3 and are having freezing/headphone switch to speakers issues please disable this
Fix 3d party DSP Managers
Update Russian Translation
Fixed various minor bugs
Fix a issue causing freezes for some
Fix low priority of music service, causing playback to randomly stop as Android kills it
Removed microphone as a requirement to install
Fix ending a playlist not saving the position for when you renter the app later
Added russian translation (Anton Popov)
Persistent Notification as an option (off by default)
Changed Up/Down swipe back to scrubbing by popular demand
More helpful error message if trying to do something which the server version is incompatible with
Crap ton of bug fixes
Fixed stuttering playback. No more need to use buffer length = 0
Fixed issue with garbled songs when switching between mobile/wifi with different bitrates set for them
Don't require bluetooth to be bought in market
Think I might have fixed the issue some were having where 3d party EQ's weren't working
Fixed an intermittent crash issue some were getting
Display Artist instead of Album on lockscreen