Bot for covid19 data updates in:
- Telegram messenger (,
- Viber messenger (viber://pa?chatURI=covid19livebot)
around the world and in your local area.
- Contribute file,
- Submit bugs and help us verify fixes as they are checked in
- Assistant, who knows answers on a lot of questions (we want to apply ML technics here as well),
predict further development of the diseases and notify the public about them, - give advice about how you should behave in oder to stay healthy,
- if you got sick, we want to suggest tracking your health for advice & suggestions,
- data visualization,
- live notifications (updates),
- general improvements,
- internationalization,
- fixes & improvement of some UI\UX issues,
- country breakdown,
- and more, feel free to suggest new features via creating PR on this file and/or creating issues.
(We are eager to have your help)
Telegram chat bot:,
Viber chat bot:,
Data maining:,
Special thanks to our contributors:
- Vladimir Kovalenko,
- Julia Melnychenko,
- Danylo Bilokha,
- Looking forward to having you on board :)