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812 lines (743 loc) · 42.6 KB

File metadata and controls

812 lines (743 loc) · 42.6 KB

in-toto attestation

When we sign an artifact, like a blob, the signature proves that we were in possesion of the private key. When we verify, we use the signature, the public key, and the blob, and we are verifying that this was in fact the case. But it does not say anything else about the artifact, we don't know what was actually signed.

By providing, and signing, a document specifying statements about the artifact we can say things about the artifact as well. Statements could be anything which we will address later in this document. A signed Statement is called an Attestation.

An attestation is authenticated metadata about software artifacts and follows the Software-chain Levels for Software Artifacts attestation model.

An attestation is a json object and the outer-most layer is the Envelope:

  "payloadType": "application/",
  "payload": "<Base64(Statement)>",
  "signatures": [
    { "keyid": "<KEYID", "sig": "<Base64(SIGNATURE)>" },

Notice that the payload is a base64 encoded Statement. This format follows the DSSE format. As mentioned in the DSSE notes the signatures is the signatures array of signature elements.

The payloadType could be JSON, CBOR, or ProtoBuf.

The structure of the Statement, payload above, looks something like this before it is base64 encoded:

  "_type": "",
  "subject": [ {
      "name": "<NAME>",
      "digest": {"<ALGORITHM>": "<HEX_VALUE>"}
  "predicateType": "<URI>",
  "predicate": {}

The subjects bind this attestation to a set of software artifacts, notice that this is an array of objects.

Each software artifact is given a name and a digest. The digest contains the name of the hashing algorithm used and the digest (the outcome of the hash function). The name could be a file name but it can also be left unspecified using _.

This leads us to the predicate fields, which like shown above has one field for the type of the predicate, and an object as the content of the predicate.

The predicate can contain pretty much any metadata related to the Statement object's subjects. The predicateType provides a way of knowing how to interpret the predicate field.

Examples of predicate types are SLSA Provenance, in-toto Link , SPDX , Software Supply Chain Attribute Integrity (SCAI).

NPM also uses this for it publish attestation:

  "_type": "",
  "subject": [{
    "name": "pkg:npm/@scope/[email protected]",
    "digest": { "sha512": "41o0P/CEffYGDqvo2pHQXRBOfFOxvYY3WkwkQTy..." }
  "predicateType": "",
  "predicate": {
    "name": "@scope/package-foo",
    "version": "1.4.3",
    "registry": "",

The digest in this case is the sha512sum of the published tar file.

So, we mentioned that the predicate type is used by the consumer of the predicate so it knows how to interpret the contents of the predicate. But who is the consumer?
Most often this would be a Policy Engine. The Policy engine would be passed the contents of the Statement related to the predicate, and rules written in the Policy Engine's language would process the predicate as input. The outcome would be a true/false result (remember that a predicate is a statement/function that returns true or false).

Let's take a look at a concrete example.

Attestation example

To try to make this a little more concrete lets take a look at an example that creates an attestation.

For this example I'm going to use a GitHub Action named slsa-github-generator which can generate SLSA provenance attestations for github native projects. This generator can generate SLSA provenance for SLSA level 3.

The example project I'm going to use is tuf-keyid but the actual project is not important in this case, any Rust project could have been used.

So we need to set up a GitHub Action which can been seen in provenance.yaml.

After that workflow has run it will produce an attestation and a binary which we will use to verify.

First, we need to download the binary from the workflow run (we should really be able to be download this from the releases page too, but I've not been able to get that to work just yet):

$ unzip
$ file tuf-keyid
tuf-keyid: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=ceaa62d49b024798ebd7fe7d021f3ade5925b1f9, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped

And then we need to download the attestation file:

$ curl -L --output tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl

These files have been downloaded and are available in in-toto.

Lets inspect the attestation file:

$ cat tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl | jq
  "payloadType": "application/",
  "payload": "...",
  "signatures": [
      "keyid": "",
      "sig": "MEUCIHwmJopmrXWqi+rKIeTlWW0r027hLL1nO7xEj0mW8czsAiEAhdc6SDlhWo3m0YOtsUSoIYSlvw3Xu7ts3S8btHzdMpw=",
      "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nIiEjtw8xKFDQAfnUleNUtZ51LXgXEkdpIX9cnj4UdR6k4gu/wul16Bd8\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

If we look back at the beginning of this document we will see that this format matches the Envelope of the attestation, and we have the payloadType, a payload, and signatures.

The certificate can be inspected using:

$ cat tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl | jq -r '.signatures[].cert' | openssl x509 --text

Recall that the payload is a base64 encoded Statement. Let's decode the Statement and take a closer a look at it:

$ cat tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq
  "_type": "",
  "predicateType": "",
  "subject": [
      "name": "tuf-keyid",
      "digest": {
        "sha256": "470c549740f98fe1b1977d48e014031ed5183785fd459df7e04605daefe8e293"
  "predicate": {
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So that gives us a concrete example of an attestation and in this case it is a SLSA Provenance predicate.

Notice that the digestin the subject array is the sha256sum of the tuf-keyid binary:

$ cat tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq -r '.subject[].digest.sha256'
$ sha256sum tuf-keyid
470c549740f98fe1b1977d48e014031ed5183785fd459df7e04605daefe8e293  tuf-keyid

Alright, so next step if to verify the binary that we produced, using the attestation.

There is project named slsa-verifier which can be used to verify the artifact.

Installing slsa-verifier:

$ go install[email protected]

Let's try verifying the attestation using slsa-verifier and using a local build of the binary, that is a local build on my laptop:

$ slsa-verifier verify-artifact --provenance-path tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl \
  --source-uri \
Verified signature against tlog entry index 11978552 at URL:
FAILED: SLSA verification failed: expected hash '32dcff46ec4be5462a66aeb5d82366da3b870d36796f3d1fe6fec6245f21ce6f' not found: artifact hash does not match provenance subject

And now let's see what happens when we try with the binary that was produced by the GitHub action:

$ slsa-verifier verify-artifact --provenance-path tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl \
  --source-uri \
Verified signature against tlog entry index 11978552 at URL:
Verified build using builder at commit 513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7
PASSED: Verified SLSA provenance

This has shown an example of in-toto attestations, namely SLSA Provenance.

slsa-verifier can also print out the predicate information after validation , using --print-provenance, which could then be passed to a Policy Engine:

$ slsa-verifier verify-artifact --provenance-path tuf-keyid.intoto.jsonl   --source-uri    tuf-keyid --print-provenance
Verified signature against tlog entry index 11978552 at URL:
Verified build using builder at commit 513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7
{"_type":"","predicateType":"","subject":[{"name":"tuf-keyid","digest":{"sha256":"470c549740f98fe1b1977d48e014031ed5183785fd459df7e04605daefe8e293"}}],"predicate":{"builder":{"id":""},"buildType":"","invocation":{"configSource":{"uri":"git+","digest":{"sha1":"513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7"},"entryPoint":".github/workflows/provenance.yaml"},"parameters":{},"environment":{"github_actor":"danbev","github_actor_id":"432351","github_base_ref":"","github_event_name":"push","github_event_payload":{"after":"13c69c54cbd04d1920cc5e42441f0a693a371494","base_ref":null,"before":"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000","commits":[],"compare":"","created":true,"deleted":false,"forced":false,"head_commit":{"author":{"email":"[email protected]","name":"Daniel Bevenius","username":"danbev"},"committer":{"email":"[email protected]","name":"Daniel Bevenius","username":"danbev"},"distinct":true,"id":"513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7","message":"Add content(releases) write permission\n\nSigned-off-by: Daniel Bevenius \[email protected]\u003e","timestamp":"2023-01-26T11:09:02+01:00","tree_id":"5030177fa47fc8b8252c26e8556083b4abc5df71","url":""},"pusher":{"email":"[email protected]","name":"danbev"},"ref":"refs/tags/v0.2.0","repository":{"allow_forking":true,"archive_url":"{archive_format}{/ref}","archived":false,"assignees_url":"{/user}","blobs_url":"{/sha}","branches_url":"{/branch}","clone_url":"","collaborators_url":"{/collaborator}","comments_url":"{/number}","commits_url":"{/sha}","compare_url":"{base}...{head}","contents_url":"{+path}","contributors_url":"","created_at":1674117641,"default_branch":"main","deployments_url":"","description":"A command line tool to print the key id for a TUF public key in JSON format.","disabled":false,"downloads_url":"","events_url":"","fork":false,"forks":0,"forks_count":0,"forks_url":"","full_name":"danbev/tuf-keyid","git_commits_url":"{/sha}","git_refs_url":"{/sha}","git_tags_url":"{/sha}","git_url":"git://","has_discussions":false,"has_downloads":true,"has_issues":true,"has_pages":false,"has_projects":true,"has_wiki":true,"homepage":null,"hooks_url":"","html_url":"","id":590801502,"is_template":false,"issue_comment_url":"{/number}","issue_events_url":"{/number}","issues_url":"{/number}","keys_url":"{/key_id}","labels_url":"{/name}","language":"Rust","languages_url":"","license":null,"master_branch":"main","merges_url":"","milestones_url":"{/number}","mirror_url":null,"name":"tuf-keyid","node_id":"R_kgDOIzbqXg","notifications_url":"{?since,all,participating}","open_issues":0,"open_issues_count":0,"owner":{"avatar_url":"","email":"[email protected]","events_url":"{/privacy}","followers_url":"","following_url":"{/other_user}","gists_url":"{/gist_id}","gravatar_id":"","html_url":"","id":432351,"login":"danbev","name":"danbev","node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjQzMjM1MQ==","organizations_url":"","received_events_url":"","repos_url":"","site_admin":false,"starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}","subscriptions_url":"","type":"User","url":""},"private":false,"pulls_url":"{/number}","pushed_at":1674727856,"releases_url":"{/id}","size":21,"ssh_url":"[email protected]:danbev/tuf-keyid.git","stargazers":1,"stargazers_count":1,"stargazers_url":"","statuses_url":"{sha}","subscribers_url":"","subscription_url":"","svn_url":"","tags_url":"","teams_url":"","topics":[],"trees_url":"{/sha}","updated_at":"2023-01-19T10:26:19Z","url":"","visibility":"public","watchers":1,"watchers_count":1,"web_commit_signoff_required":false},"sender":{"avatar_url":"","events_url":"{/privacy}","followers_url":"","following_url":"{/other_user}","gists_url":"{/gist_id}","gravatar_id":"","html_url":"","id":432351,"login":"danbev","node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjQzMjM1MQ==","organizations_url":"","received_events_url":"","repos_url":"","site_admin":false,"starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}","subscriptions_url":"","type":"User","url":""}},"github_head_ref":"","github_ref":"refs/tags/v0.2.0","github_ref_type":"tag","github_repository_id":"590801502","github_repository_owner":"danbev","github_repository_owner_id":"432351","github_run_attempt":"1","github_run_id":"4014167952","github_run_number":"13","github_sha1":"513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7"}},"metadata":{"buildInvocationID":"4014167952-1","completeness":{"parameters":true,"environment":false,"materials":false},"reproducible":false},"materials":[{"uri":"git+","digest":{"sha1":"513b0e060c76a1ded7b1a4173165103838f8dde7"}}]}}
PASSED: Verified SLSA provenance

It might not be clear but I've saved the attestation in a file named provenance.json.

Now, that worked well for a binary artifact but in Rust the releases are more often source code and would not have a binary to sign. TODO: Take a closer look at what NPM does.

in-toto sbom attestations

Similar to the provenance discussed above there is also a need to be able to sign sboms to that they cannot be tampered with. SBOMs can be a added as a predicate, just like the SLSA provenance predicate.

Currently in-toto has specifications for SPDX and there is an open pull issue for adding CycloneDX.


This section contains notes about in-toto attestation validation. That document defines the input to the validation as follows

  • blob to verify
  • the DSSE envelope
  • recognizedAttesters This is a collection of name/publicKey pairs
  • acceptableDigestAlgorithms

The recognizedAttesters I think allow us to specify a name and associate a publickey or certificate with that name.

For example, we might have a envelope that looks like this:

  "payload": "<Base64(SERIALIZED_BODY)>",
  "payloadType": "<PAYLOAD_TYPE>",
  "signatures": [
    { "keyid": "", "cert": "<Base64(CERTIFICATE1)>, "sig": "<Base64(SIGNATURE1)>" },
    { "keyid": "", "cert": "<Base64(CERTIFICATE2)>, "sig": "<Base64(SIGNATURE2)>" },

And we could provide recognizedAttesters like:

"dan": "<Base64(CERTIFICATE1)>"  //

Now, we have two signatures and lets say we only want to verify the first one. We don't have a keyid to specify as it is empty, so we need to specify the base64 encoded certificate. And we also give it a name that is easier to refer to.

SLSA github generator notes

So how does the above builder generate the in-toto predicate?
Lets take a look at

If we look at the workflow definition:

    needs: [build]
      actions: read # To read the workflow path.
      id-token: write # To sign the provenance.
      contents: write # To add assets to a release.
    uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/[email protected]
      base64-subjects: "${{ }}"
      upload-assets: true # Optional: Upload to a new release

We can see that this step uses slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/[email protected].

BUILDER_DIR: internal/builders/generic # Source directory if we compile the builder.

Now, recall that the oidc token is provided So I'm thinking that the main entry point will be

c.AddCommand(attestCmd(nil, checkExit, sigstore.NewDefaultFulcio(), sigstore.NewDefaultRekor()))

func attestCmd(provider slsa.ClientProvider, check func(error),
	signer signing.Signer, tlog signing.TransparencyLog,
) *cobra.Command {
  g := slsa.NewHostedActionsGenerator(&b)
  p, err := g.Generate(ctx) 

Notice that signer in this case is what is returned from sigstore.NewDefaultFulcio.

type Fulcio struct {
  fulcioAddr   string
  oidcIssuer   string
  oidcClientID string

NewHostedActionsGenerator is the type and Generate is method.

func (g *HostedActionsGenerator) Generate(ctx context.Context) (*intoto.ProvenanceStatement, error) {
  // NOTE: Use buildType as the audience as that closely matches the intended
  // recipient of the OIDC token.
  // NOTE: GitHub doesn't allow in the audience so remove it.
  audience := githubComReplace.ReplaceAllString(g.buildType.URI(), "")

    if oidcClient != nil {
      t, err := oidcClient.Token(ctx, []string{audience})
      if err != nil {
        return nil, err
      if t.JobWorkflowRef != "" {
        builderID = fmt.Sprintf("", t.JobWorkflowRef)

  return &intoto.ProvenanceStatement{
    StatementHeader: intoto.StatementHeader{
      Type:          intoto.StatementInTotoV01,
      PredicateType: slsa02.PredicateSLSAProvenance,
      Subject:       subject,
     Predicate: slsa02.ProvenancePredicate{
       BuildType: g.buildType.URI(),
       Builder: slsacommon.ProvenanceBuilder{
         ID: builderID,
       Invocation:  invocation,
       BuildConfig: buildConfig,
       Materials:   materials,
       Metadata:    metadata,
  }, nil

Looking at the code notice oidcClient.Token which is what requests an access token from githubs OIDC provider:

func (c *OIDCClient) Token(ctx context.Context, audience []string) (*OIDCToken, error) {
  tokenBytes, err := c.requestToken(ctx, audience)

The requestToken function is simliar to what we have done manually using curl to get an oidc access code/token from githubs OIDC authorization server:

     - name: Generate OIDC Token                                               
        id: token                                                               
        run: |                                                                  
          echo oidc_token=$(curl -sLS "${ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL}" \          
            -H "User-Agent: actions/oidc-client" \                                 
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN" \           
            | jq '.value' | tr '"' ' ') >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT 

This will return an OIDC jwt token. And notice that they are using the audience when requesting the token. Now, what I seem to be missing is that I can see that they are requesting an OIDC token in exchange for the access grant code/token. Then they are taking the job_workflow_ref and using that in the builderId. But I don't see where the token is actually used, I mean where is it sent to Fulcio? This is used later when signing, which is done back in attest.go

att, err := signer.Sign(ctx, &intoto.Statement{
  StatementHeader: p.StatementHeader,
  Predicate:       p.Predicate,

And signer was created using sigstore.NewDefaultFulcio() and the sign function can be found in

func (s *Fulcio) Sign(ctx context.Context, p *intoto.Statement) (signing.Attestation, error) {
  k, err := fulcio.NewSigner(ctx, options.KeyOpts{
    OIDCIssuer:   s.oidcIssuer,
    OIDCClientID: s.oidcClientID,
    FulcioURL:    s.fulcioAddr,

func NewSigner(ctx context.Context, ko options.KeyOpts) (*Signer, error) {
  fClient, err := NewClient(ko.FulcioURL)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating Fulcio client: %w", err)
  idToken, err := idToken(ko.IDToken)
  var provider providers.Interface
  // If token is not set in the options, get one from the provders
  if idToken == "" && providers.Enabled(ctx) && !ko.OIDCDisableProviders {
	if ko.OIDCProvider != "" {
		provider, err = providers.ProvideFrom(ctx, ko.OIDCProvider)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting provider: %w", err)
		idToken, err = provider.Provide(ctx, "sigstore")
	} else {
		idToken, err = providers.Provide(ctx, "sigstore")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching ambient OIDC credentials: %w", err)

In our case the token is already there I think, but I'm not exactly sure how this works yet. What I think is happening is that since we are passing in the OIDCIssuer, this is getting looked up from the context using the providers.ProvideFrom called and then the providers.Provide function will be invoked.

func getCertForOauthID(priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, fc api.LegacyClient, connector oidcConnector, oidcIssuer, oidcClientID, oidcClientSecret, oidcRedirectURL string) (*api.CertificateResponse, error) {
  tok, err := connector.OIDConnect(oidcIssuer, oidcClientID, oidcClientSecret, oidcRedirectURL)

func OIDConnect(issuer, id, secret, redirectURL string, tg TokenGetter) (*OIDCIDToken, error) {
  if sg, ok := tg.(*StaticTokenGetter); ok {
    return sg.GetIDToken(nil, oauth2.Config{})

// StaticTokenGetter is a token getter that works on a JWT that is already known
type StaticTokenGetter struct {
	RawToken string

func (stg *StaticTokenGetter) GetIDToken(_ *oidc.Provider, _ oauth2.Config) (*OIDCIDToken, error) {
	unsafeTok, err := jose.ParseSigned(stg.RawToken)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// We are only parsing the id-token passed directly to a command line tool by a user, so it is trusted locally.
	// We need to extract the email address to attach an additional signed proof to the server.
	unsafePayload := unsafeTok.UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification()
	claims := claims{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(unsafePayload, &claims); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	subj, err := subjectFromClaims(claims)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &OIDCIDToken{
		RawString: stg.RawToken,
		Subject:   subj,
	}, nil

ITE 10

This section contains notes related to ITE-10 from a policy engine perspective and mainly me trying to understand ITE-10.

Currently steps, and inspect elements can contains rules, for example:

  "steps": [
        "_type": "step",
        "threshold": 1,
        "name": "clone-project",
        "expected_materials": [],
        "expected_products": [

Here, expected_products contains CREATE which is a rule that states that the directory source-distributed should be created by the command (not shown above).

The proposal is that the following schema be used for step declarations to verify predicates (signed attestations about the subject), for example:

name: string
command: string
predicates: [TypeURI]
expectedMaterials: [ConstraintType]
expectedProducts: [ConstraintType]
expectedAttributes: [ConstraintType]
functionaries: [string]
threshold: int

language: string  // Rego/CUE/CEL/Dogma(Seedwing)
rule: {}

As an example, lets say we have a step that generates a SPDX document for the subject/artifact in a project. We could then have a step that looked something like this:

"steps": [
    "name": "generate SPDX",
    "command": "...",
    "predicates": [""],
    "expectedProducts": [ { "language": "dogma", "rule": "pattern = ..."],
    "functionaries": "dan",
    "threshold": 1

Here we want to verify that the SPDX document produced using the rule specified in expectedProducts. The rule is specified using Dogma which is the rule language of the Seedwing policy engine. This would be performed by the signer/producer of the artifact.

A consumer will want to verify predicates which is done following the rules in inspect element of a layout file. This can look like an inspection currently does which contains a command, but also with the addition of this specification it may look like this:

name: string
subject: [Pattern]
predicates: [TypeURI]
expectedAttributes: [ConstraintType]

  pattern: string

It is not clear to me what a pattern would look like. The specification contains the following:

Instead of command, the schema has a subject field that accepts one or more
patterns. The claims from all attestations part of the verification whose
subjects match the specified patterns are collated. The inspection’s constraints
are then applied to the claims pertaining to the subjects.

The following is my guess (I may be way off) of what this might look like:

"inspect": [
    "name": "verify SPDX license",
    "subject": ["bom-cargo.json", "bom-cargo.spdx"],
    "predicates": [""],
    "expectedAttributes": [ { "language": "dogma", "rule": "spdx::compatible<[\"OSL-2.0\", \"GPL-2.0\", \"CC-BY-SA-2.0\"]"],

Here the subject patterns would match any of the spdx bom, in json or spdx format and the rule would verify that the spdx version is one of the license specified.

So I think that in-toto would have integration points with the policy engines (OPA/CUE/CEL?/Seedwing) to be able to write rules in the languages that they support and verify those rules?