Manage your dotfiles across all your devices
ckdots manages your dotfiles by moving them to a designated config directory, then you can simply share this directory across all your devices with your familiar tools, such as OneDrive, Busybox, iCloud Drive, or a git repo.
To install the ckdots and save all your dotfiles at /Dropbox/cli.config/:
git clone
CKDOTS_CONFIG=/Dropbox/cli.config/ ./ckdots/bin/ckdots init
Then you can sync the config directory /Dropbox/cli.config/ on all your devices, and install ckdots on them.
ckdots moves the dotfiles to a designated config directory(defaults at ~/.ckdots) and creates a softlink at the original place. To save a dotfile, for example, .gemrc:
ckdots add .gemrc
$ ckdots status
Tracked dots:
un-checkout: .cocos/
un-checkout: .fastlane/
un-checkout: .gdbinit
un-checkout: .gemrc
un-checkout: .greenkeeperrc
un-checkout: .hyper.js
Untracked dots:
(use "ckdots add <file>..." to include in what will be managed)
- init, install ckdots on a new machine
- add, save specified dotfile
- checkout, restore previously saved dotfile
- ls, list all saved dotfile
- status, show the current status of dotfiles
- help, print this help
Create a dedicated home volume
docker volume create home
Then install the ckdots into home volume with
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
docker run -it --rm -vhome:/root quanlong/ckdots $GITHUB_USERNAME $GITHUB_TOKEN $CKCONFIG_REPO [dots]
i.e. install .vim and .vimrc/ with
docker run -it --rm -vhome:/root quanlong/ckdots cybertk $GITHUB_TOKEN cybertk/ckdots-config .vim/ .vimrc
Then enjoy with your dots environment by attaching the home volume
docker run -it --rm -vckdots:/root ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash --login
ckdots is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.