New generation cybernetic economic system - open source live book with strong science prove and cryptocurrency practise behind. At ealry stages puprpose of the book was a paper explaining to ourselves the science behind cyber•Fund before it was created.
After cyber•Fund was created and tested with market forces we deside to improve the cyber•Fund model splited the initial paper into three:
- cyber•Fund: New generation cybernetic economic system - Popular science book that dive you into beatuful world of Artificial Intelligent Networks and acts as Body of Knowledge that is continiously developed by community.
- cyber•Shares: Creating industry of Polymorpfic Decentralased Applications - Paper that acts as social consensus behind cyber•Shares.
- cyber•Fund: Social consensus that act as basic shareholders agreement of small decentralised trust - cyber•Fund.
These books gives you clear understanding of basic principles that drives cryptocurrencies explaing that cryptocurrency defiinition is to weak to explain all this stuff.
The book devided into 8 parts: Abstract - describes big idea behind the book. Lytics history - gives you high level picture of humanity history and explains evolution of trust. Artificial Intelligent Networks - describes independent networks principles and show-off cases Polymorhic Distributed Applications - TODO Cybernetic Economy Vision - gives some forcasts, structure and motivation of the future economy. Join cybernetic revolution - gives you simple ideas how to participate. Refferences - all links, sources and proofs. Glossary - Basic terms that you should understand.
Long term vision of the book - lively updated Artificial Intelligent Netwroks Body of Knowledge with cool embedded videos, rich infographics and real-time data proofs. The book should explain everybody with school education the power of blockchain technology in 2-3 hours.
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Keywords: bitcoin, cybernetics, global brains, cryptocurrencies, ethereum, ripple, bitshares, next, maidsafe, skycoin, artificial intelligence, intelligence, self-consciousness, self-organization, memetics, principia cybernetica, ai, ain, economics, ces, cbs, proof-of-origin.