Made EqualityQPSolver and InequalityQPSolver subclasses of abstract c…
Made EqualityQPSolver and InequalityQPSolver subclasses of abstract c…
Removed hardcoded branching + cleaned up
Removed hardcoded branching + cleaned up
Connected the LP solvers. TODO: compute the correct number of Hessian…
Connected the LP solvers. TODO: compute the correct number of Hessian…
Removed dependency to non-existing class
Removed dependency to non-existing class
Introduced EqualityQPSolver class (MA27, MA57, MUMPS, BQPD) + pass di…
Introduced EqualityQPSolver class (MA27, MA57, MUMPS, BQPD) + pass di…
Merged QPMethod and LPMethod into InequalityConstrainedMethod + intro…
Merged QPMethod and LPMethod into InequalityConstrainedMethod + intro…
Moved set_up_subproblem in MA57/MA27/MUMPS to LagrangeNewtonSubproblem
Moved set_up_subproblem in MA57/MA27/MUMPS to LagrangeNewtonSubproblem
Moved common code from MA57/MA27/MUMPS to LagrangeNewtonSubproblem
Moved common code from MA57/MA27/MUMPS to LagrangeNewtonSubproblem
Replaced some "not" with "!" (compatibility with MSVC)
Replaced some "not" with "!" (compatibility with MSVC)
Introduced abstract class Matrix and class MatrixView (subclass of Ma…
Introduced abstract class Matrix and class MatrixView (subclass of Ma…
Force push
Introduced abstract class Matrix and class MatrixView (subclass of Ma…
Introduced abstract class Matrix and class MatrixView (subclass of Ma…
Fixed complementarity in l1RelaxedProblem
Fixed complementarity in l1RelaxedProblem
Statistics: added missing include for macOS build
Statistics: added missing include for macOS build
Passed the Statistics object to Preprocessing::compute_least_square_m…
Passed the Statistics object to Preprocessing::compute_least_square_m…
Force push
Fixed functional test for MA57 (replaced equality with near equality)
Fixed functional test for MA57 (replaced equality with near equality)
Removed Fortran compiler from build scripts on Windows and MacOS
Removed Fortran compiler from build scripts on Windows and MacOS
CMake: enable FortranCInterface only if necessary (when external Fort…
CMake: enable FortranCInterface only if necessary (when external Fort…
Trying a fix to "No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found."
Trying a fix to "No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found."