- 定制admin
- 增强admin的模型
- Admin的最佳实践
- 特性标识
Django被谈论到最多的是, 与其他的竞争对手相比它将admin接口独立了出来。。admin接口是一个自动地生成添加和修改一个站点内容的用户接口。不仅如此,admin也是Django的杀手级应用,它使项目中对模型生成admin接口的乏味的任务可以自动化。
from django.contrib import admin
from . import models
引路人 “还有咖啡吗☕️?“一个声音来自备餐室角落的声音问道。苏差点儿把咖啡洒了出来。她前面站着一位身着紧身红蓝相间衣服👔,面带微笑,将手叉在腰间的高个子男人👨。
"Oh, my god," said Sue as she wiped the coffee stain with a napkin. "Sorry, I think I scared you," said Captain Obvious "What is the emergency?" "Isn't it obvious that she doesn't know?" said a calm feminine voice from above. Sue looked up to find a shadowy figure slowly descend from the open hall. Her face was partially obscured by her dark matted hair that had a few grey streaks. "Hi Hexa!" said the Captain "But then, what was the message on SuperBook about?"
“哎呦喂,”苏说道,同时另一边她小毛巾擦掉了泼出去的咖啡。“不好意啊,吓到你了,”装傻队长问道。“什么事这么急啊?” “这么明显它的事情她还会不知道吗?”一个冷静的女声从楼上传来。
Soon, they were all at Steve's office staring at his screen. "See, I told you there is no beacon on the front page," said Evan. "We are still developing that feature." "Wait," said Steve. "Let me login through a non-staff account." In a few seconds, the page refreshed and an animated red beacon prominently appeared at the top. "That's the beacon I was talking about!" exclaimed Captain Obvious. "Hang on a minute," said Steve. He pulled up the source files for the new features deployed earlier that day. A glance at the beacon feature branch code made it clear what went wrong:
if switch_is_active(request, 'beacon') and not
# Display the beacon
"So, there was no emergency?" said Captain with a disappointed look. Hexa put an arm on his shoulder and said "I am afraid not, Captain." Suddenly, there was a loud crash and everyone ran to the hallway. A man had apparently landed in the office through one of the floor-to-ceiling glass walls. Shaking off shards of broken glass, he stood up. "Sorry, I came as fast as I could," he said, "Am I late to the party?" Hexa laughed. "No, Blitz. Been waiting for you to join," she said.
# models.py
class SuperHero(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
added_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def __str__(self):
return "{0} - {1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(self.name,
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('superhero.views.details', args=[self.id])
class Meta:
ordering = ["-added_on"]
verbose_name = "superhero"
verbose_name_plural = "superheroes"
: 没有它的话,superhero条目的列表看上去会极其无趣的。每一个条目都请清楚地显示为<SuperHero: SuperHero object>
表现形式),比如对象自己的名称或者版本。任何能够有助于admin不含糊地理解的东西都是大有裨益的。 -
get_absolute_url(): 如果你喜欢在网站中的admin视图和对象详细视图之间切换,该属性会很方便的。如果该方法被定义,那么在admin页面中对象的编辑页面的右上会出现一个叫做
”View on site“
的按钮。 -
ordering: 如果没有这个元选项,你的条目会在数据数据库返回后以任意顺序出现。你也可以想象一下,如果你有大量的项目对于管理来说可不是好玩的。刷新项通常优先被看到,所以按照反向的时序来排列日期是很常见的。
verbose_name: 如果你忽略该属性,模型的名称会从
。这个例子中,“super hero`看上去不那么优美,因此最好是明确你要如何将用户可读的名称显示在admin接口。 -
verbose_name_plural: 再者,忽略该选项能够给你带来比较有趣的结果。因为Django简单地将一个‘s’预加到单词,复数形式的superhero显示为
# admin.py
class SuperHeroAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'added_on')
search_fields = ["name"]
ordering = ["name"]
admin.site.register(models.SuperHero, SuperHeroAdmin)
list-display: 该选项在一个表格形式的表单中该显示模型实例。它显示每个独立可排序列的字段。如果你希望看到模型的多个属性,该选项是非常理想的。
search_fields: 该选项在列表上面显示一个搜索框。任何的输入的搜索项都可以搜索到对应的引用字段。因此,仅有CharField或者TextField这样的文本字段被引用。
ordering: 该选项优先于模型的默认顺序。在admin后台管理中选择一个不同的顺序时,会很有用的。
插入内容1: 不使用str或者Meta属性
插入内容2: 使用增强的模型meta属性
插入内容3: 使用定制的ModelAdmin
Since admin interfaces are so easy to create, people tend to misuse them. Some give early users admin access by merely turning on their 'staff' flag. Soon such users begin making feature requests, mistaking the admin interface to be the actual application interface.
Unfortunately, this is not what the admin interface is for. As the flag suggests, it is an internal tool for the staff to enter content. It is production-ready but not really intended for the end users of your website. It is best to use admin for simple data entry. For example, in a project I had reviewed, every teacher was made an admin for a Django application managing university courses. This was a poor decision since the admin interface confused the teachers.
The workflow for scheduling a class involves checking the schedules of other teachers and students. Using the admin interface gives them a direct view of the database. There is very little control over how the data gets modified by the admin.
So, keep the set of people with admin access as small as possible. Make changes via admin sparingly, unless it is simple data entry such as adding an article's content.
###提示 最佳实践 不要对终端用户开放admin访问。
Ensure that all your admins understand the data inconsistencies that can arise from making changes through the admin. If possible, record manually or use apps, such as django-audit-loglog that can keep a log of admin changes made for future reference.
In the case of the university example, we created a separate interface for teachers, such as a course builder. These tools will be visible and accessible only if the user has a teacher profile.
Essentially, rectifying most misuses of the admin interface involves creating more powerful tools for certain sets of users. However, don't take the easy (and wrong) path of granting them admin access.
Many users of the admin interface might be stumped by the heading—Django administration. It might be more helpful to change this to something customized such as MySite admin or something cool such as SuperBook Secret Area.
很多admin用户或许被标题——Django administration给难住了。将这个标题改为某些自定义的内容,比如MySite admin或者其他的炫酷的标题,比如SuperBook Secret Area。
admin.site.site_header = "SuperBook Secret Area"
先简单地在任意地模板目录中创建一个名称为admin的目录。然后,从Django源目录复制文件base_site.html,并按照自己的需要做相应的变更。如果你不知道模板的位置,那么在Django shell中运行下面的命令就是了:
>>> from os.path import join
>>> from django.contrib import admin
>>> print(join(admin.__path__[0], "templates", "admin"))
例如,定制admin的基础模板,你可以改变admin接口的整个字体为谷歌字体“Special Elite”,谷歌的这个字体看上去非常的厚重。你需要使用以下内容在项目中的模板目录中添加一个文件admin/base_site.html;
{% extends "admin/base.html" %}
{% block extrastyle %}
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Special+Elite'
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<style type="text/css">
body, td, th, input {
font-family: 'Special Elite', cursive;
} </style>
{% endblock %}
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% block footer %}
{{ block.super }}
<script src="//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.4.4/standard/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script> CKEDITOR.replace("id_message", {
toolbar: [
[ 'Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList'],],
width: 600,
<style type="text/css">
.cke { clear: both; }
{% endblock %}
admin接口也已经在我们的尝试下完全的重写了。Grappelli是一个非常流行皮肤,它能够利用功能扩展Django admin,比如自动查询和折叠嵌套。使用django-admin-tools,你可以获得一个可定制的面板和工具栏。
There have been attempts made to completely rewrite the admin, such as django-admin2 and nexus, which did not gain any significant adoption. There is even an official proposal called AdminNext to revamp the entire admin app. Considering the size, complexity, and popularity of the existing admin, any such effort is expected to take a significant amount of time.
The admin interface of your site gives access to almost every piece of data stored. So, don't leave the metaphorical gate lightly guarded. In fact, one of the only telltale signs that someone runs Django is that, when you navigate to http://example.com/admin/, you will be greeted by the blue login screen.
网站的admin接口几乎访问了每一块存储的数据。因此,不要留下缺少保护的后门。实际上,当你访问http://example.com/admin/ 时,问候你的是蓝色的登陆屏幕,这也是仅有的一个迹象表明你运行的东西就是Django。
url(r'^secretarea/', include(admin.site.urls)),
The following pattern is not strictly limited to the admin interface but it is nonetheless included in this chapter, as it is often controlled in the admin.
Rolling out frequent bug fixes and new features to production is common today. Many of these changes are unnoticed by users. However, new features that have significant impact in terms of usability or performance ought to be rolled out in a phased manner. In other words, deployment should be decoupled from a release.
Simplistic release processes activate new features as soon as they are deployed. This can potentially have catastrophic results ranging from user issues (swamping your support resources) to performance issues (causing downtime).
Hence, in large sites it is important to decouple deployment of new features in production and activate them. Even if they are activated, they are sometimes seen only by a select group of users. This select group can be staff or a sample set of customers for trial purposes.
Many sites control the activation of new features using Feature Flags. A feature flag is a switch in your code that determines whether a feature should be made available to certain customers.
Django有多个提供功能标识的包,比如 gargoyle 和 django-waffle。这些包在网站的数据库中存储功能标识。他们能够透过admin接口或者管理命令进行激活或者失效。因此,每一种环境(生产、测试、开发、等等)都可以拥有属于自己的一组激活功能。
Feature flags were originally documented, as used in Flickr (See http://code. flickr.net/2009/12/02/flipping-out/). They managed a code repository without any branches, that is, everything was checked into the mainline. They also deployed this code into production several times a day. If they found out that a new feature broke anything in production or increased load on the database, then they simply disabled it by turning that feature flag off.
Feature flags can be used for various other situations (the following examples use django-waffle):
Trials: A feature flag can also be conditionally active for certain users. These can be your own staff or certain early adopters than you may be targeting as follows:
测试: 功能标识也可以根据条件针对部分用户激活。
def my_view(request):
if flag_is_active(request, 'flag_name'):
# Behavior if flag is active.
Sites can run several such trials in parallel, so different sets of users might actually have different user experiences. Metrics and feedback are collected from such controlled tests before wider deployment.
A/B testing: This is quite similar to trials except that users are selected randomly within a controlled experiment. This is quite common in web design to identify which changes can increase the conversion rates. This is how such a view can be written:
def my_view(request):
if sample_is_active(request, 'design_name'):
# Behavior for test sample. 针对测试例子的具体行为
Performance testing: Sometimes, it is hard to measure the impact of a feature on server performance. In such cases, it is best to activate the flag only for a small percentage of users first. The percentage of activations can be gradually increased if the performance is within the expected limits.
Limit externalities: We can also use feature flags as a site-wide feature switch that reflects the availability of its services. For example, downtime in external services such as Amazon S3 can result in users facing error messages while they perform actions, such as uploading photos.
扩展性的限制:我们也可以使用功能旗帜作为整个网站的能够反映自身提供服务的功能开关。例如,内部服务的停止运行,比如当执行上传图片这类动作时Amazon S3会让用户碰到错误信息。
When the external service is down for extended periods, a feature flag can be deactivated that would disable the upload button and/or show a more helpful message about the downtime. This simple feature saves the user's time and provides a better user experience:
def my_view(request):
if switch_is_active('s3_down'):
# Disable uploads and show it is downtime 禁用上传并在被禁用时显示
The main disadvantage of this approach is that the code gets littered with conditional checks. However, this can be controlled by periodic code cleanups that remove checks for fully accepted features and prune out permanently deactivated features.