Destructuring makes it possible to unpack values from arrays,or properties from objects, into distinct variables. More reading:
// Example 1
const { color, position } = {
color: "blue",
name: "John",
state: "New York",
position: "Forward"
console.log(color) // blue
console.log(position) // Forward
// Example 2
const generateObject = () => {
return {
color: "blue",
name: "John",
state: "New York",
position: "Forward"
const { name: firstName, state } = generateObject()
console.log(firstName) // John
console.log(state) // New York
// Example 3
const [first, , third] = ["red", "yellow", "green"]
console.log(first) // red
console.log(third) // green
// Example 4
const people = [
firstName: "Sarah",
lastName: "Blue",
phone: "1-387-555-0887",
email: "[email protected]"
}, {
firstName: "Frank",
lastName: "Rivers",
phone: "1-289-555-3303",
email: "[email protected]"
// Without destructuring
people.forEach((person) => console.log(person.firstName))
// Sarah
// Frank
// With destructuring
people.forEach(({ firstName }) => console.log(firstName))
// Sarah
// Frank
// Example 5
const [, frank] = people
const logEmail = ({ email }) => {
logEmail(frank) //