Template Literals are a cleaner way to inject variables or other awesomeness in Strings. More reading: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals
// Example 1 - Simple
const favoriteLanguage = "JavaScript"
const phrase = `I love ${favoriteLanguage}`
console.log(phrase) // I love JavaScript
// Example 2 - Using expressions
console.log(`I can do expressions inside too: ${14 + 2}`) // I can do expressions inside too: 16
// Example 3 - Calling functions
const halfANumber = (numberToHalf) => numberToHalf / 2
const printNumberFacts = (number) => {
console.log(`Half of ${number} is ${halfANumber(number)}`)
printNumberFacts(10) // Half of 10 is 5
// Example 4 - Multiline use
const multiLineExample = `I can do multiline Strings if needed
without slash n headaches`
// I can do multiline Strings if needed
// without slash n headaches