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Fair and Consistent Federated Learning

the implementation of FCFL (, accepted by NeurIPS 2021.

introduction for all files

  • the preprocessing code for processing the Adult dataset following exactly the same data processing procedures described in ( and
  • loading dataset for the model
  • the function about searching for a descent direction in stage 1 (constrained min-max optimization)
  • the function about searching for a descent direction in stage 2 (constrained Pareto optimization)
  • the source code of the model including training, testing and saving.
  • needed function for the implementation
  • the main function for all real-world dataset experiments.


python 3.6, the needed libraries are in requirements.txt

dataset generatation:

  • download the original adult dataset:

  • dataset split python the split dataset should be in ./data/adult/train and ./data/adult/test (eICU data set is not directly available and detailed description is in the paper

synthetic experiment

We conduct the experiments on two different setting 1) the initilization satisfies fairness constraints; 2) the initilization violates the fairness constraints. All results in the two setting can be reproducted by: 
`cd synthetic`

and the generated results are in ./synthetic/figures/

real-world dataset experiment

**part of the parameter meanning in**
* sensitive_attr:  sensitive attribute ("race" or "sex")
* step_size: learning rate
* eps_g: uniform fairness budget (all clients are assigned the same fairness budget)
* max_epoch_stage1: the max iteration num for stage 1 (constrained min-max optimization)
* max_epoch_stage2: the max iteration num for stage 2 (constrained Pareto optimization)
* uniform_eps: bool variable (if we adopt uniform fairness budget setting, uniform_eps == True)
* weight_eps: the ratio for specific client budget ("w" in the main text, specific client budget setting)
* target_dir_name: the dir for saving results (including models, logs and args)

uniform fairness budget on both clients

  • sensitive atttribute as race, fairness budget as 0.05
    python --step_size 0.03 --eps_g 0.05 --sensitive_attr race --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1500 --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_DP_0-05 --uniform_eps
    results: is_train: False, epoch: 2299, loss: [0.5601576566696167, 0.39812201261520386], accuracy: [0.7292817831039429, 0.8195652365684509], auc: [0.6859285714285713, 0.8504551633040838], disparity: [0.0005307793617248535, 0.04531855136156082], pred_disparity: [0.0260276198387146, 0.04738526791334152]
  • sensitive attribute as race, fairnesss budget as 0.01 python --step_size 0.015 --eps_g 0.01 --sensitive_attr race --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1500 --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_DP_0-01 --uniform_eps
    results: is_train: False, epoch: 2299, loss: [0.5744820237159729, 0.4304683208465576], accuracy: [0.7016574740409851, 0.7970807552337646], auc: [0.6947857142857142, 0.837447616279523], disparity: [-0.002919316291809082, 0.0034494660794734955], pred_disparity: [-0.0016486644744873047, 0.008047450333833694]

specific fairness budget on both clients

take an example, we set sensitive attribute as race, the original disparity is $\Delta DP = [DP_1, DP_2]$. The original disparities of both clients is measured by running:
python --step_size 0.13 --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1000 --eps_g 1.0 --sensitive_attr race --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_specific_1-0 --uniform --uniform_eps
results: is_train: False, epoch: 1799, loss: [0.5699087977409363, 0.3846117854118347], accuracy: [0.7348066568374634, 0.8285093307495117], auc: [0.6905, 0.8529878658361068], disparity: [0.15790873765945435, 0.07422562688589096], pred_disparity: [0.15371835231781006, 0.07583809643983841] where there is no fairness constraints, and the measured original disparity are [0.15790873765945435, 0.07422562688589096].

  • w = 0.8 (the fairness budget of both clients are 0.8* $\Delta DP$) python --weight_eps 0.8 --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1000 --step_size 0.07 --sensitive_attr race --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_specific_0-8
    results: is_train: False, epoch: 1799, loss: [0.5635322332382202, 0.38921427726745605], accuracy: [0.7513812184333801, 0.8263354301452637], auc: [0.6877857142857143, 0.8522060544186512], disparity: [0.11624205112457275, 0.06827643513679504], pred_disparity: [0.1026315689086914, 0.0648479089140892]

  • w = 0.5 (the fairness budget of both clients are 0.5* $\Delta DP$) python --weight_eps 0.5 --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1000 --step_size 0.05 --sensitive_attr race --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_specific_0-5
    results: is_train: False, epoch: 1799, loss: [0.5625894069671631, 0.394794762134552], accuracy: [0.7403315305709839, 0.820621132850647], auc: [0.6882142857142858, 0.8510285611480758], disparity: [0.05838644504547119, 0.04976653307676315], pred_disparity: [0.036145806312561035, 0.05463084578514099]

  • w = 0.2 (the fairness budget of both clients are 0.5* $\Delta DP$) python --weight_eps 0.2 --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 1000 --step_size 0.03 --sensitive_attr race --seed 1 --target_dir_name race_specific_0-2
    results: is_train: False, epoch: 1799, loss: [0.5699670910835266, 0.41371434926986694], accuracy: [0.7182320952415466, 0.8140993714332581], auc: [0.6844999999999999, 0.8462134911794057], disparity: [-0.0092887282371521, 0.03283762186765671], pred_disparity: [-0.0035886168479919434, 0.024312380701303482]

Equal opportunity measurement with uniform fairness budget on both clients

EO is also a popular disparity metric. The experiment results can be easily obtained by assigning "Eoppo" to the parameter "disparity_type".

For example, we select the sensitive attribute as race, fairness budget is 0.05:

python --sensitive_attr race --step_size 0.1 --disparity_type Eoppo --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 220 --eps_g 0.05 --target_dir_name adult_race_Eoppo_0-1 --seed 1 --uniform_eps

results: is_train: False, epoch: 1019, loss: [0.5672342777252197, 0.4211762547492981], accuracy: [0.7237569093704224, 0.8137267231941223], auc: [0.6760714285714287, 0.8362089015217425], disparity: [-0.054545462131500244, 0.02255287766456604], pred_disparity: [-0.017567992210388184, 0.034288644790649414]

if we set the sensitive attribute as sex, fairness budget is 0.05:

python --sensitive_attr sex --step_size 0.1 --disparity_type Eoppo --max_epoch_stage1 800 --max_epoch_stage2 220 --eps_g 0.05 --target_dir_name adult_sex_Eoppo_0-1 --seed 1 --uniform_eps

results: is_train: False, epoch: 1019, loss: [0.5760114789009094, 0.4152376055717468], accuracy: [0.6961326003074646, 0.8184472322463989], auc: [0.6787857142857142, 0.8374747968830623], disparity: [0.0006434917449951172, -0.04236716032028198], pred_disparity: [0.0183182954788208, -0.04114463925361633]