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Detector Documentation

Feist Josselin edited this page May 10, 2021 · 33 revisions

Public Detectors

List of public detectors

Storage ABIEncoderV2 Array


  • Check: abiencoderv2-array
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


solc versions 0.4.7-0.5.10 contain a compiler bug leading to incorrect ABI encoder usage.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
    uint[2][3] bad_arr = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]];
    /* Array of arrays passed to abi.encode is vulnerable */
    function bad() public {                                                                                          
        bytes memory b = abi.encode(bad_arr);

abi.encode(bad_arr) in a call to bad() will incorrectly encode the array as [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]] and lead to unintended behavior.


Use a compiler >= 0.5.10.

Modifying storage array by value


  • Check: array-by-reference
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Detect arrays passed to a function that expects reference to a storage array

Exploit Scenario:

contract Memory {
    uint[1] public x; // storage

    function f() public {
        f1(x); // update x
        f2(x); // do not update x

    function f1(uint[1] storage arr) internal { // by reference
        arr[0] = 1;

    function f2(uint[1] arr) internal { // by value
        arr[0] = 2;

Bob calls f(). Bob assumes that at the end of the call x[0] is 2, but it is 1. As a result, Bob's usage of the contract is incorrect.


Ensure the correct usage of memory and storage in the function parameters. Make all the locations explicit.

Incorrect shift in assembly.


  • Check: incorrect-shift
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Detect if the values in a shift operation are reversed

Exploit Scenario:

contract C {
    function f() internal returns (uint a) {
        assembly {
            a := shr(a, 8)

The shift statement will right-shift the constant 8 by a bits


Swap the order of parameters.

Multiple constructor schemes


  • Check: multiple-constructors
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Detect multiple constructor definitions in the same contract (using new and old schemes).

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
    uint x;
    constructor() public {
        x = 0;
    function A() public {
        x = 1;
    function test() public returns(uint) {
        return x;

In Solidity 0.4.22, a contract with both constructor schemes will compile. The first constructor will take precedence over the second, which may be unintended.


Only declare one constructor, preferably using the new scheme constructor(...) instead of function <contractName>(...).

Name reused


  • Check: name-reused
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


If a codebase has two contracts the similar names, the compilation artifacts will not contain one of the contracts with the duplicate name.

Exploit Scenario:

Bob's truffle codebase has two contracts named ERC20. When truffle compile runs, only one of the two contracts will generate artifacts in build/contracts. As a result, the second contract cannot be analyzed.


Rename the contract.

Public mappings with nested variables


  • Check: public-mappings-nested
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Prior to Solidity 0.5, a public mapping with nested structures returned incorrect values.

Exploit Scenario:

Bob interacts with a contract that has a public mapping with nested structures. The values returned by the mapping are incorrect, breaking Bob's usage


Do not use public mapping with nested structures.

Right-to-Left-Override character


  • Check: rtlo
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


An attacker can manipulate the logic of the contract by using a right-to-left-override character (U+202E).

Exploit Scenario:

contract Token

    address payable o; // owner
    mapping(address => uint) tokens;

    function withdraw() external returns(uint)
        uint amount = tokens[msg.sender];
        address payable d = msg.sender;
        tokens[msg.sender] = 0;
        _withdraw(/*owner‮/*noitanitsed*/ d, o/*‭
		        /*value */, amount);

    function _withdraw(address payable fee_receiver, address payable destination, uint value) internal

Token uses the right-to-left-override character when calling _withdraw. As a result, the fee is incorrectly sent to msg.sender, and the token balance is sent to the owner.


Special control characters must not be allowed.

State variable shadowing


  • Check: shadowing-state
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Detection of state variables shadowed.

Exploit Scenario:

contract BaseContract{
    address owner;

    modifier isOwner(){
        require(owner == msg.sender);


contract DerivedContract is BaseContract{
    address owner;

        owner = msg.sender;

    function withdraw() isOwner() external{

owner of BaseContract is never assigned and the modifier isOwner does not work.


Remove the state variable shadowing.



  • Check: suicidal
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Unprotected call to a function executing selfdestruct/suicide.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Suicidal{
    function kill() public{

Bob calls kill and destructs the contract.


Protect access to all sensitive functions.

Uninitialized state variables


  • Check: uninitialized-state
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Uninitialized state variables.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Uninitialized{
    address destination;

    function transfer() payable public{

Bob calls transfer. As a result, the Ether are sent to the address 0x0 and are lost.


Initialize all the variables. If a variable is meant to be initialized to zero, explicitly set it to zero to improve code readability.

Uninitialized storage variables


  • Check: uninitialized-storage
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


An uninitialized storage variable will act as a reference to the first state variable, and can override a critical variable.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Uninitialized{
    address owner = msg.sender;

    struct St{
        uint a;

    function func() {
        St st;
        st.a = 0x0;

Bob calls func. As a result, owner is overridden to 0.


Initialize all storage variables.

Unprotected upgradeable contract


  • Check: unprotected-upgrade
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: High


Detects logic contract that can be destructed.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Buggy is Initializable{
    address payable owner;

    function initialize() external initializer{
        require(owner == address(0));
        owner = msg.sender;
    function kill() external{
        require(msg.sender == owner);
Buggy is an upgradeable contract. Anyone can call initialize on the logic contract, and destruct the contract.


Add a constructor to ensure initialize cannot be called on the logic contract.

Functions that send Ether to arbitrary destinations


  • Check: arbitrary-send
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


Unprotected call to a function sending Ether to an arbitrary address.

Exploit Scenario:

contract ArbitrarySend{
    address destination;
    function setDestination(){
        destination = msg.sender;

    function withdraw() public{

Bob calls setDestination and withdraw. As a result he withdraws the contract's balance.


Ensure that an arbitrary user cannot withdraw unauthorized funds.

Array Length Assignment


  • Check: controlled-array-length
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


Detects the direct assignment of an array's length.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	uint[] testArray; // dynamic size array

	function f(uint usersCount) public {
		// ...
		testArray.length = usersCount;
		// ...

	function g(uint userIndex, uint val) public {
		// ...
		testArray[userIndex] = val;
		// ...

Contract storage/state-variables are indexed by a 256-bit integer. The user can set the array length to 2**256-1 in order to index all storage slots. In the example above, one could call the function f to set the array length, then call the function g to control any storage slot desired. Note that storage slots here are indexed via a hash of the indexers; nonetheless, all storage will still be accessible and could be controlled by the attacker.


Do not allow array lengths to be set directly set; instead, opt to add values as needed. Otherwise, thoroughly review the contract to ensure a user-controlled variable cannot reach an array length assignment.

Controlled Delegatecall


  • Check: controlled-delegatecall
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


Delegatecall or callcode to an address controlled by the user.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Delegatecall{
    function delegate(address to, bytes data){

Bob calls delegate and delegates the execution to his malicious contract. As a result, Bob withdraws the funds of the contract and destructs it.


Avoid using delegatecall. Use only trusted destinations.

Reentrancy vulnerabilities


  • Check: reentrancy-eth
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


Detection of the reentrancy bug. Do not report reentrancies that don't involve Ether (see reentrancy-no-eth)

Exploit Scenario:

    function withdrawBalance(){
        // send userBalance[msg.sender] Ether to msg.sender
        // if mgs.sender is a contract, it will call its fallback function
        if( ! ([msg.sender])() ) ){
        userBalance[msg.sender] = 0;

Bob uses the re-entrancy bug to call withdrawBalance two times, and withdraw more than its initial deposit to the contract.


Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Storage Signed Integer Array


  • Check: storage-array
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


solc versions 0.4.7-0.5.10 contain a compiler bug leading to incorrect values in signed integer arrays.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	int[3] ether_balances; // storage signed integer array
	function bad0() private {
		// ...
		ether_balances = [-1, -1, -1];
		// ...

bad0() uses a (storage-allocated) signed integer array state variable to store the ether balances of three accounts.
-1 is supposed to indicate uninitialized values but the Solidity bug makes these as 1, which could be exploited by the accounts.


Use a compiler version >= 0.5.10.

Unchecked transfer


  • Check: unchecked-transfer
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


The return value of an external transfer/transferFrom call is not checked

Exploit Scenario:

contract Token {
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
contract MyBank{  
    mapping(address => uint) balances;
    Token token;
    function deposit(uint amount) public{
        token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        balances[msg.sender] += amount;

Several tokens do not revert in case of failure and return false. If one of these tokens is used in MyBank, deposit will not revert if the transfer fails, and an attacker can call deposit for free..


Use SafeERC20, or ensure that the transfer/transferFrom return value is checked.



  • Check: weak-prng
  • Severity: High
  • Confidence: Medium


Weak PRNG due to a modulo on block.timestamp, now or blockhash. These can be influenced by miners to some extent so they should be avoided.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Game {

    uint reward_determining_number;

    function guessing() external{
      reward_determining_number = uint256(block.blockhash(10000)) % 10;

Eve is a miner. Eve calls guessing and re-orders the block containing the transaction. As a result, Eve wins the game.


Do not use block.timestamp, now or blockhash as a source of randomness

Dangerous enum conversion


  • Check: enum-conversion
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Detect out-of-range enum conversion (solc < 0.4.5).

Exploit Scenario:

    pragma solidity 0.4.2;
    contract Test{
    enum E{a}
    function bug(uint a) public returns(E){
        return E(a);   

Attackers can trigger unexpected behaviour by calling bug(1).


Use a recent compiler version. If solc <0.4.5 is required, check the enum conversion range.

Incorrect erc20 interface


  • Check: erc20-interface
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Incorrect return values for ERC20 functions. A contract compiled with Solidity > 0.4.22 interacting with these functions will fail to execute them, as the return value is missing.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Token{
    function transfer(address to, uint value) external;

Token.transfer does not return a boolean. Bob deploys the token. Alice creates a contract that interacts with it but assumes a correct ERC20 interface implementation. Alice's contract is unable to interact with Bob's contract.


Set the appropriate return values and types for the defined ERC20 functions.

Incorrect erc721 interface


  • Check: erc721-interface
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Incorrect return values for ERC721 functions. A contract compiled with solidity > 0.4.22 interacting with these functions will fail to execute them, as the return value is missing.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Token{
    function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool);

Token.ownerOf does not return an address like ERC721 expects. Bob deploys the token. Alice creates a contract that interacts with it but assumes a correct ERC721 interface implementation. Alice's contract is unable to interact with Bob's contract.


Set the appropriate return values and vtypes for the defined ERC721 functions.

Dangerous strict equalities


  • Check: incorrect-equality
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Use of strict equalities that can be easily manipulated by an attacker.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Crowdsale{
    function fund_reached() public returns(bool){
        return this.balance == 100 ether;

Crowdsale relies on fund_reached to know when to stop the sale of tokens. Crowdsale reaches 100 Ether. Bob sends 0.1 Ether. As a result, fund_reached is always false and the crowdsale never ends.


Don't use strict equality to determine if an account has enough Ether or tokens.

Contracts that lock Ether


  • Check: locked-ether
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Contract with a payable function, but without a withdrawal capacity.

Exploit Scenario:

pragma solidity 0.4.24;
contract Locked{
    function receive() payable public{

Every Ether sent to Locked will be lost.


Remove the payable attribute or add a withdraw function.

Deletion on mapping containing a structure


  • Check: mapping-deletion
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


A deletion in a structure containing a mapping will not delete the mapping (see the Solidity documentation). The remaining data may be used to compromise the contract.

Exploit Scenario:

    struct BalancesStruct{
        address owner;
        mapping(address => uint) balances;
    mapping(address => BalancesStruct) public stackBalance;

    function remove() internal{
         delete stackBalance[msg.sender];

remove deletes an item of stackBalance. The mapping balances is never deleted, so remove does not work as intended.


Use a lock mechanism instead of a deletion to disable structure containing a mapping.

State variable shadowing from abstract contracts


  • Check: shadowing-abstract
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Detection of state variables shadowed from abstract contracts.

Exploit Scenario:

contract BaseContract{
    address owner;

contract DerivedContract is BaseContract{
    address owner;

owner of BaseContract is shadowed in DerivedContract.


Remove the state variable shadowing.

Tautology or contradiction


  • Check: tautology
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Detects expressions that are tautologies or contradictions.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	function f(uint x) public {
		// ...
        if (x >= 0) { // bad -- always true
           // ...
		// ...

	function g(uint8 y) public returns (bool) {
		// ...
        return (y < 512); // bad!
		// ...

x is a uint256, so x >= 0 will be always true. y is a uint8, so y <512 will be always true.


Fix the incorrect comparison by changing the value type or the comparison.

Write after write


  • Check: write-after-write
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: High


Detects variables that are written but never read and written again.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Buggy{
    function my_func() external initializer{
        // ...
        a = b;
        a = c;
        // ..
`a` is first asigned to `b`, and then to `c`. As a result the first write does nothing.


Fix or remove the writes.

Misuse of a Boolean constant


  • Check: boolean-cst
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Detects the misuse of a Boolean constant.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	function f(uint x) public {
		// ...
        if (false) { // bad!
           // ...
		// ...

	function g(bool b) public returns (bool) {
		// ...
        return (b || true); // bad!
		// ...

Boolean constants in code have only a few legitimate uses. Other uses (in complex expressions, as conditionals) indicate either an error or, most likely, the persistence of faulty code.


Verify and simplify the condition.

Constant functions using assembly code


  • Check: constant-function-asm
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Functions declared as constant/pure/view using assembly code.

constant/pure/view was not enforced prior to Solidity 0.5. Starting from Solidity 0.5, a call to a constant/pure/view function uses the STATICCALL opcode, which reverts in case of state modification.

As a result, a call to an incorrectly labeled function may trap a contract compiled with Solidity 0.5.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Constant{
    uint counter;
    function get() public view returns(uint){
       counter = counter +1;
       return counter

Constant was deployed with Solidity 0.4.25. Bob writes a smart contract that interacts with Constant in Solidity 0.5.0. All the calls to get revert, breaking Bob's smart contract execution.


Ensure the attributes of contracts compiled prior to Solidity 0.5.0 are correct.

Constant functions changing the state


  • Check: constant-function-state
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Functions declared as constant/pure/view change the state.

constant/pure/view was not enforced prior to Solidity 0.5. Starting from Solidity 0.5, a call to a constant/pure/view function uses the STATICCALL opcode, which reverts in case of state modification.

As a result, a call to an incorrectly labeled function may trap a contract compiled with Solidity 0.5.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Constant{
    uint counter;
    function get() public view returns(uint){
       counter = counter +1;
       return counter

Constant was deployed with Solidity 0.4.25. Bob writes a smart contract that interacts with Constant in Solidity 0.5.0. All the calls to get revert, breaking Bob's smart contract execution.


Ensure that attributes of contracts compiled prior to Solidity 0.5.0 are correct.

Divide before multiply


  • Check: divide-before-multiply
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Solidity integer division might truncate. As a result, performing multiplication before division can sometimes avoid loss of precision.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	function f(uint n) public {
        coins = (oldSupply / n) * interest;

If n is greater than oldSupply, coins will be zero. For example, with oldSupply = 5; n = 10, interest = 2, coins will be zero.
If (oldSupply * interest / n) was used, coins would have been 1.
In general, it's usually a good idea to re-arrange arithmetic to perform multiplication before division, unless the limit of a smaller type makes this dangerous.


Consider ordering multiplication before division.

Reentrancy vulnerabilities


  • Check: reentrancy-no-eth
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Detection of the reentrancy bug. Do not report reentrancies that involve Ether (see reentrancy-eth).

Exploit Scenario:

    function bug(){
        if( ! ( ) ){
        not_called = False;


Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Reused base constructors


  • Check: reused-constructor
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Detects if the same base constructor is called with arguments from two different locations in the same inheritance hierarchy.

Exploit Scenario:

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract A{
    uint num = 5;
    constructor(uint x) public{
        num += x;

contract B is A{
    constructor() A(2) public { /* ... */ }

contract C is A {
    constructor() A(3) public { /* ... */ }

contract D is B, C {
    constructor() public { /* ... */ }

contract E is B {
    constructor() A(1) public { /* ... */ }

The constructor of A is called multiple times in D and E:

  • D inherits from B and C, both of which construct A.
  • E only inherits from B, but B and E construct A. .


Remove the duplicate constructor call.

Dangerous usage of tx.origin


  • Check: tx-origin
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


tx.origin-based protection can be abused by a malicious contract if a legitimate user interacts with the malicious contract.

Exploit Scenario:

contract TxOrigin {
    address owner = msg.sender;

    function bug() {
        require(tx.origin == owner);

Bob is the owner of TxOrigin. Bob calls Eve's contract. Eve's contract calls TxOrigin and bypasses the tx.origin protection.


Do not use tx.origin for authorization.

Unchecked low-level calls


  • Check: unchecked-lowlevel
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


The return value of a low-level call is not checked.

Exploit Scenario:

contract MyConc{
    function my_func(address payable dst) public payable{"");

The return value of the low-level call is not checked, so if the call fails, the Ether will be locked in the contract. If the low level is used to prevent blocking operations, consider logging failed calls.


Ensure that the return value of a low-level call is checked or logged.

Unchecked Send


  • Check: unchecked-send
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


The return value of a send is not checked.

Exploit Scenario:

contract MyConc{
    function my_func(address payable dst) public payable{

The return value of send is not checked, so if the send fails, the Ether will be locked in the contract. If send is used to prevent blocking operations, consider logging the failed send.


Ensure that the return value of send is checked or logged.

Uninitialized local variables


  • Check: uninitialized-local
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


Uninitialized local variables.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Uninitialized is Owner{
    function withdraw() payable public onlyOwner{
        address to;

Bob calls transfer. As a result, all Ether is sent to the address 0x0 and is lost.


Initialize all the variables. If a variable is meant to be initialized to zero, explicitly set it to zero to improve code readability.

Unused return


  • Check: unused-return
  • Severity: Medium
  • Confidence: Medium


The return value of an external call is not stored in a local or state variable.

Exploit Scenario:

contract MyConc{
    using SafeMath for uint;   
    function my_func(uint a, uint b) public{

MyConc calls add of SafeMath, but does not store the result in a. As a result, the computation has no effect.


Ensure that all the return values of the function calls are used.

Incorrect modifier


  • Check: incorrect-modifier
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


If a modifier does not execute _ or revert, the execution of the function will return the default value, which can be misleading for the caller.

Exploit Scenario:

    modidfier myModif(){
    function get() myModif returns(uint){


If the condition in myModif is false, the execution of get() will return 0.


All the paths in a modifier must execute _ or revert.

Builtin Symbol Shadowing


  • Check: shadowing-builtin
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


Detection of shadowing built-in symbols using local variables, state variables, functions, modifiers, or events.

Exploit Scenario:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Bug {
    uint now; // Overshadows current time stamp.

    function assert(bool condition) public {
        // Overshadows built-in symbol for providing assertions.

    function get_next_expiration(uint earlier_time) private returns (uint) {
        return now + 259200; // References overshadowed timestamp.

now is defined as a state variable, and shadows with the built-in symbol now. The function assert overshadows the built-in assert function. Any use of either of these built-in symbols may lead to unexpected results.


Rename the local variables, state variables, functions, modifiers, and events that shadow a builtin symbol.

Local variable shadowing


  • Check: shadowing-local
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


Detection of shadowing using local variables.

Exploit Scenario:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Bug {
    uint owner;

    function sensitive_function(address owner) public {
        // ...
        require(owner == msg.sender);

    function alternate_sensitive_function() public {
        address owner = msg.sender;
        // ...
        require(owner == msg.sender);

sensitive_function.owner shadows Bug.owner. As a result, the use of owner in sensitive_function might be incorrect.


Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

Uninitialized function pointers in constructors


  • Check: uninitialized-fptr-cst
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


solc versions 0.4.5-0.4.26 and 0.5.0-0.5.8 contain a compiler bug leading to unexpected behavior when calling uninitialized function pointers in constructors.

Exploit Scenario:

contract bad0 {

  constructor() public {
    /* Uninitialized function pointer */
    function(uint256) internal returns(uint256) a;


The call to a(10) will lead to unexpected behavior because function pointer a is not initialized in the constructor.


Initialize function pointers before calling. Avoid function pointers if possible.

Pre-declaration usage of local variables


  • Check: variable-scope
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


Detects the possible usage of a variable before the declaration is stepped over (either because it is later declared, or declared in another scope).

Exploit Scenario:

contract C {
    function f(uint z) public returns (uint) {
        uint y = x + 9 + z; // 'z' is used pre-declaration
        uint x = 7;

        if (z % 2 == 0) {
            uint max = 5;
            // ...

        // 'max' was intended to be 5, but it was mistakenly declared in a scope and not assigned (so it is zero).
        for (uint i = 0; i < max; i++) {
            x += 1;

        return x;

In the case above, the variable x is used before its declaration, which may result in unintended consequences. Additionally, the for-loop uses the variable max, which is declared in a previous scope that may not always be reached. This could lead to unintended consequences if the user mistakenly uses a variable prior to any intended declaration assignment. It also may indicate that the user intended to reference a different variable.


Move all variable declarations prior to any usage of the variable, and ensure that reaching a variable declaration does not depend on some conditional if it is used unconditionally.

Void constructor


  • Check: void-cst
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: High


Detect the call to a constructor that is not implemented

Exploit Scenario:

contract A{}
contract B is A{
    constructor() public A(){}

When reading B's constructor definition, we might assume that A() initiates the contract, but no code is executed.


Remove the constructor call.

Calls inside a loop


  • Check: calls-loop
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Calls inside a loop might lead to a denial-of-service attack.

Exploit Scenario:

contract CallsInLoop{

    address[] destinations;

    constructor(address[] newDestinations) public{
        destinations = newDestinations;

    function bad() external{
        for (uint i=0; i < destinations.length; i++){


If one of the destinations has a fallback function that reverts, bad will always revert.


Favor pull over push strategy for external calls.

Missing events access control


  • Check: events-access
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Detect missing events for critical access control parameters

Exploit Scenario:

contract C {

  modifier onlyAdmin {
    if (msg.sender != owner) throw;

  function updateOwner(address newOwner) onlyAdmin external {
    owner = newOwner;

updateOwner() has no event, so it is difficult to track off-chain owner changes.


Emit an event for critical parameter changes.

Missing events arithmetic


  • Check: events-maths
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Detect missing events for critical arithmetic parameters.

Exploit Scenario:

contract C {

    modifier onlyOwner {
        if (msg.sender != owner) throw;

    function setBuyPrice(uint256 newBuyPrice) onlyOwner public {
        buyPrice = newBuyPrice;

    function buy() external {
     ... // buyPrice is used to determine the number of tokens purchased

updateOwner() has no event, so it is difficult to track off-chain changes in the buy price.


Emit an event for critical parameter changes.

Dangerous unary expressions


  • Check: incorrect-unary
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Unary expressions such as x=+1 probably typos.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Bug{
    uint public counter;

    function increase() public returns(uint){
        return counter;

increase() uses =+ instead of +=, so counter will never exceed 1.


Remove the unary expression.

Missing zero address validation


  • Check: missing-zero-check
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Detect missing zero address validation.

Exploit Scenario:

contract C {

  modifier onlyAdmin {
    if (msg.sender != owner) throw;

  function updateOwner(address newOwner) onlyAdmin external {
    owner = newOwner;

Bob calls updateOwner without specifying the newOwner, soBob loses ownership of the contract.


Check that the address is not zero.

Reentrancy vulnerabilities


  • Check: reentrancy-benign
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Detection of the reentrancy bug. Only report reentrancy that acts as a double call (see reentrancy-eth, reentrancy-no-eth).

Exploit Scenario:

    function callme(){
        if( ! ( ) ){
        counter += 1

callme contains a reentrancy. The reentrancy is benign because it's exploitation would have the same effect as two consecutive calls.


Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Reentrancy vulnerabilities


  • Check: reentrancy-events
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Detection of the reentrancy bug. Only report reentrancies leading to out-of-order events.

Exploit Scenario:

    function bug(Called d){
        counter += 1;
        emit Counter(counter);

If d.() re-enters, the Counter events will be shown in an incorrect order, which might lead to issues for third parties.


Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Block timestamp


  • Check: timestamp
  • Severity: Low
  • Confidence: Medium


Dangerous usage of block.timestamp. block.timestamp can be manipulated by miners.

Exploit Scenario:

"Bob's contract relies on block.timestamp for its randomness. Eve is a miner and manipulates block.timestamp to exploit Bob's contract.


Avoid relying on block.timestamp.

Assembly usage


  • Check: assembly
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


The use of assembly is error-prone and should be avoided.


Do not use evm assembly.

Assert state shange


  • Check: assert-state-change
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Incorrect use of assert(). See Solidity best practices.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {

  uint s_a;

  function bad() public {
    assert((s_a += 1) > 10);

The assert in bad() increments the state variable s_a while checking for the condition.


Use require for invariants modifying the state.

Boolean equality


  • Check: boolean-equal
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detects the comparison to boolean constants.

Exploit Scenario:

contract A {
	function f(bool x) public {
		// ...
        if (x == true) { // bad!
           // ...
		// ...

Boolean constants can be used directly and do not need to be compare to true or false.


Remove the equality to the boolean constant.

Deprecated standards


  • Check: deprecated-standards
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detect the usage of deprecated standards.

Exploit Scenario:

contract ContractWithDeprecatedReferences {
    // Deprecated: Change block.blockhash() -> blockhash()
    bytes32 globalBlockHash = block.blockhash(0);

    // Deprecated: Change constant -> view
    function functionWithDeprecatedThrow() public constant {
        // Deprecated: Change msg.gas -> gasleft()
        if(msg.gas == msg.value) {
            // Deprecated: Change throw -> revert()

    // Deprecated: Change constant -> view
    function functionWithDeprecatedReferences() public constant {
        // Deprecated: Change sha3() -> keccak256()
        bytes32 sha3Result = sha3("test deprecated sha3 usage");

        // Deprecated: Change callcode() -> delegatecall()

        // Deprecated: Change suicide() -> selfdestruct()


Replace all uses of deprecated symbols.

Unindexed ERC20 event oarameters


  • Check: erc20-indexed
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detects whether events defined by the ERC20 specification that should have some parameters as indexed are missing the indexed keyword.

Exploit Scenario:

contract ERC20Bad {
    // ...
    event Transfer(address from, address to, uint value);
    event Approval(address owner, address spender, uint value);

    // ...

Transfer and Approval events should have the 'indexed' keyword on their two first parameters, as defined by the ERC20 specification. Failure to include these keywords will exclude the parameter data in the transaction/block's bloom filter, so external tooling searching for these parameters may overlook them and fail to index logs from this token contract.


Add the indexed keyword to event parameters that should include it, according to the ERC20 specification.

Function Initializing State


  • Check: function-init-state
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detects the immediate initialization of state variables through function calls that are not pure/constant, or that use non-constant state variable.

Exploit Scenario:

contract StateVarInitFromFunction {

    uint public v = set(); // Initialize from function (sets to 77)
    uint public w = 5;
    uint public x = set(); // Initialize from function (sets to 88)
    address public shouldntBeReported = address(8);

        // The constructor is run after all state variables are initialized.

    function set() public  returns(uint)  {
        // If this function is being used to initialize a state variable declared
        // before w, w will be zero. If it is declared after w, w will be set.
        if(w == 0) {
            return 77;

        return 88;

In this case, users might intend a function to return a value a state variable can initialize with, without realizing the context for the contract is not fully initialized. In the example above, the same function sets two different values for state variables because it checks a state variable that is not yet initialized in one case, and is initialized in the other. Special care must be taken when initializing state variables from an immediate function call so as not to incorrectly assume the state is initialized.


Remove any initialization of state variables via non-constant state variables or function calls. If variables must be set upon contract deployment, locate initialization in the constructor instead.

Low-level calls


  • Check: low-level-calls
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


The use of low-level calls is error-prone. Low-level calls do not check for code existence or call success.


Avoid low-level calls. Check the call success. If the call is meant for a contract, check for code existence.

Missing inheritance


  • Check: missing-inheritance
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detect missing inheritance.

Exploit Scenario:

interface ISomething {
    function f1() external returns(uint);

contract Something {
    function f1() external returns(uint){
        return 42;

Something should inherit from ISomething.


Inherit from the missing interface or contract.

Conformance to Solidity naming conventions


  • Check: naming-convention
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Solidity defines a naming convention that should be followed.

Rule exceptions

  • Allow constant variable name/symbol/decimals to be lowercase (ERC20).
  • Allow _ at the beginning of the mixed_case match for private variables and unused parameters.


Follow the Solidity naming convention.

Different pragma directives are used


  • Check: pragma
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detect whether different Solidity versions are used.


Use one Solidity version.

Redundant Statements


  • Check: redundant-statements
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detect the usage of redundant statements that have no effect.

Exploit Scenario:

contract RedundantStatementsContract {

    constructor() public {
        uint; // Elementary Type Name
        bool; // Elementary Type Name
        RedundantStatementsContract; // Identifier

    function test() public returns (uint) {
        uint; // Elementary Type Name
        assert; // Identifier
        test; // Identifier
        return 777;

Each commented line references types/identifiers, but performs no action with them, so no code will be generated for such statements and they can be removed.


Remove redundant statements if they congest code but offer no value.

Incorrect versions of Solidity


  • Check: solc-version
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


solc frequently releases new compiler versions. Using an old version prevents access to new Solidity security checks. We also recommend avoiding complex pragma statement.


Deploy with any of the following Solidity versions:

  • 0.5.16 - 0.5.17
  • 0.6.11 - 0.6.12
  • 0.7.5 - 0.7.6 Use a simple pragma version that allows any of these versions. Consider using the latest version of Solidity for testing.

Unimplemented functions


  • Check: unimplemented-functions
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Detect functions that are not implemented on derived-most contracts.

Exploit Scenario:

interface BaseInterface {
    function f1() external returns(uint);
    function f2() external returns(uint);

interface BaseInterface2 {
    function f3() external returns(uint);

contract DerivedContract is BaseInterface, BaseInterface2 {
    function f1() external returns(uint){
        return 42;

DerivedContract does not implement BaseInterface.f2 or BaseInterface2.f3. As a result, the contract will not properly compile. All unimplemented functions must be implemented on a contract that is meant to be used.


Implement all unimplemented functions in any contract you intend to use directly (not simply inherit from).

Unused state variable


  • Check: unused-state
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: High


Unused state variable.


Remove unused state variables.

Costly operations inside a loop


  • Check: costly-loop
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: Medium


Costly operations inside a loop might waste gas, so optimizations are justified.

Exploit Scenario:

contract CostlyOperationsInLoop{

    uint loop_count = 100;
    uint state_variable=0;

    function bad() external{
        for (uint i=0; i < loop_count; i++){

    function good() external{
      uint local_variable = state_variable;
      for (uint i=0; i < loop_count; i++){
      state_variable = local_variable;

Incrementing state_variable in a loop incurs a lot of gas because of expensive SSTOREs, which might lead to an out-of-gas.


Use a local variable to hold the loop computation result.



  • Check: dead-code
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: Medium


Functions that are not sued.

Exploit Scenario:

contract Contract{
    function dead_code() internal() {}

dead_code is not used in the contract, and make the code's review more difficult.


Remove unused functions.

Reentrancy vulnerabilities


  • Check: reentrancy-unlimited-gas
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: Medium


Detection of the reentrancy bug. Only report reentrancy that is based on transfer or send.

Exploit Scenario:

    function callme(){
        balances[msg.sender] = 0;

send and transfer do not protect from reentrancies in case of gas price changes.


Apply the check-effects-interactions pattern.

Variable names too similar


  • Check: similar-names
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: Medium


Detect variables with names that are too similar.

Exploit Scenario:

Bob uses several variables with similar names. As a result, his code is difficult to review.


Prevent variables from having similar names.

Too many digits


  • Check: too-many-digits
  • Severity: Informational
  • Confidence: Medium


Literals with many digits are difficult to read and review.

Exploit Scenario:

contract MyContract{
    uint 1_ether = 10000000000000000000; 

While 1_ether looks like 1 ether, it is 10 ether. As a result, it's likely to be used incorrectly.



State variables that could be declared constant


  • Check: constable-states
  • Severity: Optimization
  • Confidence: High


Constant state variables should be declared constant to save gas.


Add the constant attributes to state variables that never change.

Public function that could be declared external


  • Check: external-function
  • Severity: Optimization
  • Confidence: High


public functions that are never called by the contract should be declared external to save gas.


Use the external attribute for functions never called from the contract.