From 903e020c17d587193c6da5ae36cf5c279cca154a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alandefreitas <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 18:17:03 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] ci: all workflows support libxml2

 .github/actions/boost_clone/action.yml     | 120 -------------------
 .github/actions/cmake_run/action.yml       | 132 ---------------------
 .github/actions/package_install/action.yml | 112 -----------------
 .github/workflows/ci.yml                   |   9 +-
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .github/actions/boost_clone/action.yml
 delete mode 100644 .github/actions/cmake_run/action.yml
 delete mode 100644 .github/actions/package_install/action.yml

diff --git a/.github/actions/boost_clone/action.yml b/.github/actions/boost_clone/action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bca90cfe..000000000
--- a/.github/actions/boost_clone/action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-name: 'Boost Clone'
-description: 'This workflow clones the boost source directory, attempting to get it from the cache first'
-  boost_dir:
-    description: 'The boost directory. The default value assumes boost is in-source.'
-    required: false
-    default: 'boost'
-  branch:
-    description: 'Branch of the super-project'
-    required: false
-    default: 'master'
-  patches:
-    description: 'Libraries used to patch the boost installation'
-    required: true
-    default: ''
-  modules:
-    description: 'The boost submodules we need to clone'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  using: "composite"
-  steps:
-    - name: Environment
-      id: ctx
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        boost_hash=$(git ls-remote ${{ inputs.branch }} | awk '{ print $1 }')
-        echo "boost_hash=$boost_hash" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        # Create cache hash
-        cache_hash=${{ runner.os }}-boost-$boost_hash
-        # Add modules names to hash
-        modules=${{ inputs.modules }}
-        for module in ${modules//,/ }
-        do
-            module_filename=${module##*/}
-            cache_hash=$cache_hash-$module_filename
-        done
-        # Add patch names and hashes to hash
-        patches=${{ inputs.patches }}
-        for patch in ${patches//,/ }
-        do
-            patch_hash=$(git ls-remote $patch ${{ inputs.branch }} | awk '{ print $1 }')
-            cache_hash=$cache_hash-$patch-$patch_hash
-        done
-        echo "cache_hash=$cache_hash" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-    # attempt to get boost from the cache before cloning it
-    - name: boost cache
-      id: cache-boost
-      uses: actions/cache@v3
-      with:
-        path: boost
-        key: ${{ steps.ctx.outputs.cache_hash }}
-    # clone (if boost not found in cache)
-    - name: boost clone
-      if: steps.cache-boost.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        git clone -b ${{ inputs.branch }} ${{ inputs.boost_dir }}
-    # apply patches (if boost not found in cache)
-    - name: boost patches
-      if: steps.cache-boost.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && inputs.patches != ''
-      shell: bash
-      working-directory: ${{ inputs.boost_dir }}/libs
-      run: |
-        # Apply boost patches ${{ inputs.patches }}
-        patches=${{ inputs.patches }}
-        for patch in ${patches//,/ }
-        do
-            git clone $patch -b ${{ inputs.branch }}
-        done
-    # Init all submodules (if boost not found in cache + no specific modules specified)
-    - name: boost init submodules
-      if: (steps.cache-boost.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && inputs.modules == '')
-      working-directory: ${{ inputs.boost_dir }}
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        # Init all boost submodules
-        git submodule update --init --recursive
-    # Init specified submodules (if boost not found in cache + modules specified)
-    - name: boost patches
-      if: (steps.cache-boost.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && inputs.modules != '')
-      working-directory: ${{ inputs.boost_dir }}
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        # Init required boost submodules
-        echo "Look for python"
-        if command -v python &> /dev/null; then
-          python_executable="python"
-        elif command -v python3 &> /dev/null; then
-          python_executable="python3"
-        elif command -v python2 &> /dev/null; then
-          python_executable="python2"
-        else
-          echo "Please install Python!" >&2
-          false
-        fi
-        echo "python_executable=$python_executable"
-        echo "Init boostdep"
-        git submodule update -q --init tools/boostdep
-        echo "Run boostdep for required modules: ${{ inputs.modules }}"
-        modules=${{ inputs.modules }}
-        for module in ${modules//,/ }
-        do
-            echo "Init submodule $module"
-            git submodule update -q --init libs/$module || true
-        done
-        for module in ${modules//,/ }
-        do
-            echo "Run boostdep for required module $module"
-            $python_executable tools/boostdep/depinst/ --include benchmark --include example --include examples --include tools --include source $module
-        done
diff --git a/.github/actions/cmake_run/action.yml b/.github/actions/cmake_run/action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 048fc8daf..000000000
--- a/.github/actions/cmake_run/action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-name: 'Install dependencies'
-description: 'This workflow installs dependencies from multiple package managers'
-  cmake_exec:
-    description: 'The cmake executable'
-    required: false
-    default: 'cmake'
-  cc:
-    description: 'Path to C compiler.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  cxx:
-    description: 'Path to C++ compiler.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  cxxstd:
-    description: 'List of standards with which cmake will build and test the program.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  source_dir:
-    description: 'Path to the source directory.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  toolchain:
-    description: 'Path to toolchain.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  build-type:
-    description: 'Build type.'
-    required: false
-    default: 'Release'
-  build-target:
-    description: 'Targets to build instead of the default target'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  install-prefix:
-    description: 'Path where the library should be installed.'
-    required: false
-    default: '.local/usr'
-  run-tests:
-    description: 'Whether we should run tests.'
-    required: false
-    default: 'true'
-  extra-args:
-    description: 'Extra arguments to cmake configure command.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  using: "composite"
-  steps:
-    - name: Get CPU cores
-      uses: SimenB/github-actions-cpu-cores@v1
-      id: cpu-cores
-    - name: Setup msvc dev-cmd
-      if: runner.os == 'Windows'
-      uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
-    - name: CMake Build C++${{ inputs.cxxstd }}
-      shell: bash
-      working-directory: ${{ inputs.source_dir }}
-      run: |
-        set -xe
-        # cmake args
-        cc=${{ }}
-        if [ "$cc" != "" ]; then
-            if command -v $cc &> /dev/null; then
-              cc="$(which $cc)"
-            elif command -v /usr/bin/$cc &> /dev/null; then
-              cc="/usr/bin/$cc"
-            fi
-            cmake_cc_path_args="-D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=$cc"
-        else
-            cmake_cc_path_args=
-        fi
-        cxx=${{ matrix.cxx }}
-        if [ "$cxx" != "" ]; then
-            if command -v $cxx &> /dev/null; then
-              cxx="$(which $cxx)"
-            elif command -v /usr/bin/$cxx &> /dev/null; then
-              cxx="/usr/bin/$cxx"
-            fi
-            cmake_cxx_path_args="-D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$cxx"
-        else
-            cmake_cxx_path_args=
-        fi
-        cxxstds=${{ inputs.cxxstd }}
-        if [ "$cxxstds" == "" ]; then
-            cxxstds=defaultcxx
-        fi
-        cmake_toolchain=${{ inputs.toolchain }}
-        if [ "$cmake_toolchain" != "" ]; then
-            cmake_toolchain_arg="-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$cmake_toolchain"
-        else
-            cmake_toolchain_arg=
-        fi
-        run_tests=${{ }}
-        if [ "$run_tests" == "true" ]; then
-          cmake_enable_test_args="-D BUILD_TESTING=ON"
-        fi
-        build_target=${{ }}
-        if [ "$build_target" != "" ]; then
-          target_args="--target $build_target"
-        else; then
-          target_args="--target all"
-        fi
-        # iterate stds
-        for cxxstd in ${cxxstds//,/ }
-        do
-            echo "==================================> CMAKE: C++$cxxstd"
-            if [ "$cxxstd" == "defaultcxx" ]; then
-                cmake_cxxstd_arg=""
-                build_dir="build"
-            else
-                cmake_cxxstd_arg="-D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=$cxxstd"
-                build_dir="build-$cxxstd"
-            fi
-            cmake -S . -B $build_dir -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ }} $cmake_toolchain_arg $cmake_cxxstd_arg ${{ inputs.extra-args }} -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ inputs.install-prefix }} $cmake_cc_path_args $cmake_cxx_path_args $cmake_enable_test_args
-            cmake --build $build_dir --config ${{ }} -j ${{ steps.cpu-cores.outputs.count }} $target_args 
-            cmake --install $build_dir --config ${{ }} --prefix prefix
-            if [ "$run_tests" == "true" ]; then
-              ctest --test-dir "$build_dir" -j ${{ steps.cpu-cores.outputs.count }} -C ${{ }} --no-tests=error --progress --output-on-failure
-            fi
-        done
diff --git a/.github/actions/package_install/action.yml b/.github/actions/package_install/action.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c5a4d5c6..000000000
--- a/.github/actions/package_install/action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-name: 'Install dependencies'
-description: 'This workflow installs dependencies from multiple package managers'
-  vcpkg:
-    description: 'List of packages we should install with vcpkg.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  apt-get:
-    description: 'List of packages we should install with apt-get.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  vcpkg_triplet:
-    description: 'The triplet used by vcpkg to install packages.'
-    required: false
-    default: ''
-  vcpkg_dir:
-    description: 'The directory where vcpkg should be cloned and installed.'
-    required: false
-    default: 'vcpkg'
-  vcpkg_branch:
-    description: 'vcpkg branch we should use'
-    required: false
-    default: 'master'
-  vcpkg_toolchain:
-    description: "vcpkg toolchain file"
-    value: ${{ steps.ctx.outputs.vcpkg_toolchain }}
-  using: "composite"
-  steps:
-    - name: Environment
-      id: ctx
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        set -xe
-        # vcpkg hash
-        vcpkg_hash="$(git ls-remote ${{ inputs.vcpkg_branch }} | awk '{ print $1 }')"
-        echo "vcpkg_hash=$vcpkg_hash" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        # vcpkg triplet
-        default_triplet="${{ (runner.os == 'Windows' && 'x64-windows') || (runner.os == 'Linux' && 'x64-linux') || (runner.os == 'macOS' && 'x64-osx') || '' }}"
-        input_triplet=${{ inputs.vcpkg_triplet }}
-        if [ "$input_triplet" == "" ]; then
-            triplet=$default_triplet
-        else
-            triplet=$input_triplet 
-        fi
-        echo "triplet=$triplet" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        if [ "$triplet" == "" ]; then
-            triplet_suffix=""
-        else
-            triplet_suffix=":$triplet" 
-        fi
-        echo "triplet_suffix=$triplet_suffix" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        # vcpkg executable
-        vcpkg_target_dir=${{ inputs.vcpkg_dir }}
-        if [[ $vcpkg_target_dir == /* ]]; then
-            vcpkg_exec_dir=$vcpkg_target_dir
-        else
-            vcpkg_exec_dir=./$vcpkg_target_dir
-        fi
-        vcpkg_bs_exe="${{ (runner.os == 'Windows' && '$vcpkg_exec_dir/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat') || '$vcpkg_exec_dir/' }}"
-        echo "vcpkg_bs_exe=$vcpkg_bs_exe" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        # vcpkg toolchain
-        vcpkg_toolchain=$vcpkg_exec_dir/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
-        echo "vcpkg_toolchain=$vcpkg_toolchain" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        # vcpkg cache hash
-        vcpkg_cache_hash="${{ runner.os }}-$vcpkg_hash$triplet_suffix"
-        vcpkg_packages=${{ inputs.vcpkg }}
-        for package in ${vcpkg_packages//,/ }
-        do
-            vcpkg_cache_hash=$vcpkg_cache_hash-$package
-        done
-        echo "vcpkg_cache_hash=$vcpkg_cache_hash" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-    # Install packages on ubuntu
-    #
-    - name: apt-get packages
-      shell: bash
-      if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' && inputs.apt-get }}
-      run: |
-        sudo apt-get update
-        sudo apt-get install -y ${{ inputs.apt-get }}
-    # Attempt to get vcpkg with its packages from the cache before cloning it
-    # The cache key includes the vcpkg version, os, packages and triplet
-    - name: vcpkg cache
-      if: ${{ inputs.vcpkg }}
-      id: cache-vcpkg
-      uses: actions/cache@v3
-      with:
-        path: ${{ inputs.vcpkg_dir }}
-        key: ${{ steps.ctx.outputs.vcpkg_cache_hash }}
-    - name: vcpkg install
-      if: steps.cache-vcpkg.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && inputs.vcpkg != ''
-      shell: bash
-      run: |
-        set -xe
-        git clone -b ${{ inputs.vcpkg_branch }} ${{ inputs.vcpkg_dir }}
-        ${{ steps.ctx.outputs.vcpkg_bs_exe }}
-        cd ${{ inputs.vcpkg_dir }}
-        packages=${{ inputs.vcpkg }}
-        for package in ${packages//,/ }
-        do
-          vcpkg install $package${{ steps.ctx.outputs.triplet_suffix }}
-        done
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 81608d347..154e494f5 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ jobs:
           - { name: "MSVC 14.3 - C++20", os: windows-2022, std: '20', cmake_args: -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64, github_release: true }
-          - { name: "GCC 13 - C++20",    os: ubuntu-22.04, compiler: gcc, version: 13.1, std: '20', github_release: true, install: "ninja-build"}
-          - { name: "Clang 16 - C++20",  os: ubuntu-22.04, compiler: clang, version: 16, std: 20, install: "libxml2-utils ninja-build" }
+          - { name: "GCC 13 - C++20",    os: ubuntu-22.04, compiler: gcc, version: 13.1, std: '20', github_release: true, install: "openjdk-11-jdk ninja-build" }
+          - { name: "Clang 16 - C++20",  os: ubuntu-22.04, compiler: clang, version: 16, std: 20, install: "openjdk-11-jdk ninja-build" }
     name: ${{ }}
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
@@ -61,11 +61,13 @@ jobs:
           update-ld-library-path: true
       - name: Install packages
-        if: ${{ matrix.install }}
         uses: alandefreitas/cpp-actions/package-install@v1.2.1
         id: package-install
           apt-get: ${{ matrix.install }}
+          vcpkg: libxml2[tools]
+          cxx: ${{ steps.setup-cpp.outputs.cxx }}
+          cc: ${{ }}
       - name: CMake Workflow (C++${{ matrix.std }})
         uses: alandefreitas/cpp-actions/cmake-workflow@v1.2.1
@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ jobs:
           cxxstd: ${{ matrix.std }}
           cxx: ${{ steps.setup-cpp.outputs.cxx }}
           cc: ${{ }}
+          toolchain: ${{ steps.package-install.outputs.vcpkg-toolchain }}
           generator: Ninja
           install-prefix: .local
           extra-args: ${{ format('-D LLVM_ROOT="{0}" -D Clang_ROOT="{0}" -D CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON', steps.llvm-install.outputs.llvm-dir || '/usr/local') }}