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657 lines (448 loc) · 21.7 KB

File metadata and controls

657 lines (448 loc) · 21.7 KB



  • Fixes warning in generated AutoMockable methods that have implicit optional return values
  • Support for optional methods in ObjC protocols
  • Support for parsing lazy vars into Variable's attributes.
  • Updated Stencil to 0.13.1 and SwiftStencilKit to 2.7.0
  • In Swift templates CLI arguments should now be accessed via argument instead of arguments, to be consistent with Stencil and JS templates.
  • Now in swift templates you can define types, extensions and use other Swift features that require file scope, without using separate files. All templates code is now placed at the top level of the template executable code, instead of being placed inside an extension of TemplateContext type.
  • Fixed missing generated code annotated with inline annotation when corresponding annotation in sources are missing. This generated code will be now present in *.generated.swift file.
  • Updated AutoHashable template to use Swift 4.2's hash(into:) method from Hashable, and enable support for inheritance.


New Features

  • You can now pass a json string as a command line arg or annotation and have it parsed into a Dictionary or Array to be used in the template.
  • Support for Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2


Internal Changes

  • Replace swiftc with the Swift Package Manager to build Swift templates


New Features

  • You can now include entire Swift files in Swift templates
  • You can now use AutoEquatable with annotations
  • Content from multiple file annotations will now be concatenated instead of writing only the latest generated content.

For example content generated by two following templates

// sourcery:file:Generated/Foo.swift
line one
// sourcery:end


// sourcery:file:Generated/Foo.swift
line two
// sourcery:end

will be written to one file:

line one

line two

Internal Changes

  • Use AnyObject for class-only protocols

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing associated enum cases in Xcode 10
  • Fixed AutoEquatable access level for == func
  • Fixed path of generated files when linked to Xcode project
  • Fixed extraction of inline annotations in multi line comments with documentation style
  • Fixed compile error when used AutoHashable in NSObject subclass.


New Features

  • Added support for enums in AutoCodable template
  • You can now specify the base path for the Sourcery cache directory with a cacheBasePath key in the config file


New Features

  • Added AutoCodable template

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing protocol method return type followed by declaration with attribute
  • Fixed inserting auto-inlined code on the last line of declaration body
  • AutoEquatable and AutoHashable templates should not add protocol conformances in extensions


Internal Changes

  • Migrate to Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3


Bug fixes

  • Autocases template not respecting type access level
  • Ensure SPM and CocoaPods dependencies match
  • Improve AutoMockable template to handle methods with optional return values
  • Fixed crash while compiling swift templates


Internal changes

  • Do not fail the build if slather fails
  • Updated SourceKitten to 0.20.0

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing protocol methods return type (#579)


New Features

  • Supports adding new templates files while in watcher mode
  • Supports adding new source files while in watcher mode
  • Added support for subscripts
  • Added isGeneric property for Method
  • You can now pass additional arguments one by one, i.e. --args arg1=value1 --args arg2 --args arg3=value3
  • Improved support for generic types. Now you can access basic generic type information with TypeName.generic property
  • added @objcMembers attribute
  • Moved EJS and Swift templates to separate framework targets
  • EJS templates now can be used when building Sourcery with SPM
  • Added Closures to AutoMockable
  • You can now link generated files to projects using config file
  • You can now use AutoMockable with annotations
  • Updated to latest version of Stencil (commit 9184720)
  • Added support for annotation namespaces
  • Added --exclude-sources and --exclude-templates CLI options

** Breaking **

  • @objc attribute now has a name argument that contains Objective-C name of attributed declaration
  • Type collections types.based, types.implementing and types.inheriting now return non-optional array. If no types found, empty array will be returned. This is a breaking change for template code like this:
<% for type in (types.implementing["SomeProtocol"] ?? []) { %>

The new correct syntax would be:

<% for type in types.implementing["SomeProtocol"] { %>

Internal changes

  • Migrate to Swift 4, SwiftPM 4 and Xcode 9.2
  • selectorName for methods without parameters now will not contain ()
  • returnTypeName for initializers will be the type name of defining type, with ? for failable initializers
  • Improved compile time of AutoHashable template
  • Updated StencilSwiftKit and Stencil to 0.10.1

Bug fixes

  • Fixes FSEvents errors reported in #465 that happen on Sierra
  • JS exceptions no more override syntax errors in JS templates
  • Accessing unknown property on types now results in a better error than undefined is not an object in JS templates
  • Fixed issue in AutoMockable, where generated non-optional variables wouldn't meet protocol's requirements. For this purpose, underlying variable was introduced
  • Fixed inline:auto not inserting code if Sourcery is run with cache enabled #467
  • Fixed parsing @objc attributes on types
  • Fixed parsing void return type in methods without spaces between method name and body open curly brace and in protocols
  • Fixed AutoMockable template generating throwing method with void return type
  • Fixed parsing throwing initializers
  • Fixed trying to process files which do not exist
  • Automockable will not generate mocks for methods defined in protocol extensions
  • Fixed parsing typealiases of generic types
  • AutoLenses template will create lenses only for stored properties
  • Fixed resolving actual type name for generics with inner types
  • Fixed parsing nested types from extensions
  • Fixed removing back ticks in types names
  • Fixed creating output folder if it does not exist
  • Fixed inferring variable types with closures and improved inferring types of enum default values
  • Fixed enum cases with empty parenthesis not having () associated value


  • When installing Sourcery via CocoaPods, the unneeded is not kept in Pods/Sourcery/ anymore (freeing ~12MB on each install of Sourcery made via CocoaPods!).


New Features

  • Added test for count Stencil filter
  • Added new reversed Stencil filter
  • Added new isEmpty Stencil filter
  • Added new sorted and sortedDescending Stencil filters. This can sort arrays by calling e.g. protocol.allVariables|sorted:"name"
  • Added new toArray Stencil filter
  • Added a console warning when a yaml is available but any parameter between 'sources', templates', 'forceParse', 'output' are provided

Internal changes

  • Add release to Homebrew rake task
  • Fixed Swiftlint warnings
  • Fixed per file generation if there is long (approx. 150KB) output inside sourcery:file annotation
  • Do not generate default.profraw
  • Remove filters in favor of same filters from StencilSwiftKit


New Features

  • Added support for file paths in config parameter
  • Added isDeinitializer property for methods
  • Improved config file validation and error reporting
  • Various improvements for AutoMockable template:
    • support methods with reserved keywords name
    • support methods that throws
    • improved generated declarations names

Bug fixes

  • Fixed single file generation not skipping writing the file when there is no generated content

Internal changes

  • Updated dependencies for Swift 4
  • Update internal ruby dependencies


New Features

  • Added support in AutoHashable for static variables, [Hashable] array and [Hashable: Hashable] dictionary
  • Added definedInType property for Method and Variable
  • Added extensions filter for stencil template
  • Added include support in Swift templates
  • Swift templates now can throw errors. You can also throw just string literals.
  • Added support for TypeName in string filters (except filters from StencilSwiftKit).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed linker issue when using Swift templates
  • Updated AutoMockable to exclude generated code collisions
  • Fixed parsing of default values for variables that also have a body (e.g. for didSet)
  • Fixed line number display when an error occur while parsing a Swift template
  • Fixed rsync issue on SourceryRuntime.framework when using Swift templates
  • Fixed auto:inline for nested types (this concerns the first time the code is inserted)

Internal changes

  • Fix link for template in docs
  • Fix running Sourcery in the example app
  • Add step to update internal boilerplate code during the release


Internal changes

  • Add Version.swift to represent CLI tool version


Bug fixes

  • Fixed regression in parsing templates from config file
  • Removed meaningless isMutating property for Variable

Internal changes

  • Improvements in release script
  • Updated boilerplate code to reflect latest changes


New Features

  • Added inout flag for MethodParameter
  • Added parsing mutating and final attributes with convenience isMutating and isFinal properties
  • Added support for include Stencil tag
  • Added support for excluded paths

Bug fixes

  • Fixed inserting generated code inline automatically at wrong position
  • Fixed regression in AutoEquatable & AutoHashable template with private computed variables

Internal changes

  • Internal release procedure improvements
  • Improved TemplatesTests scheme running
  • Fixed swiftlint warnings (version 0.19.0)


New Features

  • Paths in config file are now relative to config file path by default, absolute paths should start with /
  • Improved logging and error reporting, added --quiet CLI option, added runtime errors for using invalid types in implementing and inheriting
  • Added support for includes in EJS templates (for example: <%- include('myTemplate.js') %>)
  • Add the lowerFirst filter for Stencil templates.
  • Added isRequired property for Method
  • Improved parsing of closure types
  • Check if Current Project Version match version in podspec in release task
  • Improved swift templates performance
  • Added // sourcery:file annotation for source code

Bug fixes

  • Fixed detecting computed properties
  • Fixed typo in isConvenienceInitialiser property
  • Fixed creating cache folder when cache is disabled
  • Fixed parsing multiple enum cases annotations
  • Fixed parsing inline annotations when there is an access level or attribute
  • Fixed parsing required attribute
  • Fixed typo in guides/Writing

Internal changes

  • Improved AutoMockable.stencil to support protocols with init methods
  • Improved AutoCases.stencil to use let instead of computed var
  • Updated StencilSwiftKit to 1.0.2 which includes Stencil 0.9.0
  • Adding docset to release archive
  • Add tests for bundled stencil templates
  • Moved to CocoaPods 1.2.1
  • Made Array.parallelMap's block non-escaping


New Features

  • Added some convenience accessors for classic, static and instance methods, and types and contained types grouped by names


New Features

  • Added support for inline code generation without requiring explicit // sourcery:inline comments in the source files. To use, use sourcery:inline:auto in a template: // sourcery:inline:auto:MyType.TemplateName
  • Added isMutable property for Variable
  • Added support for scanning multiple targets
  • Added access level filters and disabled filtering private declarations
  • Added support for inline comments for annotations with /* and */
  • Added annotations for enum case associated values and method parameters
  • Added isConvenienceInitializer property for Method
  • Added defaultValue for variables and method parameters
  • Added docs generated with jazzy
  • Sourcery now will not create empty files and will remove existing generated files with empty content if CLI flag prune is set to true (false by default)
  • Sourcery now will remove inline annotation comments from generated code.
  • Added rethrows property to Method
  • Allow duplicated annotations to be agregated into array
  • Added ejs-style tags to control whitespaces and new lines in swift templates
  • Added CLI option to provide path to config file

Bug Fixes

  • Inserting multiple inline code block in one file
  • Suppress warnings when compiling swift templates
  • Accessing protocols in Swift templates
  • Crash that would happen sometimes when parsing typealiases

Internal changes

  • Replaced TypeReflectionBox and GenerationContext types with common TemplateContext.


New Features

  • Added flag to check if TypeName is dictionary
  • Added support for multiple sources and templates paths, sources, templates and output paths now should be provided with --sources, --templates and --output options
  • Added support for YAML file configuration
  • Added generation of non-swift files using sourcery:file annotation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed observing swift and js templates
  • Fixed parsing generic array types
  • Fixed using dictionary in annotations


New Features

  • Added parsing array types
  • Added support for JavaScript templates (using EJS)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed escaping variables with reserved names
  • Fixed duplicated methods and variables in allMethods and allVariables
  • Fixed trimming attributes in type names


Bug Fixes

  • Cache initial file contents, including the inline generated ranges so that they are always up to date


New Features

  • Added per file code generation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed parsing annotations with complex content
  • Fixed inline parser using wrong caching logic


New Features

  • Sourcery will no longer write files if content didn't change, this improves behaviour of things depending on modification date like Xcode, Swiftlint.

Internal changes

  • Improved support for contained types

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes cache handling that got broken in 0.5.4


New Features

  • Added inline code generation
  • Added isClosure property to TypeName to detect closure types

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed parsing of associated values separater by newlines
  • Fixed preserving order of inherited types
  • Improved support for throwing methods in protocols
  • Fixed extracting parameters of methods with closures in their bodies
  • Fixed extracting method return types of tuple types
  • Improved support for typealises as tuple elements types
  • Method parameters with _ argument label will now have nil in argumentLabel property
  • Improved support for generic methods
  • Improved support for contained types

Internal changes

  • adjusted internal templates and updated generated code
  • moved methods parsing related tests in a separate spec


New Features

  • Added support for method return types with throws and rethrows
  • Added a new filter replace. Usage: {{ name|replace:"substring","replacement" }} - replaces occurrences of substring with replacement in name (case sensitive)
  • Improved support for inferring types of variables with initial values
  • Sourcery is now bundling a set of example templates, you can access them in Templates folder.
  • We now use parallel parsing and cache source artifacts. This leads to massive performance improvements:
  • e.g. on big codebase of over 300 swift files:
Sourcery 0.5.2
Processing time 8.69941002130508 seconds

Sourcery 0.5.3
First time 4.69904798269272 seconds
Subsequent time: 0.882099032402039 seconds

Bug Fixes

  • Method accessLevel was not exposed as string so not accessible properly via templates, fixed that.
  • Fixes on Swift Templates


New Features

  • Added support for ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional

  • actualTypeName property of Method.Parameter, Variable, Enum.Case.AssociatedValue, TupleType.Element now returns typeName if type is not a type alias

  • Enum now contains type information for its raw value type. rawType now return Type object, rawTypeName returns its TypeName

  • Added annotated filter to filter by annotations

  • Added negative filters counterparts

  • Added support for attributes, i.e. @escaping

  • Experimental support for Swift Templates

  • Swift Templates are now supported

<% for type in types.classes { %>
    extension <%= %>: Equatable {}

    <% if type.annotations["showComment"] != nil { %> // <%= %> has Annotations <% } %>

        func == (lhs: <%= %>, rhs: <%= %>) -> Bool {
    <% for variable in type.variables { %> if lhs.<%= %> != rhs.<%= %> { return false }
        <% } %>
        return true
<% } %>


New Features

  • Variables with default initializer are now supported, e.g. var variable = Type(...)
  • Added support for special escaped names in enum cases e.g. default or for
  • Added support for tuple types and tuple filter for variables
  • Enum associated values now have localName and externalName properties.
  • Added actualTypeName for TypeName that is typealias
  • Added implements, inherits and based filters

Bug Fixes

  • Using protocols doesn't expose variables using KVC, which meant some of the typeName properties weren't accessible via Templates, we fixed that using Sourcery itself to generate specific functions.
  • Fixed parsing typealiases for tuples and closure types
  • Fixed parsing associated values of generic types

Internal Changes

  • Performed significant refactoring and simplified mutations in parsers


  • You can now pass arbitrary values to templates with --args argument.
  • Added open access level
  • Type inherits and implements now allow you to access full type information, not just name
  • Type allVariables will now include all variables, including those inherited from supertype and known protocols.
  • Type allMethods will now include all methods, including those inherited from supertype and known protocols.
  • AssociatedValue exposes unwrappedTypeName, isOptional
  • New Available stencil filters:
    • static, instance, computed, stored for Variables
    • enum, class, struct, protocol for Types
    • class, initializer, static, instance for Methods
    • count for Arrays, this is used when chaining arrays with filters where Stencil wouldn't allow us to do .count, e.g. {{ variables|instance|count }}
  • Now you can avoid inferring unknown protocols as enum raw types by adding conformance in extension (instead of enum Foo: Equatable {} do enum Foo {}; extension Foo: Equatable {})

Internal changes

  • Refactor code around typenames


New Features

  • Watch mode now works with folders, reacting to source-code changes and adding templates/source files.
  • When using watch mode, status info will be displayed in the generated code so that you don't need to look at console at all.
  • You can now access types of enum's associated values
  • You can now access type's methods and initializers


New Features

  • You can now access supertype of a class
  • Associated values will now automatically use idx as name if no name is provided

Bug Fixes

  • Fix dealing with multibyte characters
  • types.implementing and types.based should include protocols that are based on other protocols

Internal changes

  • TDD Development is now easier thanks to Diffable results, no longer we need to scan wall of text on failures, instead we see exactly what's different.


New Features

  • Added contains, hasPrefix, hasPrefix filters

Bug Fixes

  • AccessLevel is now stored as string


Bug Fixes

  • Typealiases parsing could cause crash, implemented a workaround for that until we can find a little more reliable solution


New Features

  • Swift Package Manager support.


New Features

  • Enum cases also have annotation support

Internal changes

  • Improved handling of global and local typealiases.


New Features

  • Add upperFirst stencil filter


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug with flattening inherits, implements for protocols implementing other protocols
  • Improve rawType logic for Enums

New Features

  • Annotations can now be declared also with sections e.g. sourcery:begin: attribute1, attribute2 = 234
  • Adds scanning class variables as static

Internal changes

  • Refactored models
  • Improved performance of annotation scanning


New Features

  • Implements inherits, implements, based reflection on each Type
  • Flattens inheritance, e.g. Foo implements Decodable, then FooSubclass also implements it

Internal changes

  • Stop parsing private variables as they wouldn't be accessible to code-generated code


New Features

  • improve detecting raw type
  • add isGeneric property


New Features

  • Enables support for scanning extensions of unknown type, providing partial metadata via types.based or types.all reflection


New Features

  • Adds real type reflection into Variable, not only it's name
  • Resolves known typealiases


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that caused Sourcery to drop previous type information when encountering generated code, closes #33


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug in escaping path
  • Fixes missing protocol variant in kind


New Features

  • added support for type/variable source annotations
  • added property kind to Type, it contains info whether this is struct, class or enum entry
  • Automatically skips .swift files that were generated with Sourcery

Internal changes

  • improved detecting enums with rawType