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Vector Server Node

Database Migrations

Baseline Inital Migration

This step needs to be done one time on production DBs due to DB tooling change.

  • Run make dls and observe node image crashing.
  • Run bash ops/ node and make note of a log that says something similar to VECTOR_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://vector:e9ecd9758ba79cceb9757d83c180e3eb28b15d1643643ca7de160121cf78c049@database-node:5432/vector.
  • Run docker run --network vector -it --entrypoint /bin/bash vector_node:98d3e880 -s to connect a new node container without the crashing entry.
  • Run VECTOR_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://vector:e9ecd9758ba79cceb9757d83c180e3eb28b15d1643643ca7de160121cf78c049@database-node:5432/vector npx prisma migrate resolve --preview-feature --applied 20210208123402_init --schema prisma-postgres/schema.prisma to baseline the migration. Substitute your database URL from step 2.
  • Run make restart-router.

Creating Database Migrations

Warning: Annoying process due to Prisma's lack of multi-db support.

Start off the process by making changes to prisma-sqlite/schema.prisma.

DB changes must be applied against running environment.

Note: Revisit these instructions by frequently checking Prisma releases and docs

  • Run make reset-config to ensure a fully local development stack.
  • Run make start-trio.
  • Run make dls to find docker container ID for carol.
  • Run docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash.
  • Run cd modules/server-node.
  • Run VECTOR_DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///tmp/store.sqlite npm run migration:generate:sqlite to generate migration locally. It will show up in the prisma-sqlite/migrations directory on the host machine.
  • Modify as needed, then run npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature to apply the migration during development.
  • When satisfied, port the changes over exactly as is to the prisma-postgres/schema.prisma. The only diff between the two files should be the database provider.
  • Run make stop-all to stop the trio stack.
  • Run make start-router to start the router in a prod-style setup with Postgres running.
  • Run make dls to find docker container ID for node.
  • Run docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash.
  • Run cd modules/server-node.
  • Run VECTOR_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://vector:vector@database-node:5432/vector npm run migration:generate:postgres to generate migration locally. It will show up in the prisma-postgres/migrations directory on the host machine.
  • Commit the new migrations and schema changes for both Postgres and SQLite to the repo.