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Can Language Models Serve as Text-Based World Simulators?

This is the code base for the paper Can Language Models Serve as Text-Based World Simulators?


pip install -r requirements.txt

OpenAI API key

You need an OpenAI API key to run the code. The OpenAI API key should be saved as an environment variable. See the OpenAI website for detailed instructions.

Data Generation

In this section and all sections following, we always assume that you run the code from the root of this repository.

We offer our data in the data folder. Unzip the and files to get the data train.jsonl and test.jsonl. test.jsonl contains all states transitions we used for our experiments and train.jsonl contains all remaining crawled transitions.

If you want to crawl the data your own, run

python data/\
    --game_code_folder GAME_CODE_FOLDER\
    --game_playthrough_folder GAME_PLAYTHROUGH_FOLDER\
    --output_file OUTPUT_FILE\
    --data_split_output_path DATA_SPLIT_PATH\
    --changed_state_output_path CHANGED_STATE_PATH\
    --max_actions_crawl MAX_ACTIONS_CRAWL\
    --random_seed SEED\

GAME_CODE_FOLDER: Folder that saves the game code. Default: games

GAME_PLAYTHROUGH_FOLDER: Folder that saves the game gold playthroughs. Default: playthroughs

OUTPUT_FILE: A JSONL file that stores all states crawled. Default: data/data.jsonl

DATA_SPLIT_PATH: The script will generate a json file that saves the state ids of dynamic and static states for each action. This is the output path of the json file.

CHANGED_STATE_PATH: The script will generate a json file that saves the ids all states that are changed by actions or over the time. This is the output path of the json file.

MAX_ACTIONS_CRAWL: The maximum number of actions to crawl per action verb per game.

SEED: Random seed. Default: 0.

--overwrite: overwrite existing data

This will generate a JSONL data file, a JSON file that stores the dynamic states of each action of each game, and a JSON file that stores all dynamic states of each game. You can further sample a test set from the dataset as we did in our experiments by running

python data/\
    --data_distribution_file GAME_DISTRIBUTION_FILE\
    --games GAMES\
    --raw_data DATA\
    --output_train OUTPUT_TRAIN\
    --output_test OUTPUT_TEST\
    --num_samples NUM_SAMPLES

GAME_DISTRIBUTION_FILE: The JSON file that stores the dynamic and static states for each action of each game generated in the previous step. Default: data/dynamic_static_states_per_action.json

GAMES: Path of the JSON file that stores the names of all games and examples.

RAW_DATA: Path of the data JSONL generated in the previous step.

OUTPUT_TRAIN: Path to save the output train file.

OUTPUT_TEST: Path to save the output test file.

NUM_SAMPLES: Each game will sample NUM_SAMPLES dynamic states and NUM_SAMPLES static states.

Rule generation

We offer our generated rules in rules/. We also provide the scripts to run them:

python [action|object|score]\
    --input_folder INPUT_FOLDER\
    --output_folder OUPUT_FOLDER\
    --model MODEL

INPUT_FOLDER: Folder of the game codel files. Default: data/games

OUTPUT_FOLDER: Output saving path

MODEL: Model used to generate the rules. We used gpt-4-0125-preview in our experiments.

LLM as Simulator Experiments

Here is the command to run the simulation task. Arguments wrapped in square brackets are optional for some experiments.

    --model MODEL\
    --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX\
    --output_suffix OUTPUT_SUFFIX\
    --game_file_names GAME_FILE_NAMES\
    --total_shards NUM_SHARDS\
    --shard_idx SHARD\
    --state_data_folder DATA_FOLDER\
    --example_data EXAMPLE_DATA\
    --data_type DATA_TYPE\
    --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER\
    --rule_folder RULE_FOLDER\

MODEL: OpenAI model to use. In our experiments we used gpt-4-0125-preview and gpt-3.5-turbo-0125.

OUTPUT_PREFIX/SUFFIX: The script will saves prediction results into one JSON file which store general statistics and one JSONL which stores all predicted states. The JSON file name will be results_{OUTPUT_PREFIX}_{SHARD}{OUTPUT_SUFFIX}.json and the name of the JSONL file will be {OUTPUT_PREFIX}_{SHARD}{OUTPUT_SUFFIX}.jsonl.

GAME_FILE_NAMES: By default, this is set to games.json which saves all game names. If you want to run some of the games or run on your own games, please edit this file or change to a new file.

NUM_SHARDS: total number of data shards

SHARD: the index of the shard to run. Zero base.

DATA_FOLDER:: Folder that saves all transition files. By default it is data.

EXAMPLE_DATA: Path to the JSON file that stores all example states.

DATA_TYPE: Types of input data. The value can be "action", "tick", "score", or "full", which corresponds to action-driven transitions, environment-driven transitions, game progress transitions, and the whole state transitions.

OUTPUT_FOLDER: Folder to save the result files.

RULE_FOLDER: Folders that saves the all game rules.

--partial: Include this flag for state difference prediction.

--no-rule: Include this flag for the no-rule experiments.

Here's an example to run on all games with the GPT-4o model, human-written rules (--rule_folder ./rules/human_written_rules), state difference prediction (--partial), and either whole state transitions (--data_type full), action-driven transitions (--data_type action), or environment-driven transitions (--data_type tick):

python ./experiments/ --model gpt-4o --output_prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_full --rule_folder ./rules/human_written_rules --output_folder results --data_type full --partial
python ./experiments/ --model gpt-4o --output_prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_action --rule_folder ./rules/human_written_rules --output_folder results --data_type action --partial
python ./experiments/ --model gpt-4o --output_prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_tick --rule_folder ./rules/human_written_rules --output_folder results --data_type tick --partial

where hwr stands for human-written rules, diff stands for state difference prediction, and full, action, tick stand for whole state transitions, action-driven transitions and environment-driven transitions.

Results Analysis

We offer scripts to do analysis on model predictions.

The will compute the general accuracy per game state as well as detailed per object property accuracy. Run the script by

python ./scripts/\
    --prefix PREFIX\
    --suffix SUFFIX\
    --n_shards SHARDS\
    --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER\
    --exp_type EXP_TYPE\
    --results_folder RESULTS_FOLDER\
    --state_change_file STATE_CHANGE_FILE

PREFIX/SUFFIX, and SHARDS should correspond the arguments you used to run your experiments in previous steps.

EXP_TYPE: can be "action", "tick", "score", or "full". It is the same as the DATA_TYPE argument of script.

RESULTS_FOLDER: Folder where to save the results.

STATE_CHANGE_FILE: A JSON that saves all dynamic states. Default: dynamic_states.json

Here is an example to run the analysis on the results obtained at the previous step:

python ./scripts/ --prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_full --exp_type full --output_folder analysis
python ./scripts/ --prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_action --exp_type action --output_folder analysis
python ./scripts/ --prefix gpt4o_hwr_diff_tick --exp_type tick --output_folder analysis


To generate similar tables as shown in the paper, we provide the following script.

python paper/ analysis/*_state.csv --latex


To generate the stacked histograms as shown in the paper, we provide the following script.

python paper/ --full analysis/gpt4o_hwr_diff_full_detail.csv --tick analysis/gpt4o_hwr_diff_tick_detail.csv --action analysis/gpt4o_hwr_diff_action_detail.csv --output gpt4o_hwr_diff.pdf

where --full, --tick, and --action are the detailed results files generated by the The --output argument specifies the output file name.