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Releases: codyd51/axle

nightly-22e5eb7813b830c9fea19b577b25c6b96f2e9f0d: [CI] Run mkinitrd in

This will also build mkinitrd if necessary, ensuring it's available in CI

nightly-85a3142c9767def3bb293ba10f71c31ebecbebff: Merge pull request #46 from codyd51/build-in-ci

17 Dec 17:56
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[CI] Include git SHA in nightly tag

High-resolution boot

20 Jan 06:36
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axle now has a video mode set by GRUB at boot time. 1024x768x24 is preferred, but axle should function (and has been tested) in several other resolutions. Most importantly of these, 640x480x32 (the default fallback resolution that all VGA cards are guaranteed to support) works fine.

Terminal mode (VGA 'text' mode) has been obsoleted. All axle output (e.g. when using printf in kernel) is output to the high-resolution frame buffer instead. The shell is now interfaced in high-resolution mode as well.

axle should now use one resolution consistently, instead of switching between resolutions for various programs. Due to this, the concept of multiple Screen objects doesn't make much sense anymore, and the API might be revisited, as there's no reason to pass a Screen to utility functions when there's only one in existence.

The window manager (invoked by startx) should work in the new graphics mode, as this mode is the resolution xserv was originally written for. The boot screen, which was originally intended for 320x200x8 VGA, has been rewritten for new resolution. Note that this build has broken filesystem support, and resources such as the desktop wallpaper should not be expected to appear in window manager.

rexle has not been updated for new resolution mode.

First Public Alpha

15 Jan 04:25
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System Requirements

axle runs on 32-bit x86 processors.

It is recommended to use a machine with at least 64mb of RAM.

Running axle

Most times, you will be running axle in an emulator such as QEMU (the recommended emulator). While axle, like any OS, can be installed on real hardware, it is much less cumbersome and easier to use an emulator.

To execute the axle ISO with qemu, execute the following command:

qemu-system-i386 -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -d cpu_reset -D qemu.log -serial file:syslog.log -vga std -cdrom axle.iso

axle will log kernel debug info to a file called syslog.log which will be created in the directory you run axle in.

If you use one of axle's debug keystrokes (such as ctrl+m or ctrl+p), the info will be logged to this file.


Contributing to axle is highly encouraged! If you have any questions about the under-the-hood workings of axle, or any ideas for new features, feel free to say so.

If you'd like to report a bug, please describe the steps needed to recreate the bug and include your kernel syslog.