Open your browser with the link http://localhost:8000/admin
Depending on whether your installation will be hosting a single or multiple cities, it is wise to start by entering at least one jurisdiction.
Select jurisdictions from the admin interface
Select add new
Enter information about the jurisdiction. It is common practice to identify a city by the official url, without the www, f.i. the identifier could be:
- nyc.gov
- eindhoven.nl
And for this example, we will use an Identifier in the form CITY-STATE-COUNTRY so in our case, we set the names to
Now, when we enter on of the following url's:
http://localhost:8000/api/georeport/v2/services.json * http://localhost:8000/api/georeport/v2/services.json?jurisdiction=eindhoven.nl * http://localhost:8000/api/georeport/v2/services.json?jurisdiction=nyc.gov
They will all return an empty array as we have no services defined. The endpoint is working as http://localhost:8000/api/georeport/v2/services.json?jurisdiction=eindhoven.nl shows by returning an empty services collection in XML format.
Next step: Services