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Affiliate partner |
partners/affiliate-partner |
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This is a new category of partnership as of January 2017. Most organizations or groups of individuals who want to join the Code for All community may not be ready for membership as a governing partner. However, many may share the Code for All mission and wish to be affiliated with the network. Affiliate partners may include, for example, groups of volunteers (“Brigades”) who are working toward goals in alignment with the Code for All mission, established subnational or local organizations that may not have a national affiliate, or new organizations that are not yet fully functional, but aspire to one day become a governing partner of the Code for All network. All organizations considered for governing partner status after January 2017 should have first been accepted as affiliate partners.
Affiliate partners will be listed on the Code for All website, benefit from additional access to Code for All members and resources and can identify as affiliates in their external communications. In order to be accepted as affiliate partners, organizations will, in most cases, have:
- been nominated or recommended by a current Code for All partner;
- implemented or are implementing at least one project that conforms to the mission and values of Code for All;
- shown a willingness and desire to participate in Code for All activities, including in person and online;
- demonstrated that they have established relationships with either government or civil society partners that are necessary to achieving the mission of a Code-for partner; and
- agreed to Code for All’s code of conduct.
- A representative of the applying organization fills out the application form linked on the Code for All website.
- The partnership committee reviews the application and contacts the organization to determine whether an applying organization is eligible to become an affiliate partner based on established criteria.
- Affiliate partners are notified of their acceptance, deferral or denial within four weeks.
- Accepted affiliates provide their logo and URL for listing on the Code for All website.