A scalar variable should be declared in the smallest scope possible. In computer programming, the term scope of a variable usually refers to the part of the code where the variable can be used (e.g. a function, a loop). During the execution of a program, a variable cannot be accessed from outside of its scope. This effectively limits the visibility of the variable, which prevents its value from being read or written in other parts of the code.
Move the declaration to the smallest possible scope.
Explicitly declaring scalar variables in the smallest scope possible simplifies data flow analysis, which may be difficult, time-consuming and error-prone especially in big code bases that contain many function calls spread along multiple files. It makes it easier for the compiler to track the usage of variables. By minimizing the number of statements where the value can be modified, it is easier to diagnose why a variable is taking an erroneous value. Additionally, it reduces the likelihood of reusing variables for multiple, incompatible purposes, making code testing significantly easier.
In the context of parallel programming, one of the biggest challenges is to do data scoping correctly and decide on how to manage all the variables of the code properly. For example, it is very important to determine if a variable needs to be declared as private to the threads or if it needs to be shared among all the threads. Not doing so may introduce race conditions during the parallel execution, which makes the result of the code wrong in unpredictable ways.
In the following code, the function example
declares a variable t
used in
each iteration of the loop to hold a value that is then assigned to the array
. The variable t
is not used outside of the loop.
void example() {
int t;
int result[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
t = i + 1;
result[i] = t;
In this code, the smallest possible scope for the variable t
is within the
loop body. The resulting code would be as follows:
void example() {
int result[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int t = i + 1;
result[i] = t;
From the perspective of parallel programming, moving the declaration of variable
to the smallest possible scope helps to prevent potential race conditions.
For example, in the OpenMP parallel implementation shown below there is no need
to use the clause private(t)
, as the declaration scope of t
dictates that it is private to each thread. This avoids potential race
conditions because each thread modifies its own copy of the variable t
void example() {
int result[10];
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(result)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int t = i + 1;
result[i] = t;
Fortran 2008 introduced the BLOCK
construct. This feature allows to organize
code within larger programs by grouping sections together. Conveniently,
supports new variable declarations within those sections.
In the following code, the subroutine example
declares a variable t
used in
each iteration of the loop to hold a value that is then assigned to the array
. The variable t
is not used outside of the loop.
subroutine example()
implicit none
integer :: t
integer, dimension(10) :: result
integer :: i
do i = 1, 10
t = i + 1
result(i) = t
end do
end subroutine example
However, the smallest possible scope for the variable t
is within the loop
body. The resulting code with the BLOCK
construct would be as follows:
subroutine example()
implicit none
integer, dimension(10) :: result
integer :: i
do i = 1, 10
integer :: t
t = i + 1
result(i) = t
end block
end do
end subroutine example
From the perspective of parallel programming, moving the declaration of
variable t
to the smallest possible scope helps to prevent potential race
conditions. For example, in the OpenMP parallel implementation shown below
there is no need to use the clause private(t)
, as the declaration scope of
inherently dictates that it is private to each thread. This avoids
potential race conditions because each thread modifies its own copy of the
variable t
subroutine example()
implicit none
integer, dimension(10) :: result
integer :: i
!$omp parallel do default(none) shared(result) private(i)
do i = 1, 10
integer :: t
t = i + 1
result(i) = t
end block
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end subroutine example