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Software. Faster.

GitLab is the most comprehensive
AI-powered DevSecOps Platform.

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The way DevSecOps should be

Accelerate your digital transformation +

Reach your digital transformation objectives faster with a DevSecOps platform for your entire organization. +

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Text bubbles of communicating teams

Deliver software faster +

Automate your software delivery process so you can deliver value faster and quality code more often. +

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Ensure compliance +

Simplify continuous software compliance by defining, enforcing and reporting on compliance in one platform. +

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Build in security +

Adopt DevSecOps practices with continuous software security assurance across every stage. +

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Improve collaboration and visibility +

Give everyone one platform to collaborate and see everything from planning to production. +

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+ GitLab is The DevSecOps Platform +

Our users have spoken.
+GitLab ranks as a G2 Leader across DevSecOps categories

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G2 Enterprise Leader - Fall 2022G2 Mid-Market Leader - Fall 2022G2 Small Business Leader - Fall 2022G2 Best Results - Fall 2022G2 Best Relationship Enterprise - Fall 2022G2 Best Relationship Mid-Market - Fall 2022G2 Easiest To Do Business With Mid-Market - Fall 2022G2 Best Usability - Fall 2022
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