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237 lines (205 loc) · 14.9 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (205 loc) · 14.9 KB


  • core: log current active ENV when it is initialized
  • jdbc: improve AlreadyExistsException message (always starts with errors.alreadyExists)
  • jdbc: better handling of comments inside quoted strings in migration scripts
  • csv: support for providing a different encoding than UTF-8 when parsing or generating


  • jdbc: add helpful details to Postgres exception "no hstore extension installed"
  • core: TSID.deterministic introduced for using in test data generation
  • json: TSGenerator updates
    • wraps records with enum keys into Partial to avoid TS wanting all the keys to be present
    • outputs provided custom types as separate types and references them
    • accepts -o and -p arguments for simpler usage
    • optionally can generate test data from Kotlin objects using -t


  • core: added PATCH method to TypedHttpClient
  • jdbc: can use Config ENV vars in migration scripts
  • jdbc-test: JUnitAssertionImprover removed, as Atrium 1.3+ improved error messages itself
  • server: disallow direct assignments to HttpExchange.responseType to avoid confusion, HttpExchange.send() or startResponse() must be used to bypass renderers


  • jdbc: fixed neq operator, it was accidentally broken in 1.6.11


  • smtp: new module introduced for sending emails over SMTP
  • server: expose Server.listen and bound Server.address as separate properties #93
  • server: Server.use() can register extensions that implement multiple supported interfaces at the same time
  • server: useOnly() will now add parser/renderer if it wasn't yet registered, to avoid confusion
  • server: HttpExchange.rawBody can now be accessed more than once (is a lazy property now)
  • jdbc: distinct and notDistinct operators introduced for where expressions
  • jdbc: PooledDataSource: DB connections closed by server now correctly decrease connection pool size
  • json: fixed some very specific regressions in TSGenerator


  • server: Server(InetSocketAddress(0)) can now be used to bind to any available port.
  • server: make idle restarts quick #96
  • server: initialize HttpExchange.pathParams even no route is matched (404), for decorators #82
  • server: put list into queryParams if user specifies multiple parameters with the same name, introduce e.queryList #63
  • jdbc: between operator introduced with open and closed ranges, also in and notIn
  • jdbc: @NoTransaction can now be used on jobs
  • jdbc: fixed usage of multiple different DataSources when there is an active transaction
  • jdbc: allow calling of PooledConnection.close() multiple times #80
  • jdbc: support for automatic persisting/mapping of arrays of @JvmInline classes (e.g. TSID)
  • json: fix TSGenerator on Windows
  • json: TSGenerator will now use more type-safe string template types for java.time classes, e.g. ${number}-${number}-${number} instead of string
  • slf4j: allow providing of LOGGER_CLASS via .env file if Config.useEnvFile() is called before any logging calls #92
  • jackson: serialize enums using their toString() method by default, this fixes openapi module usage with jackson #88
  • liquibase: do not close jdbc connection if it was passed by user #81


  • core: logger(name) is now accessible without a class instance context
  • core: Any.logger() will now take the closest non-anonymous superclass
  • server: errors.on(StatusCode) convenience reified function added
  • server: AssetsHandler will now allow serving of SPA index.html even if requested directory in assets exists
  • jdbc: BaseCrudRepository.list() and by() now both have the suffix parameter
  • jdbc: handle Postgres "cached plan must not change result type" exception by enabling autosave=conservative by default


  • server: ErrorHandler now supports finding of handlers using exception super classes
  • jobs: fix deprecated schedule() method implementation


  • core: Converter can now force initialize type arguments' companion objects
  • core: Decimal.absoluteValue and Decimal.sign introduced, like other numeric types in Kotlin
  • core: Registry and TypedHttpClient moved from server module, so that JsonHttpClient can be used without the server
  • server: HttpExchange.path<>(), query<>(), and session<>() now allow for automatic String conversion into value types
  • server: Browser class better detects various iOS browsers that run on Apple WebKit
  • jobs: deprecated non-Duration schedule() methods
  • oauth: support for missing first or last names or locale
  • jdbc: initial support for Postgres listen/notify
  • slf4j: fix length optimization of stack traces in StackTraceOptimizingLogger


  • core: Converter will force initialize companion objects to better support init { Converter.use {...} }
  • core: Converter now supports inline classes with multiple constructors automatically
  • core: Converter now supports any static(String) method automatically, not only parse()
  • core: Cache keepAlive function introduced to prolong external cache entries
  • server: KeyCipher now uses base64UrlEncode() internally instead of plain base64
  • jdbc: db.upsert() now uses excluded special table name for update part instead of setting values twice


  • core: simple Cache with expiration timer implemented
  • oauth: AppleOAuthClient updated and tested
  • oauth: JWT helper class introduced
  • jdbc: introduced db.upsertBatch()
  • jobs: runOnce() introduced for convenience
  • json: throw more descriptive errors from JsonNode.get() in case of missing keys


  • core: added common value types for Email, Phone, and Password, also StringValue base class
  • jdbc: introduced db.insertBatch()
  • jdbc: deprecated Entity interface (UUID-based), which can be replaced with BaseEntity
  • jdbc: support SqlComputed with other operators, e.g. where = "date" lte SqlComputed("currrent_date")
  • server: added path to annotated(), to make paths more visible in one place
  • server: make a few more Server properties public (sessionStore, notFoundHandler, etc)
  • server: bugfix after 1.6.0: wrap notFoundHandler correctly to produce correct 404 response
  • server: NotFoundRoute introduced to be easily distinguishable from normal routes
  • oauth: new experimental OAuth 2.0 login module


  • server: added support for SSE (Server-Side Events) to HttpExchange
  • json: improve parsing of complex types with parameters
  • jdbc: introduce NullableId for entities with null ids until they are persisted.
  • jdbc: introduce UpdatableEntity for optimistic locking in


  • server: fix check for requested assets being inside of assets directory
  • server: introduced FormDataRenderer
  • core/json: KClass.createFrom will report missing parameters in a nicer way
  • core: conversion of enum values from string is now case-insensitive
  • json: can convert number to a custom type using opts.values
  • json: TSGenerator: better detection of types of inline classes with several computed properties
  • jdbc: upsert() now has skipUpdateFields parameter


  • jdbc: and() introduced in addition to or() for more convenient composition of where expressions
  • Kotlin and other dependency updates


  • server: notFoundHandler is now decorated separately in each context, so that decorators can intercept and handle missing routes (e.g. CorsHandler)
  • server: ErrorHandler will now omit the default message thrown by first() function ("List/Collection is empty.") and generate a standard 404 NotFound response
  • server: ThrowableHandler now has HttpExchange as receiver for cleaner code, as it is not used in most handlers anyway
  • server: ThrowableHandler returning null will now proceed with next handler, eventually producing error 500 if not handled
  • server: Route is now a KAnnotatedElement, so that findAnnotation/hasAnnotation() functions from kotlin-reflect should be used on it (not backwards-compatible)
  • jdbc: startDevDB() will now throw an exception if docker-compose returns a non-zero exit code
  • jdbc: deprecated 1.4.x functions removed, please upgrade from 1.4.x to 1.5.0 first, fix deprecations, and then to 1.6.x
  • openapi: new module that can generate OpenAPI json spec file for all routes in a context


  • jdbc: DB_READONLY=true env var can be used to make the whole app read-only (e.g. when migrating the DB, instead of Heroku maintenance mode)
  • jdbc: CrudRepository.get() now has optional forUpdate parameter
  • HttpExchange.fileName() added for setting of Content-Disposition
  • json bugfix: json within json (and '') are now properly escaped
  • json bugfix: render Any type as 'any' instead of 'string' in TSGenerator
  • csv: new module for CSV parsing/generation


  • jdbc: support reading of collections of Decimal from DB array columns
  • jdbc: db.upsert() now has an optional "where" parameter
  • server: AssetsHandler.headerModifier now gets file parameter to make decisions based on it
  • server: allow having annotations on AssetsHandler for e.g. access checks


  • json: ValueConverter can now be used to transform strings into types
  • json: JsonNode.getList() signature fixed
  • json: improve error message when trying to parse an empty stream
  • json: JsonParser.readArray can now be used to stream json arrays without loading them into memory
  • jdbc: close connection (return to pool) even if autoCommit/commit/rollback fails
  • server: support for boolean query parameters without values, e.g. ?flag
  • server: support for anonymous handler annotations (fixed in Kotlin 1.8)


  • server: TypedHttpClient/JsonHttpClient uses a better logger name (from nearest user class)
  • json/jackson: TypedHttpClient/JsonHttpClient now have overridable trimToLog property in case you need to process how requests/responses are logged
  • jobs: JobRunner.schedule() now takes kotlin.time.Duration values
  • jdbc: PooledDataSource - a simple and easy to configure connection pool (used in DBModule by default)
  • jdbc: use HikariModule instead of DBModule if you still want to use Hikari (also add dependency on com.zaxxer:HikariCP)
  • liquibase/serialization - dependencies updated


  • core: experimental Decimal class to be used for monetary values, with numerical equality (unlike BigDecimal)
  • core/json: use default values for explicitly passed nulls if property is not nullable
  • core/json: unwrap InvocationTargetException, so that any validation exceptions thrown from data class constructors is propagated properly
  • core/json: workaround for a bug in kotlin-reflect, which boxes null values even if nullable inline type is used:
  • json: TSGenerator can now receive additional library types to generate from command-line, e.g. klite.TSID
  • i18n: do not trim translations by default (keep all whitespace)
  • jdbc: support binding of Int values to data classes (DB usually returns integers as Long)
  • jdbc: possibility to use table aliases when getting of columns from ResultSet with joins/using create (Postgres only)
  • jdbc: allow whitespace between -- and keywords in changeset sql files
  • server: default RequestLogFormatter will not log StatusCodeExceptions anymore
  • server: useHashCodeAsETag() introduced to avoid sending of same responses
  • server: run onStop handlers in reverse order of registration, so that e.g. connection pool is stopped after jobs are stopped
  • jobs: do not start new jobs on shutdown while waiting for running jobs to finish


  • json: ValueConverter.from() can now have access to the expected KType
  • json: TSGenerator to generate TypeScript types for data classes/enums
  • server: AppScope.async now is the standard async function that returns a Deferred. Use AppScope.launch if you want exceptions to be logged


  • core: toValues() functions moved here from klite-jdbc
  • core: TSID introduced as an alternative to UUID
  • json: new lightweight json parser
  • i18n: now uses the lightweight klite-json, not jackson
  • jackson: package changed to klite.jackson to avoid conflicts with klite-json
  • jackson: .parse extension function now passes type parameters to Jackson, not only the main class
  • jdbc: fromValues() was renamed to create()
  • jdbc: switched <-> db.query(), taking "where" as a list or varargs, to allow for duplicated columns

The release is not fully backwards-compatible, however most old functions are provided as @Deprecated.

This will migrate the most important parts: find -name '*.kt' -exec sed -ri 's/klite.json./klite.jackson./; s/mapOfNotNull/notNullValues/; /db\.(query|select)/{N; s/db\.query/db.xxxselect/g; s/db\.select/db.query/g; s/mapOf/listOf/g; s/emptyMap/emptyList/g};' {} \; -exec sed -ri 's/db\.xxxselect/db\.select/; s/(db.update\(.*, )mapOf\((.*?\)), (mapOf\(.*?\))\)/\1\3, \2/; s/(db.delete\(.*, )mapOf\((.*?)\)/\1\2/' {} \;

Beware: if you use the replacement above, then make sure that no deprecated query/select usages are left, i.e. check that all "where" maps are replaced with lists/varargs, which is done automatically only if on the same or next line.

You may also use IDEA migration of deprecations, but it will most likely break code formatting, etc. Also, you may need to add some imports manually.


  • jdbc: allow using $${json}$$ in migration scripts without treating it as substitutions
  • jobs: do not unlock already running jobs after failing to lock (a problem for 3 instances with jobs or more)


  • jobs: locked jobs did not release DB connection (bug introduced in 1.4.2)


  • core: the new core module, to make it possible to use jdbc module without the server
  • core: mapOfNotNull() now accepts keys of any type
  • core: Converter.supports() now finds supported converters automatically, even if not used previously
  • jdbc: db.count() introduced
  • jdbc: box @JvmInline classes when loading from DB
  • jdbc: allow same column multiple times in or() and deprecate NullOrOp()
  • server: do not wrap exceptions already containing parameter name in annotated routes
  • server: TypedHttpClient introduced as a more generic foundation for JsonHttpClient
  • jackson: JsonHttpClient now accepts KType as non-reified parameters instead of KClass<*> for better type parameter support


  • server: fallback to docker compose without dash
  • server: shorten json stack traces by cutting repeating class/package names
  • jdbc: emptyArray literal support '{}' - replaces previous EmptyOf() handling in toValues()
  • jdbc: jsonb() and stuff that should work for both insert and update must use SqlComputed() now
  • jdbc: CrudRepository now skips null where tokens for easier conditionals
  • jobs: do not allow running of same jobs in parallel by default - useful in case of multiple instances


  • server: skip "broken pipe" and "connection reset" exceptions by default
  • server: request log now contains exception name that caused the status code to change
  • jdbc: orExpr() and or() functions for where expressions
  • jackson: be able to override JavaTimeModule settings more easily


  • server: MimeTypes is now a singleton object
  • jdbc: DBMigrator introduced to replace Liquibase in most cases
  • jdbc: ClosedRange and OpenRange support
  • jdbc: SqlExpr implements equals for easier parameter-based mocking