#Noob.js 0.1.8
Noob.js is a simple framework... well it's actually not even a framework per se it's more a tool for front-end developer to start really quickly with html integration.
###How to install
You'll need at least node.js and npm installed on your machine. If you are running on Windows I advice you to install http://babun.github.io, https://www.vagrantup.com and https://www.virtualbox.org. These tools will you a complete environment to develop uniformly on any platform.
If you have node.js and npm you just need to do
cp local-config-sample.json local-config.json
npm install
#Your app will be available at http://localhost:3000
If you'd rather use a vagrant environment. You will need to install pip and fabric too.
#Inside babun do
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip install fabric
vagrant up
#Yeah, there is a Vagrantfile that will take care of everything
#At the end of the installation you will see an ip (it's the VM ip)
#Then call a fabric method will launch the server
fab noob start
#You can go to the ip address with the browser you want and enjoy
###Where to start?
To use all the power of the framework you will need to create a local-config.json There is a local-config-sample.json to help you with that
#Inside the project directory do a
cp local-config-sample.json local-config.json
The config file is like below. It's pretty self-explanatory private object will remain server sided, the public ones will be available on the client-side.
"public" : {
"hostname" : "localhost",
"livereload" : true,
"title" : "This is a noob.js app",
"description" : "The power of node.js in a matter of seconds.",
"private" : {
"email" : "[email protected]"
#####The routes All the routes are situated in the app.js file, just look how the contact one is set it's pretty straight-forward
#####The views All the views are in the views/ folder just have a look.
#####The Controllers You can pass some variables to the view through the controllers inside the folder controllers/
#####Assets You can view all the assets (js, css, ...) in the public/ folder
- Fix a critical type
- Add some genuine conf
- Using Bootstrap CDN instead of the full SASS project
- Ajout de Bootstrap
- Using libsass instead of compass to reduce the compilation delays
- adding a config.json for production and a local-config.json for development
- Adding a fabfile to manage the launch of the server
- Adding 404
- Adding scss
- compass installation in bootstrap.sh
- Adding Livereload
##0.1.0 : First release
- Vagrantfile to install anywhere through vagrant
- Templating system
- Paul Irish js DOM-routing system
- HTML5 Boilerplate