title | description |
Floating Point Numbers |
Explanation of how floating-points numbers work and what they are good for |
Since computer memory is limited, you cannot store numbers with infinite precision, no matter whether you use binary fractions or decimal ones: at some point you have to cut off. But how much accuracy is needed? And where is it needed? How many integer digits and how many fraction digits?
- To an engineer building a highway, it does not matter whether it's 10 meters or 10.0001 meters wide - his measurements are probably not that accurate in the first place.
- To someone designing a microchip, 0.0001 meters (a tenth of a millimeter) is a huge difference - But he'll never have to deal with a distance larger than 0.1 meters.
- A physicist needs to use the speed of light (about 300000000) and Newton's gravitational constant (about 0.0000000000667) together in the same calculation.
To satisfy the engineer and the chip designer, a number format has to provide accuracy for numbers at very different magnitudes. However, only relative accuracy is needed. To satisfy the physicist, it must be possible to do calculations that involve numbers with different magnitudes.
Basically, having a fixed number of integer and fractional digits is not useful - and the solution is a format with a floating point.
The idea is to compose a number of two main parts:
- A significand that contains the number's digits. Negative significands represent negative numbers.
- An exponent that says where the decimal (or binary) point is placed relative to the beginning of the significand. Negative exponents represent numbers that are very small (i.e. close to zero).
Such a format satisfies all the requirements:
- It can represent numbers at wildly different magnitudes (limited by the length of the exponent)
- It provides the same relative accuracy at all magnitudes (limited by the length of the significand)
- It allows calculations across magnitudes: multiplying a very large and a very small number preserves the accuracy of both in the result.
Decimal floating-point numbers usually take the form of scientific notation with an explicit point always between the 1st and 2nd digits. The exponent is either written explicitly including the base, or an e is used to separate it from the significand.
Significand | Exponent | Scientific notation | Fixed-point value |
1.5 | 4 | 1.5 ⋅ 104 | 15000 |
-2.001 | 2 | -2.001 ⋅ 102 | -200.1 |
5 | -3 | 5 ⋅ 10-3 | 0.005 |
6.667 | -11 | 6.667e-11 | 0.00000000006667 |
Nearly all hardware and programming languages use floating-point numbers in the same binary formats, which are defined in the IEEE 754 standard. The usual formats are 32 or 64 bits in total length:
Format | Total bits | Significand bits | Exponent bits | Smallest number | Largest number |
Single precision | 32 | 23 + 1 sign | 8 | ca. 1.2 ⋅ 10-38 | ca. 3.4 ⋅ 1038 |
Double precision | 64 | 52 + 1 sign | 11 | ca. 5.0 ⋅ 10-324 | ca. 1.8 ⋅ 10308 |
Note that there are some peculiarities:
- The actual bit sequence is the sign bit first, followed by the exponent and finally the significand bits.
- The exponent does not have a sign; instead an exponent bias is subtracted from it (127 for single and 1023 for double precision). This, and the bit sequence, allows floating-point numbers to be compared and sorted correctly even when interpreting them as integers.
- The significand's most significant digit is omitted and assumed to be 1, except for subnormal numbers which are marked by an all-0 exponent and allow a number range beyond the smallest and largest numbers given in the table above, at the cost of precision.
- There are separate positive and a negative zero values, differing in the sign bit, where all other bits are 0. These must be considered equal even though their bit patterns are different.
- There are special positive and negative infinity values, where the exponent is all 1-bits and the significand is all 0-bits. These are the results of calculations where the positive range of the exponent is exceeded, or division of a regular number by zero.
- There are special not a number (or NaN) values where the exponent is all 1-bits and the significand is not all 0-bits. These represent the result of various undefined calculations (like multiplying 0 and infinity, any calculation involving a NaN value, or application-specific cases). Even bit-identical NaN values must not be considered equal.
受限于计算机的存储器容量,无论使用二进制小数还是十进制小数,你都不能保存无限精度的数字 —— 有时候,你不得不截断它。不过,到底需要多么精确?究竟哪里需要截断?整数和小数的位数又应该是多少呢?
- 对于建造公路的工程师,宽度是 10 米还是 10.0001 米无关紧要 —— 很可能在最初测量数据时就没那么精确。
- 对于微芯片的设计者,0.0001 米 (十分之一毫米,100 微米)的距离非常巨大 —— 但是,他从不涉及到大于 0.1 米的距离。
- 对于物理学家,则需要在计算中同时使用光速(大约 3_0000_0000)和(牛顿)重力常数(大约 0.0000_0000_0066_7)。
事实上,由整数加上小数位组成的定点数并不实用 —— 我们需要的答案是一种 浮点 格式。
- 尾数:用来包含一个数的具体数字。尾数的正负代表了数字的正负。
- 指数:指出十进制或者二进制小数点相对于尾数首位的位置。如果指数是负的,那么这个数非常小(即接近于 0)。
- 它可以表示的数字数量级很广(由指数部分的长度决定)
- 它在所有的数量级上都能提供一致的相对精度(由尾数部分的长度决定)
- 它允许任意数量级之间的计算:不论是成一个很大的数,还是一个很小的数,结果的精度总是一致的。
十进制浮点数通常采用科学计数法表示,其尾数的第一位和第二位(从高到低)之间,总是有一个显式的(小数)点。其指数可能和基一起显式的写出,也可能使用 e 与尾数分离开来。
尾数 | 指数 | 科学计数法 | 定点值 |
1.5 | 4 | 1.5 ⋅ 104 | 15000 |
-2.001 | 2 | -2.001 ⋅ 102 | -200.1 |
5 | -3 | 5 ⋅ 10-3 | 0.005 |
6.667 | -11 | 6.667e-11 | 0.00000000006667 |
几乎所有的硬件和编程语言都使用一个相同的二进制格式——即 IEEE 754 标准定义的格式。常用格式的总长为 32 或者 64 比特:
格式 | 总位数 | 尾数位数 | 指数位数 | 最小数 | 最大数 |
单精度 | 32 | 23 + 1 符号位 | 8 | ca. 1.2 ⋅ 10-38 | ca. 3.4 ⋅ 1038 |
双精度 | 64 | 52 + 1 符号位 | 11 | ca. 5.0 ⋅ 10-324 | ca. 1.8 ⋅ 10308 |
- 在实际的比特顺序中,符号位是第一位(最高位),然后是指数,最后是尾数。
- 指数并没有符号位,而是从中减去指数偏移量(对于单精度,这个偏移值是 127,对于双精度是 1023)。依靠指数偏移和浮点数的比特序列,即使把浮点数当做整数理解,也可以正确的比较和排序它们。
- 尾数的最高有效位默认省略,并且假设是 1(译者注:上表中的 23 位尾数,是指省略后为 23 位,加上省略的最高位,是 24 位,再加上符号位,是 25 位)。例外情况是非规格化数,它的指数为全 0,并且可以表示超出上表给出的最小数和最大数范围的数字,不过这会牺牲数字的精度。
- 有独立的正 0 和负 0 值,二者只有符号位不同,其他所有比特位都是 0。虽然它们的比特值是不同的,但是必须认为是相等的。
- 有特殊的正无穷大和负无穷大,它们的指数为全 1 并且尾数是全 0。在计算中,超出指数的上界,或者用一个普通数字(译者注:原文 “regular number”,据 IEEE 754-2008,准确地说应该是“有穷非零数”)除以 0,就会得到无穷大的结果。
- 有特殊的非数值(或者简写为 NaN,译者注:原文 “not a number”),其指数为全 1,尾数不是全 0。各种未定义的计算的结果使用 NaN 来表示(比如:0 乘以无穷大,任何包括 NaN 值的计算,或者应用程序定义的情况)。即使 NaN 的比特值是一致的,也不能认为二者相等。