Prerequisites: none. This is a good place to start!
This guide is written to help you develop backend Python code for Delphi. For first-time setup, see the setup section. Otherwise, for an overview of a typical workflow, skip ahead to the workflow section.
Using Docker, we'll make a local environment that closely resembles the Delphi server and is totally isolated from everything else on your local system. This has a number of benefits, including:
- You don't have to install packages on your personal machine that you might not want or need (except for docker, of course).
- You don't have to worry about conflicts between what's installed on your personal machine and what's installed on the server.
- Because everyone uses the same environment, bugs are easier to reproduce and fix.
- Using a standardized development environment makes it faster and easier for new developers to join the effort.
Visit the site and follow the instructions there to get docker installed on your system. Once done, you should be able to check that it's installed like this:
docker --version
In docker terminology, an "image" is to an executable as a "container" is to a process. That is, to use an image, you instantiate a container based on that image. The executable/process analogy is apt, as docker containers are processes. It's tempting to think of a container as a virtual machine, but it's much simpler than that. A container is just a process. It's a process which is isolated from the rest of your machine by the kernel.
Pick a nice home for Delphi work on your local filesystem (e.g. a fresh
directory named something like my-delphi-project
Clone the various Delphi and supporting repos, including this one. Not all
repos are required in all cases, but since the dependency graph is
undocumented, it's safest to grab them all unless you know specifically which
subset of repos you need. (If you get a different set of repos, you'll have to
make corresponding changes to the Dockerfile
Note that the commands below pull everything directly from cmu-delphi
. This
is fine for the repos you don't need to modify. However, for the particular
repo that you do need to modify, best practice is to:
- On GitHub: fork the repo you need to work on
- Locally:
git clone
your fork of the repo - Locally: write, test, commit, and
git push
to your fork of the repo - On GitHub: submit a pull request to merge your modified fork back into the
Alternatively, if you have push access to Delphi repos, you can skip forking
and clone directly from cmu-delphi
. However you should do all development in
your own branch. After pushing your branch, you should then submit a pull
request to merge your branch into the master branch. This will allow the rest
of the team to participate in code review. You should not push to master as
this will bypass code review. It is perfectly acceptable to use the fork
approach even if you have push access in cmu-delphi
# collect everything in a directory called "repos"
mkdir repos && cd repos
# NOTE: Fork the repo you want to work on, and clone it from there instead of
# cloning it from `cmu-delphi`.
# delphi python (sub)packages
mkdir delphi && cd delphi
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
# third-party (sub)packages
mkdir undefx && cd undefx
git clone
git clone
cd ..
# go back up to the workspace root
cd ..
Your workspace should now look like this:
tree -L 3 .
└── repos
├── delphi
│ ├── delphi-epidata
│ ├── flu-contest
│ ├── github-deploy-repo
│ ├── nowcast
│ ├── operations
│ └── utils
└── undefx
├── py3tester
└── undef-analysis
The development process is generally outlined as follows:
- Write code and tests!
- Create a docker image containing your latest changes.
- Run unit tests in a docker container. Loop back to step 1 as needed.
- Send a pull request for code review. Loop back to step 1 to address reviewer feedback.
- Merged code is automatically deployed to the Delphi server.
The remainder of this section focuses on the docker-specific steps, particularly for testing.
While unit testing in general is outside the scope of this document, here are some highlights:
- For the general pattern to follow, see existing unit tests in other delphi
repos. In a nutshell:
- there is one test file per source file, named like "test_[name].py"
- test files live in a directory structure under
that exactly mirrors the sources insrc/
- the fully-qualified module name of the file to be tested is given in the unit test, as this is required to assess code coverage
- unit test classes must extend python's built-in unit test class
- individual test functions must be named with a leading "test_" and should contain a descriptive phrase (e.g. "test_fetch_data_handles_http404")
- In terms of line coverage, a commonly quoted rule of thumb is to aim for 80% coverage.
- Tests should be reasonably well documented. This aids in debugging failing tests and helps curb the urge under pressure to simply delete failing tests.
- Tests should be deterministic. One of the most obvious sources of nondeterminism is a random number generator. More subtle (and insidious) sources of nondeterminism include conversion of unordered collections to ordered collections and operations involving timing.
- Tests should be lightweight, not involving I/O. Best practice is to avoid network and database operations, instead replacing those things with stand-in fakes that are under direct control of the test. This helps tests remain deterministic and fast.
For new code and modifications to existing code, unit tests are considered required by default, unless deemed otherwise during code review. For untested legacy code, it is recommended to add tests opportunistically. All tests must pass in the master git branch, otherwise automatic deployment to the Delphi server will (intentionally) fail.
Note that prefixing test file and method names with "test_" is more than just convention. It's required for test discovery. Tests not named this way won't be run without specific, additional action.
To create the image, run the docker build
command in the root of your
docker build -t delphi_python \
-f repos/delphi/operations/dev/docker/python/Dockerfile .
The -f
option tells the Docker engine how to build the image, the -t
tells the Docker engine what to name ("tag") the image, and the trailing .
means that any files in and under the current directory are allowed to be
included in the image (the "build context").
It may take a few minutes to build the image for the first time as a large number of packages need to be installed. This installation happens in an intermediate image, which is cached and reused. Subsequent builds (e.g. when iterating on coding and testing) should be very fast. More details about build caching can be found in the Docker documentation.
In addition to a success message at the end of the command output, you can
verify that the image was built by using the docker images
docker images
delphi_python latest 795ce0fe60c6 About a minute ago 1.28GB
Tests, and the code they invoke, are confined within a docker container that is instantiated from the image you created above. This ensures that code runs in an environment that's very similar to the Delphi server, and it prevents unwanted side-effects (e.g. filesystem modifications) on your personal machine.
Finally, a quick note on container lifecycles. By default, the docker engine
will persist container state to disk when execution ends. This is helpful in
some contexts, like when you want to "resume" a container without starting from
a blank slate. For testing, we actually want to start from a blank slate each
time. To tell the docker engine that the container's state (e.g. any files it
may have written, etc.) should be discarded, use the --rm
A container can be launched with the docker run
command. For example, here's
how to show the usage information for the test driver:
docker run --rm delphi_python python3 -m undefx.py3tester.py3tester --help
For clarity, here's the anatomy of the above command:
docker run [options] delphi_python
means we're instantiating a container from the latest version of thedelphi_python
tells the docker engine to not persist container state, as discussed above
python3 [options]
runs the executablepython3
that's located inside the image (i.e. not your personal version in e.g./usr/bin
)-m undefx.py3tester.py3tester
is a flag that tells the python interpreter where in the image to find the main entry point of our program--help
is a flag that our program knows how to handle, which it does by printing usage information
Unit tests are run by passing options and a path to the py3tester
module in
the container. For example, here's how to run all unit tests recursively in the
docker run --rm delphi_python \
python3 -m undefx.py3tester.py3tester --color repos/delphi/nowcast/tests
[lots of output omitted for brevity]
✔ All 81 tests passed! 59% (795/1334) coverage.
The coverage figure quoted above is a bit optimistic. While the numerator accurately indicates the number of lines covered by tests, the denominator only accounts for lines in files that are tested. There may be many files that aren't tested at all, and lines from those files won't be included in the coverage denominator.
The following command shows how to run tests in just a single file, and it also
generates a full line-by-line coverage and timing report (flag --full
docker run --rm delphi_python \
python3 -m undefx.py3tester.py3tester --color --full \
[some output omitted for brevity]
Test results for:
delphi.nowcast.fusion.fusion (delphi/nowcast/fusion/
nowcast.tests.fusion.test_fusion.UnitTests.test_determine_statespace: pass
nowcast.tests.fusion.test_fusion.UnitTests.test_eliminate: pass
nowcast.tests.fusion.test_fusion.UnitTests.test_extract: pass
nowcast.tests.fusion.test_fusion.UnitTests.test_fuse: pass
nowcast.tests.fusion.test_fusion.UnitTests.test_matmul: pass
error: 0
fail: 0
skip: 0
pass: 5
[coverage and timing omitted for brevity]
✔ All 5 tests passed! 100% (68/68) coverage.
By convention, unit tests live under a top-level tests/
directory in each
relevant repo. Similarly, integration tests live under a top-level
directory. Because the test runner searches for tests (files
named like "test_*.py") recursively, it's easy to unintentionally include
integration tests when you only want to run unit tests, and vice versa. To
avoid this, always explicitly run tests in either the tests/
directory or the
As you iterate by repeatedly building images and running containers, unused images and container state may accumulate. You can free up some space by removing those unused artifacts. Here's one way to do that:
# remove unused container state
docker ps -aq --no-trunc -f status=exited | xargs docker rm
# remove unused images
docker images -f "dangling=true" -q | xargs docker rmi