Diff charts are available for bar charts, column charts, pie charts, and scatter charts. See Google documentation.
Here you can find an example to create a diff column chart. First in your controller :
public function indexAction()
$oldColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
['Name', 'Popularity'],
['Cesar', 250],
['Rachel', 4200],
['Patrick', 2900],
['Eric', 8200]
$newColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
['Name', 'Popularity'],
['Cesar', 370],
['Rachel', 600],
['Patrick', 700],
['Eric', 1500]
$diffColumnChart = new DiffColumnChart($oldColumnChart, $newColumnChart);
return $this->render('AppBundle::diffcol.html.twig', array(
'oldColumnChart' => $oldColumnChart,
'newColumnChart' => $newColumnChart,
'diffColumnChart' => $diffColumnChart
And in your template :
<!-- index.html.twig -->
<div id="oldColumnChart"></div>
<div id="newColumnChart"></div>
<div id="diffColumnChart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
{{ gc_draw([oldColumnChart, newColumnChart, diffColumnChart], ['oldColumnChart', 'newColumnChart', 'diffColumnChart']) }}