Minor Web Development - Progressive Web Apps
This week we convert WAFS application to a Progressive Web App
12 hours have been scheduled to work independently on this week's assignments this week. Try to plan your work wisely! In the meantime, progress is monitored in standup meetings and classroom meetings. At the end of the week you will be tested on theoretical knowledge and on the understanding of the code that you write according to the assignments.
- Convert your app into a Progressive Web App
- Implement a Service Worker
Make an installable version of your app, making it feel more app-like.
- Progressive Web Apps: The future of the Mobile Web by Google, Microsoft & Awwwards
- The state of PWAs in 2020/2021
Consider how you want to implement the Service Worker in your OBA app. Create a job story for this. Make sure that you at least cache and serve a number of static assets with the Worker. Also provide feedback to the user about the online / offline state.
Include your job story in the README.md
- Service Workers: an Introduction - Google Developers
- The offline cookbook - Jake Archibald
- Service Worker Cookbook - Mozilla
Great resource on web push notifications: Web Push Cookbook - Matt Gaunt