diff --git a/src/workerd/api/BUILD.bazel b/src/workerd/api/BUILD.bazel
index d6132d4c34e..c2afde71046 100644
--- a/src/workerd/api/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/src/workerd/api/BUILD.bazel
@@ -534,3 +534,9 @@ wd_test(
         "//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
+    src = "tests/new-module-registry-test.wd-test",
+    args = ["--experimental"],
+    data = ["tests/new-module-registry-test.js"],
diff --git a/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.js b/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d271a41b6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+import {
+  notStrictEqual,
+  ok,
+  rejects,
+  strictEqual,
+  deepStrictEqual,
+} from 'assert';
+import { foo, default as def } from 'foo';
+import { default as fs } from 'node:fs';
+import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
+const { foo: foo2, default: def2 } = await import('bar');
+// Verify that import.meta.url is correct here.
+strictEqual(import.meta.url, 'file:///worker');
+// Verify that import.meta.main is true here.
+// Verify that import.meta.resolve provides correct results here.
+// The input should be interpreted as a URL and normalized according
+// to the rules in the WHATWG URL specification.
+strictEqual(import.meta.resolve('./.././test/.././../foo'), 'file:///foo');
+// There are four tests at this top level... one for the import of the node:assert
+// module without the node: prefix specifier, two for the imports of the foo and
+// bar modules from the worker, and one for the aliases node:fs module from the
+// module worker.
+strictEqual(foo, 1);
+strictEqual(def, 2);
+strictEqual(foo2, 1);
+strictEqual(def2, 2);
+strictEqual(fs, 'abc');
+// Equivalent to the above, but using the file: URL scheme.
+import { foo as foo3, default as def3 } from 'file:///foo';
+strictEqual(foo, foo3);
+strictEqual(def, def3);
+import * as text from 'text';
+strictEqual(text.default, 'abc');
+import * as data from 'data';
+strictEqual(Buffer.from(data.default).toString(), 'abcdef');
+import * as json from 'json';
+deepStrictEqual(json.default, { foo: 1 });
+await rejects(import('invalid-json'), {
+  message: /Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON/,
+await rejects(import('module-not-found'), {
+  message: /Module not found: file:\/\/\/module-not-found/,
+// Verify that a module is unable to perform IO operations at the top level, even if
+// the dynamic import is initiated within the scope of an active IoContext.
+export const noTopLevelIo = {
+  async test() {
+    await rejects(import('bad'), {
+      message: /^Disallowed operation called within global scope/,
+    });
+  },
+// Verify that async local storage is propagated into dynamic imports.
+export const alsPropagationDynamicImport = {
+  async test() {
+    const { AsyncLocalStorage } = await import('async_hooks');
+    globalThis.als = new AsyncLocalStorage();
+    const res = await globalThis.als.run(123, () => import('als'));
+    strictEqual(res.default, 123);
+  },
+// Query strings and fragments create new instances of known modules.
+export const queryAndFragment = {
+  async test() {
+    // Each resolves the same underlying module but creates a new instance.
+    // The exports should be the same but the module namespaces should be different.
+    const a = await import('foo?query');
+    const b = await import('foo#fragment');
+    const c = await import('foo?query#fragment');
+    const d = await import('foo');
+    strictEqual(a.default, 2);
+    strictEqual(a.foo, 1);
+    strictEqual(a.default, b.default);
+    strictEqual(a.default, c.default);
+    strictEqual(a.default, d.default);
+    strictEqual(a.foo, b.foo);
+    strictEqual(a.foo, c.foo);
+    strictEqual(a.foo, d.foo);
+    notStrictEqual(a, b);
+    notStrictEqual(a, c);
+    notStrictEqual(a, d);
+    notStrictEqual(b, c);
+    notStrictEqual(b, d);
+    notStrictEqual(c, d);
+    // The import.meta.url for each should match the specifier used to import the instance.
+    strictEqual(a.bar, 'file:///foo?query');
+    strictEqual(b.bar, 'file:///foo#fragment');
+    strictEqual(c.bar, 'file:///foo?query#fragment');
+    strictEqual(d.bar, 'file:///foo');
+  },
+// We do not currently support import assertions/attributes. Per the recommendation
+// in the spec, we throw an error when they are encountered.
+export const importAssertionsFail = {
+  async test() {
+    await rejects(import('ia'), {
+      message: /^Import attributes are not supported/,
+    });
+    await rejects(import('foo', { with: { a: 'abc' } }), {
+      message: /^Import attributes are not supported/,
+    });
+  },
+export const invalidUrlAsSpecifier = {
+  async test() {
+    await rejects(import('zebra: not a \x00 valid URL'), {
+      message: /Module not found/,
+    });
+  },
+export const evalErrorsInEsmTopLevel = {
+  async test() {
+    await rejects(import('esm-error'), {
+      message: /boom/,
+    });
+    await rejects(import('esm-error-dynamic'), {
+      message: /boom/,
+    });
+  },
+// TODO(now): Tests
+// * [ ] Include tests for all known module types
+//   * [x] ESM
+//   * [ ] CommonJS
+//   * [x] Text
+//   * [x] Data
+//   * [x] JSON
+//   * [ ] WASM
+//   * [ ] Python
+// * [x] IO is forbidden in top-level module scope
+// * [x] Async local storage context is propagated into dynamic imports
+// * [x] Static import correctly handles node: modules with/without the node: prefix
+// * [x] Dynamic import correctly handles node: modules with/without the node: prefix
+// * [x] Worker bundle can alias node: modules
+// * [x] modules not found are correctly reported as errors
+// * [x] Errors during ESM evaluation are correctly reported
+// * [x] Errors during dynamic import are correctly reported
+// * [x] Errors in JSON module parsing are correctly reported
+// * [x] Module specifiers are correctly handled as URLs
+//   * [x] Querys and fragments resolve new instances of known modules
+//   * [x] URL resolution works correctly
+//   * [x] Invalid URLs are correctly reported as errors
+// * [x] Import assertions should be rejected
+// * [ ] require(...) Works in CommonJs Modules
+// * [ ] require(...) correctly handles node: modules with/without the node: prefix
+// * [ ] Circular dependencies are correctly handled
+// * [ ] Errors during CommonJs evaluation are correctly reported
+// * [ ] Entry point ESM with no default export is correctly reported as error
+// * [ ] CommonJs modules correctly expose named exports
+// * [ ] require('module').createRequire API works as expected
+// * [ ] Fallback service works as expected
+// * [ ] console.log output correctly uses node-internal:inspect for output
+// ...
diff --git a/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.wd-test b/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.wd-test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a726a55eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/workerd/api/tests/new-module-registry-test.wd-test
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using Workerd = import "/workerd/workerd.capnp";
+const unitTests :Workerd.Config = (
+  services = [
+    ( name = "new-module-registry-test",
+      worker = (
+        modules = [
+          (name = "worker", esModule = embed "new-module-registry-test.js"),
+          (name = "foo", esModule = "export const foo = 1; export default 2; export const bar = import.meta.url"),
+          (name = "bar", esModule = "export const foo = 1; export default 2;"),
+          (name = "node:fs", esModule = "export default 'abc'"),
+          # Intentionally bad module to test error handling.
+          # Evaluation will error because i/o is not permitted at top-level scope.
+          (name = "bad", esModule = "export default 1; setTimeout(() => {}, 10)"),
+          # Ensure that async context is propagated into a dynamic import.
+          (name = "als", esModule = "export default globalThis.als.getStore()"),
+          # Import assertions are not supported currently
+          (name = "ia", esModule = "import * as def from 'foo' with { a: 'test' }"),
+          # Errors on ESM eval should be reported properly in both static and
+          # dynamic imports.
+          (name = "esm-error", esModule = "export default 1; throw new Error('boom');"),
+          (name = "esm-error-dynamic", esModule = "export * as d from 'esm-error'"),
+          # Other module types work
+          (name = "text", text = "abc"),
+          (name = "data", data = "abcdef"),
+          (name = "json", json = "{ \"foo\": 1 }"),
+          (name = "invalid-json", json = "1n"),
+        ],
+        compatibilityDate = "2024-07-01",
+        compatibilityFlags = [
+          "nodejs_compat_v2",
+          "new_module_registry",
+          "experimental",
+        ],
+      )
+    ),
+  ],
diff --git a/src/workerd/jsg/modules-new.c++ b/src/workerd/jsg/modules-new.c++
index 2831a8ebaa4..3aa519c5097 100644
--- a/src/workerd/jsg/modules-new.c++
+++ b/src/workerd/jsg/modules-new.c++
@@ -649,11 +649,9 @@ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Promise> dynamicImport(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
       // For now, we do not support any import attributes, so if there are any at all
       // we will reject the import.
-      if (!import_assertions.IsEmpty()) {
-        if (import_assertions->Length() > 0) {
-          return rejected(js, js.typeError("Import attributes are not supported"));
-        };
-      }
+      if (!import_assertions.IsEmpty() && import_assertions->Length() > 0) {
+        return rejected(js, js.typeError("Import attributes are not supported"));
+      };
       Url referrer = ([&] {
         if (resource_name.IsEmpty()) {
@@ -663,6 +661,14 @@ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Promise> dynamicImport(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
         return KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(Url::tryParse(str.asPtr()));
+      // If Node.js Compat v2 mode is enable, we have to check to see if the specifier
+      // is a bare node specifier and resolve it to a full node: URL.
+      if (isNodeJsCompatEnabled(js)) {
+        KJ_IF_SOME(nodeSpec, checkNodeSpecifier(spec)) {
+          spec = kj::mv(nodeSpec);
+        }
+      }
       KJ_IF_SOME(url, referrer.tryResolve(spec.asPtr())) {
         auto normalized = url.clone(Url::EquivalenceOption::NORMALIZE_PATH);
         auto& registry = IsolateModuleRegistry::from(isolate);
@@ -691,7 +697,6 @@ IsolateModuleRegistry::IsolateModuleRegistry(
   auto isolate = js.v8Isolate;
   auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
-  KJ_ASSERT(context->GetAlignedPointerFromEmbedderData(2) == nullptr);
   context->SetAlignedPointerInEmbedderData(2, this);
@@ -706,76 +711,78 @@ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> resolveCallback(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
   auto& registry = IsolateModuleRegistry::from(isolate);
   auto& js = Lock::from(isolate);
-  try {
-    return js.tryCatch([&]() -> v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> {
-      auto spec = kj::str(specifier);
-      // The proposed specification for import assertions strongly recommends that
-      // embedders reject import attributes and types they do not understand/implement.
-      // This is because import attributes can alter the interpretation of a module.
-      // Throwing an error for things we do not understand is the safest thing to do
-      // for backwards compatibility.
-      //
-      // For now, we do not support any import attributes, so if there are any at all
-      // we will reject the import.
-      if (!import_assertions.IsEmpty()) {
-        if (import_assertions->Length() > 0) {
-          js.throwException(js.typeError("Import attributes are not supported"));
-        };
-      }
+  return js.tryCatch([&]() -> v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> {
+    auto spec = kj::str(specifier);
+    // The proposed specification for import assertions strongly recommends that
+    // embedders reject import attributes and types they do not understand/implement.
+    // This is because import attributes can alter the interpretation of a module.
+    // Throwing an error for things we do not understand is the safest thing to do
+    // for backwards compatibility.
+    //
+    // For now, we do not support any import attributes, so if there are any at all
+    // we will reject the import.
+    if (!import_assertions.IsEmpty() && import_assertions->Length() > 0) {
+      js.throwException(js.typeError("Import attributes are not supported"));
+    }
-      ResolveContext::Type type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
+    ResolveContext::Type type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
-      auto& referrerUrl = registry.lookup(js, referrer)
-                              .map([&](IsolateModuleRegistry::Entry& entry) -> const Url& {
-        switch (entry.module.type()) {
-          case Module::Type::BUNDLE: {
-            type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
-            break;
-          }
-          case Module::Type::BUILTIN: {
-            type = ResolveContext::Type::BUILTIN;
-            break;
-          }
-          case Module::Type::BUILTIN_ONLY: {
-            type = ResolveContext::Type::BUILTIN_ONLY;
-            break;
-          }
-          case Module::Type::FALLBACK: {
-            type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
-            break;
-          }
+    auto& referrerUrl = registry.lookup(js, referrer)
+                            .map([&](IsolateModuleRegistry::Entry& entry) -> const Url& {
+      switch (entry.module.type()) {
+        case Module::Type::BUNDLE: {
+          type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
+          break;
+        }
+        case Module::Type::BUILTIN: {
+          type = ResolveContext::Type::BUILTIN;
+          break;
+        }
+        case Module::Type::BUILTIN_ONLY: {
+          type = ResolveContext::Type::BUILTIN_ONLY;
+          break;
-        return entry.specifier.specifier;
-      }).orDefault(ModuleBundle::BundleBuilder::BASE);
+        case Module::Type::FALLBACK: {
+          type = ResolveContext::Type::BUNDLE;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      return entry.specifier.specifier;
+    }).orDefault(ModuleBundle::BundleBuilder::BASE);
-      KJ_IF_SOME(url, referrerUrl.tryResolve(spec)) {
-        // Make sure that percent-encoding in the path is normalized so we can match correctly.
-        auto normalized = url.clone(Url::EquivalenceOption::NORMALIZE_PATH);
-        ResolveContext resolveContext = {
-          .type = type,
-          .source = ResolveContext::Source::STATIC_IMPORT,
-          .specifier = normalized,
-          .referrer = referrerUrl,
-          .rawSpecifier = spec.asPtr(),
-        };
-        // TODO(soon): Add import assertions to the context.
-        return registry.resolve(js, resolveContext);
+    // If Node.js Compat v2 mode is enable, we have to check to see if the specifier
+    // is a bare node specifier and resolve it to a full node: URL.
+    if (isNodeJsCompatEnabled(js)) {
+      KJ_IF_SOME(nodeSpec, checkNodeSpecifier(spec)) {
+        spec = kj::mv(nodeSpec);
+    }
-      js.throwException(js.error(kj::str("Invalid module specifier: "_kj, specifier)));
-    }, [&](Value exception) -> v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> {
-      // If there are any synchronously thrown exceptions, we want to catch them
-      // here and convert them into a rejected promise. The only exception are
-      // fatal cases where the isolate is terminating which won't make it here
-      // anyway.
-      js.v8Isolate->ThrowException(exception.getHandle(js));
-      return v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module>();
-    });
-  } catch (...) {
-    kj::throwFatalException(kj::getCaughtExceptionAsKj());
-  }
+    KJ_IF_SOME(url, referrerUrl.tryResolve(spec)) {
+      // Make sure that percent-encoding in the path is normalized so we can match correctly.
+      auto normalized = url.clone(Url::EquivalenceOption::NORMALIZE_PATH);
+      ResolveContext resolveContext = {
+        .type = type,
+        .source = ResolveContext::Source::STATIC_IMPORT,
+        .specifier = normalized,
+        .referrer = referrerUrl,
+        .rawSpecifier = spec.asPtr(),
+      };
+      // TODO(soon): Add import assertions to the context.
+      return registry.resolve(js, resolveContext);
+    }
+    js.throwException(js.error(kj::str("Invalid module specifier: "_kj, specifier)));
+  }, [&](Value exception) -> v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> {
+    // If there are any synchronously thrown exceptions, we want to catch them
+    // here and convert them into a rejected promise. The only exception are
+    // fatal cases where the isolate is terminating which won't make it here
+    // anyway.
+    js.v8Isolate->ThrowException(exception.getHandle(js));
+    return v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module>();
+  });
 // The fallback module bundle calls a single resolve callback to resolve all modules
diff --git a/src/workerd/jsg/modules.c++ b/src/workerd/jsg/modules.c++
index 92755f5b69a..9d5238cac20 100644
--- a/src/workerd/jsg/modules.c++
+++ b/src/workerd/jsg/modules.c++
@@ -11,20 +11,6 @@
 namespace workerd::jsg {
 namespace {
-// This list must be kept in sync with the list of builtins from Node.js.
-// It should be unlikely that anything is ever removed from this list, and
-// adding items to it is considered a semver-major change in Node.js.
-static const std::set<kj::StringPtr> NODEJS_BUILTINS{"_http_agent", "_http_client", "_http_common",
-  "_http_incoming", "_http_outgoing", "_http_server", "_stream_duplex", "_stream_passthrough",
-  "_stream_readable", "_stream_transform", "_stream_wrap", "_stream_writable", "_tls_common",
-  "_tls_wrap", "assert", "assert/strict", "async_hooks", "buffer", "child_process", "cluster",
-  "console", "constants", "crypto", "dgram", "diagnostics_channel", "dns", "dns/promises", "domain",
-  "events", "fs", "fs/promises", "http", "http2", "https", "inspector", "inspector/promises",
-  "module", "net", "os", "path", "path/posix", "path/win32", "perf_hooks", "process", "punycode",
-  "querystring", "readline", "readline/promises", "repl", "stream", "stream/consumers",
-  "stream/promises", "stream/web", "string_decoder", "sys", "timers", "timers/promises", "tls",
-  "trace_events", "tty", "url", "util", "util/types", "v8", "vm", "wasi", "worker_threads", "zlib"};
 // The CompileCache is used to hold cached compilation data for built-in JavaScript modules.
 // Importantly, this is a process-lifetime in-memory cache that is only appropriate for
@@ -278,19 +264,6 @@ v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> evaluateSyntheticModuleCallback(
 }  // namespace
-kj::Maybe<kj::String> checkNodeSpecifier(kj::StringPtr specifier) {
-  if (NODEJS_BUILTINS.contains(specifier)) {
-    return kj::str("node:", specifier);
-  } else if (specifier.startsWith("node:")) {
-    return kj::str(specifier);
-  }
-  return kj::none;
-bool isNodeJsCompatEnabled(jsg::Lock& js) {
-  return IsolateBase::from(js.v8Isolate).isNodeJsCompatEnabled();
 ModuleRegistry* getModulesForResolveCallback(v8::Isolate* isolate) {
   return static_cast<ModuleRegistry*>(
diff --git a/src/workerd/jsg/modules.h b/src/workerd/jsg/modules.h
index f9373841872..7fe7a3318e2 100644
--- a/src/workerd/jsg/modules.h
+++ b/src/workerd/jsg/modules.h
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@
 namespace workerd::jsg {
-kj::Maybe<kj::String> checkNodeSpecifier(kj::StringPtr specifier);
-bool isNodeJsCompatEnabled(jsg::Lock& js);
 class CommonJsModuleContext;
 class CommonJsModuleObject: public jsg::Object {
diff --git a/src/workerd/jsg/util.c++ b/src/workerd/jsg/util.c++
index 7210e42c72f..96e1be6a444 100644
--- a/src/workerd/jsg/util.c++
+++ b/src/workerd/jsg/util.c++
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "ser.h"
 #include <kj/debug.h>
 #include <cstdlib>
+#include <set>
 #if !_WIN32
 #include <cxxabi.h>
@@ -677,4 +678,39 @@ v8::Local<v8::String> newExternalTwoByteString(Lock& js, kj::ArrayPtr<const uint
   return check(ExternTwoByteString::createExtern(js.v8Isolate, buf));
+// ======================================================================================
+// Node.js Compat
+namespace {
+// This list must be kept in sync with the list of builtins from Node.js.
+// It should be unlikely that anything is ever removed from this list, and
+// adding items to it is considered a semver-major change in Node.js.
+static const std::set<kj::StringPtr> NODEJS_BUILTINS{"_http_agent"_kj, "_http_client"_kj,
+  "_http_common"_kj, "_http_incoming"_kj, "_http_outgoing"_kj, "_http_server"_kj,
+  "_stream_duplex"_kj, "_stream_passthrough"_kj, "_stream_readable"_kj, "_stream_transform"_kj,
+  "_stream_wrap"_kj, "_stream_writable"_kj, "_tls_common"_kj, "_tls_wrap"_kj, "assert"_kj,
+  "assert/strict"_kj, "async_hooks"_kj, "buffer"_kj, "child_process"_kj, "cluster"_kj, "console"_kj,
+  "constants"_kj, "crypto"_kj, "dgram"_kj, "diagnostics_channel"_kj, "dns"_kj, "dns/promises"_kj,
+  "domain"_kj, "events"_kj, "fs"_kj, "fs/promises"_kj, "http"_kj, "http2"_kj, "https"_kj,
+  "inspector"_kj, "inspector/promises"_kj, "module"_kj, "net"_kj, "os"_kj, "path"_kj,
+  "path/posix"_kj, "path/win32"_kj, "perf_hooks"_kj, "process"_kj, "punycode"_kj, "querystring"_kj,
+  "readline"_kj, "readline/promises"_kj, "repl"_kj, "stream"_kj, "stream/consumers"_kj,
+  "stream/promises"_kj, "stream/web"_kj, "string_decoder"_kj, "sys"_kj, "timers"_kj,
+  "timers/promises"_kj, "tls"_kj, "trace_events"_kj, "tty"_kj, "url"_kj, "util"_kj, "util/types"_kj,
+  "v8"_kj, "vm"_kj, "wasi"_kj, "worker_threads"_kj, "zlib"_kj};
+}  // namespace
+kj::Maybe<kj::String> checkNodeSpecifier(kj::StringPtr specifier) {
+  if (NODEJS_BUILTINS.contains(specifier)) {
+    return kj::str("node:", specifier);
+  } else if (specifier.startsWith("node:")) {
+    return kj::str(specifier);
+  }
+  return kj::none;
+bool isNodeJsCompatEnabled(jsg::Lock& js) {
+  return IsolateBase::from(js.v8Isolate).isNodeJsCompatEnabled();
 }  // namespace workerd::jsg
diff --git a/src/workerd/jsg/util.h b/src/workerd/jsg/util.h
index b40fdf9bcc1..847fccb66f1 100644
--- a/src/workerd/jsg/util.h
+++ b/src/workerd/jsg/util.h
@@ -476,4 +476,10 @@ struct Unimplemented {};
 // standard ServiceWorker APIs that don't make sense for Workers.
 using WontImplement = Unimplemented;
+// ======================================================================================
+// Node.js Compat
+kj::Maybe<kj::String> checkNodeSpecifier(kj::StringPtr specifier);
+bool isNodeJsCompatEnabled(jsg::Lock& js);
 }  // namespace workerd::jsg