From a10eae948e98811caf592f6ffa705543c3fe8719 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stainless-bot <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 02:57:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] feat(api): remap models for magic visibility

---                                        |  57 ++--
 .../configs/configs.ts                        | 196 ++-----------
 .../magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts  |  47 +--
 .../magic-network-monitoring/configs/index.ts |   8 +-
 .../magic-network-monitoring/index.ts         |  15 +-
 .../magic-network-monitoring.ts               |  32 +--
 .../rules/advertisements.ts                   |  11 +-
 .../magic-network-monitoring/rules/index.ts   |  15 +-
 .../magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts   | 267 ++----------------
 src/resources/rulesets/index.ts               |   2 +-
 src/resources/rulesets/rulesets.ts            |  20 +-
 .../rulesets/{versions => }/versions.ts       |  21 +-
 src/resources/rulesets/versions/by-tag.ts     |   5 -
 src/resources/rulesets/versions/index.ts      |  12 -
 .../rulesets/{versions => }/versions.test.ts  |   0
 15 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 607 deletions(-)
 rename src/resources/rulesets/{versions => }/versions.ts (96%)
 delete mode 100644 src/resources/rulesets/versions/by-tag.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/resources/rulesets/versions/index.ts
 rename tests/api-resources/rulesets/{versions => }/versions.test.ts (100%)

diff --git a/ b/
index d4def719fe..d73188524b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2485,16 +2485,14 @@ Methods:
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts">VersionListResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts">VersionGetResponse</a></code>
+- <code><a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts">VersionListResponse</a></code>
+- <code><a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts">VersionGetResponse</a></code>
-- <code title="get /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts">list</a>(rulesetId, { ...params }) -> VersionListResponsesSinglePage</code>
-- <code title="delete /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions/{ruleset_version}">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts">delete</a>(rulesetId, rulesetVersion, { ...params }) -> void</code>
-- <code title="get /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions/{ruleset_version}">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts">get</a>(rulesetId, rulesetVersion, { ...params }) -> VersionGetResponse</code>
-### ByTag
+- <code title="get /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts">list</a>(rulesetId, { ...params }) -> VersionListResponsesSinglePage</code>
+- <code title="delete /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions/{ruleset_version}">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts">delete</a>(rulesetId, rulesetVersion, { ...params }) -> void</code>
+- <code title="get /{account_or_zone}/{account_or_zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/versions/{ruleset_version}">client.rulesets.versions.<a href="./src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts">get</a>(rulesetId, rulesetVersion, { ...params }) -> VersionGetResponse</code>
 # URLNormalization
@@ -3311,59 +3309,46 @@ Methods:
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">ConfigCreateResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">ConfigUpdateResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">ConfigDeleteResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">ConfigEditResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">ConfigGetResponse</a></code>
+- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">Configuration</a></code>
-- <code title="post /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">create</a>({ ...params }) -> ConfigCreateResponse</code>
-- <code title="put /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">update</a>({ ...params }) -> ConfigUpdateResponse</code>
-- <code title="delete /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">delete</a>({ ...params }) -> ConfigDeleteResponse</code>
-- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">edit</a>({ ...params }) -> ConfigEditResponse</code>
-- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">get</a>({ ...params }) -> ConfigGetResponse</code>
+- <code title="post /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">create</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
+- <code title="put /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">update</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
+- <code title="delete /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">delete</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
+- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">edit</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
+- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts">get</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
 ### Full
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts">FullGetResponse</a></code>
-- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config/full">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.full.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts">get</a>({ ...params }) -> FullGetResponse</code>
+- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/config/full">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.configs.full.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts">get</a>({ ...params }) -> Configuration</code>
 ## Rules
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleCreateResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleUpdateResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleListResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleDeleteResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleEditResponse</a></code>
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">RuleGetResponse</a></code>
+- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">MagicNetworkMonitoringRule</a></code>
-- <code title="post /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">create</a>({ ...params }) -> RuleCreateResponse | null</code>
-- <code title="put /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">update</a>({ ...params }) -> RuleUpdateResponse | null</code>
-- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">list</a>({ ...params }) -> RuleListResponsesSinglePage</code>
-- <code title="delete /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">delete</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> RuleDeleteResponse | null</code>
-- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">edit</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> RuleEditResponse | null</code>
-- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">get</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> RuleGetResponse | null</code>
+- <code title="post /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">create</a>({ ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null</code>
+- <code title="put /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">update</a>({ ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null</code>
+- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">list</a>({ ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage</code>
+- <code title="delete /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">delete</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null</code>
+- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">edit</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null</code>
+- <code title="get /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts">get</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null</code>
 ### Advertisements
-- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts">AdvertisementEditResponse</a></code>
+- <code><a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts">Advertisement</a></code>
-- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}/advertisement">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.advertisements.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts">edit</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> AdvertisementEditResponse | null</code>
+- <code title="patch /accounts/{account_id}/mnm/rules/{rule_id}/advertisement">client.magicNetworkMonitoring.rules.advertisements.<a href="./src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts">edit</a>(ruleId, { ...params }) -> Advertisement | null</code>
 # MTLSCertificates
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts
index eb865a28b8..6ca54734fd 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/configs.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
 import * as Core from '../../../core';
 import * as FullAPI from './full';
-import { Full, FullGetParams, FullGetResponse } from './full';
+import { Full, FullGetParams } from './full';
 export class Configs extends APIResource {
   full: FullAPI.Full = new FullAPI.Full(this._client);
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ export class Configs extends APIResource {
    * Create a new network monitoring configuration.
-  create(params: ConfigCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigCreateResponse> {
+  create(params: ConfigCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<Configuration> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: ConfigCreateResponse;
+        result: Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ export class Configs extends APIResource {
    * Update an existing network monitoring configuration, requires the entire
    * configuration to be updated at once.
-  update(params: ConfigUpdateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigUpdateResponse> {
+  update(params: ConfigUpdateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<Configuration> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (
       this._client.put(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: ConfigUpdateResponse;
+        result: Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ export class Configs extends APIResource {
    * Delete an existing network monitoring configuration.
-  delete(params: ConfigDeleteParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigDeleteResponse> {
+  delete(params: ConfigDeleteParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<Configuration> {
     const { account_id } = params;
     return (
       this._client.delete(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: ConfigDeleteResponse;
+        result: Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ export class Configs extends APIResource {
    * Update fields in an existing network monitoring configuration.
-  edit(params: ConfigEditParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigEditResponse> {
+  edit(params: ConfigEditParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<Configuration> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (
       this._client.patch(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: ConfigEditResponse;
+        result: Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ export class Configs extends APIResource {
    * Lists default sampling, router IPs and warp devices for account.
-  get(params: ConfigGetParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigGetResponse> {
+  get(params: ConfigGetParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<Configuration> {
     const { account_id } = params;
     return (
       this._client.get(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: ConfigGetResponse;
+        result: Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
-export interface ConfigCreateResponse {
+export interface Configuration {
    * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
    * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
@@ -84,170 +84,10 @@ export interface ConfigCreateResponse {
   router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<ConfigCreateResponse.WARPDevice>;
+  warp_devices: Array<Configuration.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace ConfigCreateResponse {
-  /**
-   * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
-   */
-  export interface WARPDevice {
-    /**
-     * Unique identifier for the warp device.
-     */
-    id: string;
-    /**
-     * Name of the warp device.
-     */
-    name: string;
-    /**
-     * IPv4 CIDR of the router sourcing flow data associated with this warp device.
-     * Only /32 addresses are currently supported.
-     */
-    router_ip: string;
-  }
-export interface ConfigUpdateResponse {
-  /**
-   * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
-   * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
-   */
-  default_sampling: number;
-  /**
-   * The account name.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<ConfigUpdateResponse.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace ConfigUpdateResponse {
-  /**
-   * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
-   */
-  export interface WARPDevice {
-    /**
-     * Unique identifier for the warp device.
-     */
-    id: string;
-    /**
-     * Name of the warp device.
-     */
-    name: string;
-    /**
-     * IPv4 CIDR of the router sourcing flow data associated with this warp device.
-     * Only /32 addresses are currently supported.
-     */
-    router_ip: string;
-  }
-export interface ConfigDeleteResponse {
-  /**
-   * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
-   * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
-   */
-  default_sampling: number;
-  /**
-   * The account name.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<ConfigDeleteResponse.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace ConfigDeleteResponse {
-  /**
-   * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
-   */
-  export interface WARPDevice {
-    /**
-     * Unique identifier for the warp device.
-     */
-    id: string;
-    /**
-     * Name of the warp device.
-     */
-    name: string;
-    /**
-     * IPv4 CIDR of the router sourcing flow data associated with this warp device.
-     * Only /32 addresses are currently supported.
-     */
-    router_ip: string;
-  }
-export interface ConfigEditResponse {
-  /**
-   * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
-   * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
-   */
-  default_sampling: number;
-  /**
-   * The account name.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<ConfigEditResponse.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace ConfigEditResponse {
-  /**
-   * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
-   */
-  export interface WARPDevice {
-    /**
-     * Unique identifier for the warp device.
-     */
-    id: string;
-    /**
-     * Name of the warp device.
-     */
-    name: string;
-    /**
-     * IPv4 CIDR of the router sourcing flow data associated with this warp device.
-     * Only /32 addresses are currently supported.
-     */
-    router_ip: string;
-  }
-export interface ConfigGetResponse {
-  /**
-   * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
-   * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
-   */
-  default_sampling: number;
-  /**
-   * The account name.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<ConfigGetResponse.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace ConfigGetResponse {
+export namespace Configuration {
    * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
@@ -435,11 +275,7 @@ Configs.Full = Full;
 export declare namespace Configs {
   export {
-    type ConfigCreateResponse as ConfigCreateResponse,
-    type ConfigUpdateResponse as ConfigUpdateResponse,
-    type ConfigDeleteResponse as ConfigDeleteResponse,
-    type ConfigEditResponse as ConfigEditResponse,
-    type ConfigGetResponse as ConfigGetResponse,
+    type Configuration as Configuration,
     type ConfigCreateParams as ConfigCreateParams,
     type ConfigUpdateParams as ConfigUpdateParams,
     type ConfigDeleteParams as ConfigDeleteParams,
@@ -447,5 +283,5 @@ export declare namespace Configs {
     type ConfigGetParams as ConfigGetParams,
-  export { Full as Full, type FullGetResponse as FullGetResponse, type FullGetParams as FullGetParams };
+  export { Full as Full, type FullGetParams as FullGetParams };
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts
index 2cd8da65c6..be3abef480 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/full.ts
@@ -2,65 +2,26 @@
 import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
 import * as Core from '../../../core';
+import * as ConfigsAPI from './configs';
 export class Full extends APIResource {
    * Lists default sampling, router IPs, warp devices, and rules for account.
-  get(params: FullGetParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<FullGetResponse> {
+  get(params: FullGetParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise<ConfigsAPI.Configuration> {
     const { account_id } = params;
     return (
       this._client.get(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/config/full`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: FullGetResponse;
+        result: ConfigsAPI.Configuration;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
-export interface FullGetResponse {
-  /**
-   * Fallback sampling rate of flow messages being sent in packets per second. This
-   * should match the packet sampling rate configured on the router.
-   */
-  default_sampling: number;
-  /**
-   * The account name.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  router_ips: Array<string>;
-  warp_devices: Array<FullGetResponse.WARPDevice>;
-export namespace FullGetResponse {
-  /**
-   * Object representing a warp device with an ID and name.
-   */
-  export interface WARPDevice {
-    /**
-     * Unique identifier for the warp device.
-     */
-    id: string;
-    /**
-     * Name of the warp device.
-     */
-    name: string;
-    /**
-     * IPv4 CIDR of the router sourcing flow data associated with this warp device.
-     * Only /32 addresses are currently supported.
-     */
-    router_ip: string;
-  }
 export interface FullGetParams {
   account_id: string;
 export declare namespace Full {
-  export { type FullGetResponse as FullGetResponse, type FullGetParams as FullGetParams };
+  export { type FullGetParams as FullGetParams };
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/index.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/index.ts
index 1662f29069..da6b24e588 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/configs/index.ts
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
 export {
-  type ConfigCreateResponse,
-  type ConfigUpdateResponse,
-  type ConfigDeleteResponse,
-  type ConfigEditResponse,
-  type ConfigGetResponse,
+  type Configuration,
   type ConfigCreateParams,
   type ConfigUpdateParams,
   type ConfigDeleteParams,
   type ConfigEditParams,
   type ConfigGetParams,
 } from './configs';
-export { Full, type FullGetResponse, type FullGetParams } from './full';
+export { Full, type FullGetParams } from './full';
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/index.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/index.ts
index d60ce5538f..3b7a83bab7 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/index.ts
@@ -2,11 +2,7 @@
 export {
-  type ConfigCreateResponse,
-  type ConfigUpdateResponse,
-  type ConfigDeleteResponse,
-  type ConfigEditResponse,
-  type ConfigGetResponse,
+  type Configuration,
   type ConfigCreateParams,
   type ConfigUpdateParams,
   type ConfigDeleteParams,
@@ -15,14 +11,9 @@ export {
 } from './configs/index';
 export { MagicNetworkMonitoring } from './magic-network-monitoring';
 export {
-  RuleListResponsesSinglePage,
+  MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
-  type RuleCreateResponse,
-  type RuleUpdateResponse,
-  type RuleListResponse,
-  type RuleDeleteResponse,
-  type RuleEditResponse,
-  type RuleGetResponse,
+  type MagicNetworkMonitoringRule,
   type RuleCreateParams,
   type RuleUpdateParams,
   type RuleListParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/magic-network-monitoring.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/magic-network-monitoring.ts
index e8b453c5cc..4025a732d4 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/magic-network-monitoring.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/magic-network-monitoring.ts
@@ -4,32 +4,23 @@ import { APIResource } from '../../resource';
 import * as ConfigsAPI from './configs/configs';
 import {
-  ConfigCreateResponse,
-  ConfigDeleteResponse,
-  ConfigEditResponse,
-  ConfigGetResponse,
-  ConfigUpdateResponse,
+  Configuration,
 } from './configs/configs';
 import * as RulesAPI from './rules/rules';
 import {
+  MagicNetworkMonitoringRule,
+  MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
-  RuleCreateResponse,
-  RuleDeleteResponse,
-  RuleEditResponse,
-  RuleGetResponse,
-  RuleListResponse,
-  RuleListResponsesSinglePage,
-  RuleUpdateResponse,
 } from './rules/rules';
@@ -40,16 +31,12 @@ export class MagicNetworkMonitoring extends APIResource {
 MagicNetworkMonitoring.Configs = Configs;
 MagicNetworkMonitoring.Rules = Rules;
-MagicNetworkMonitoring.RuleListResponsesSinglePage = RuleListResponsesSinglePage;
+MagicNetworkMonitoring.MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage = MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage;
 export declare namespace MagicNetworkMonitoring {
   export {
     Configs as Configs,
-    type ConfigCreateResponse as ConfigCreateResponse,
-    type ConfigUpdateResponse as ConfigUpdateResponse,
-    type ConfigDeleteResponse as ConfigDeleteResponse,
-    type ConfigEditResponse as ConfigEditResponse,
-    type ConfigGetResponse as ConfigGetResponse,
+    type Configuration as Configuration,
     type ConfigCreateParams as ConfigCreateParams,
     type ConfigUpdateParams as ConfigUpdateParams,
     type ConfigDeleteParams as ConfigDeleteParams,
@@ -59,13 +46,8 @@ export declare namespace MagicNetworkMonitoring {
   export {
     Rules as Rules,
-    type RuleCreateResponse as RuleCreateResponse,
-    type RuleUpdateResponse as RuleUpdateResponse,
-    type RuleListResponse as RuleListResponse,
-    type RuleDeleteResponse as RuleDeleteResponse,
-    type RuleEditResponse as RuleEditResponse,
-    type RuleGetResponse as RuleGetResponse,
-    RuleListResponsesSinglePage as RuleListResponsesSinglePage,
+    type MagicNetworkMonitoringRule as MagicNetworkMonitoringRule,
+    MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage as MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
     type RuleCreateParams as RuleCreateParams,
     type RuleUpdateParams as RuleUpdateParams,
     type RuleListParams as RuleListParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts
index 0c8ae2d474..d36e5b7a16 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/advertisements.ts
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ export class Advertisements extends APIResource {
     ruleId: string,
     params: AdvertisementEditParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<AdvertisementEditResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<Advertisement | null> {
     const { account_id, body } = params;
     return (
       this._client.patch(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules/${ruleId}/advertisement`, {
         body: body,
-      }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: AdvertisementEditResponse | null }>
+      }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: Advertisement | null }>
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
-export interface AdvertisementEditResponse {
+export interface Advertisement {
    * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
    * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
@@ -44,8 +44,5 @@ export interface AdvertisementEditParams {
 export declare namespace Advertisements {
-  export {
-    type AdvertisementEditResponse as AdvertisementEditResponse,
-    type AdvertisementEditParams as AdvertisementEditParams,
-  };
+  export { type Advertisement as Advertisement, type AdvertisementEditParams as AdvertisementEditParams };
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/index.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/index.ts
index 0d26184be7..a2f52aaa4b 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/index.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
 // File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See for details.
+export { Advertisements, type Advertisement, type AdvertisementEditParams } from './advertisements';
 export {
-  Advertisements,
-  type AdvertisementEditResponse,
-  type AdvertisementEditParams,
-} from './advertisements';
-export {
-  RuleListResponsesSinglePage,
+  MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
-  type RuleCreateResponse,
-  type RuleUpdateResponse,
-  type RuleListResponse,
-  type RuleDeleteResponse,
-  type RuleEditResponse,
-  type RuleGetResponse,
+  type MagicNetworkMonitoringRule,
   type RuleCreateParams,
   type RuleUpdateParams,
   type RuleListParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts
index 27b565e78a..247d5279fd 100644
--- a/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts
+++ b/src/resources/magic-network-monitoring/rules/rules.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
 import * as Core from '../../../core';
 import * as AdvertisementsAPI from './advertisements';
-import { AdvertisementEditParams, AdvertisementEditResponse, Advertisements } from './advertisements';
+import { Advertisement, AdvertisementEditParams, Advertisements } from './advertisements';
 import { SinglePage } from '../../../pagination';
 export class Rules extends APIResource {
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     params: RuleCreateParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<RuleCreateResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: RuleCreateResponse | null;
+        result: MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     params: RuleUpdateParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<RuleUpdateResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (
       this._client.put(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: RuleUpdateResponse | null;
+        result: MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     params: RuleListParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.PagePromise<RuleListResponsesSinglePage, RuleListResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.PagePromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage, MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id } = params;
-    return this._client.getAPIList(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules`, RuleListResponsesSinglePage, options);
+    return this._client.getAPIList(
+      `/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules`,
+      MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
+      options,
+    );
@@ -58,11 +62,11 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     ruleId: string,
     params: RuleDeleteParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<RuleDeleteResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id } = params;
     return (
       this._client.delete(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules/${ruleId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: RuleDeleteResponse | null;
+        result: MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -74,13 +78,13 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     ruleId: string,
     params: RuleEditParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<RuleEditResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id, ...body } = params;
     return (
       this._client.patch(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules/${ruleId}`, {
-      }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: RuleEditResponse | null }>
+      }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null }>
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
@@ -91,239 +95,19 @@ export class Rules extends APIResource {
     ruleId: string,
     params: RuleGetParams,
     options?: Core.RequestOptions,
-  ): Core.APIPromise<RuleGetResponse | null> {
+  ): Core.APIPromise<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {
     const { account_id } = params;
     return (
       this._client.get(`/accounts/${account_id}/mnm/rules/${ruleId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
-        result: RuleGetResponse | null;
+        result: MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null;
     )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
-export class RuleListResponsesSinglePage extends SinglePage<RuleListResponse | null> {}
+export class MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage extends SinglePage<MagicNetworkMonitoringRule | null> {}
-export interface RuleCreateResponse {
-  /**
-   * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
-   * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
-   * available for users of Magic Transit.
-   */
-  automatic_advertisement: boolean | null;
-  /**
-   * The amount of time that the rule threshold must be exceeded to send an alert
-   * notification. The final value must be equivalent to one of the following 8
-   * values ["1m","5m","10m","15m","20m","30m","45m","60m"]. The format is
-   * AhBmCsDmsEusFns where A, B, C, D, E and F durations are optional; however at
-   * least one unit must be provided.
-   */
-  duration: string;
-  /**
-   * The name of the rule. Must be unique. Supports characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
-   * underscore (\_), dash (-), period (.), and tilde (~). You can’t have a space in
-   * the rule name. Max 256 characters.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  prefixes: Array<string>;
-  /**
-   * The id of the rule. Must be unique.
-   */
-  id?: string;
-  /**
-   * The number of bits per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for the
-   * set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  bandwidth_threshold?: number;
-  /**
-   * The number of packets per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for
-   * the set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  packet_threshold?: number;
-export interface RuleUpdateResponse {
-  /**
-   * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
-   * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
-   * available for users of Magic Transit.
-   */
-  automatic_advertisement: boolean | null;
-  /**
-   * The amount of time that the rule threshold must be exceeded to send an alert
-   * notification. The final value must be equivalent to one of the following 8
-   * values ["1m","5m","10m","15m","20m","30m","45m","60m"]. The format is
-   * AhBmCsDmsEusFns where A, B, C, D, E and F durations are optional; however at
-   * least one unit must be provided.
-   */
-  duration: string;
-  /**
-   * The name of the rule. Must be unique. Supports characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
-   * underscore (\_), dash (-), period (.), and tilde (~). You can’t have a space in
-   * the rule name. Max 256 characters.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  prefixes: Array<string>;
-  /**
-   * The id of the rule. Must be unique.
-   */
-  id?: string;
-  /**
-   * The number of bits per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for the
-   * set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  bandwidth_threshold?: number;
-  /**
-   * The number of packets per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for
-   * the set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  packet_threshold?: number;
-export interface RuleListResponse {
-  /**
-   * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
-   * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
-   * available for users of Magic Transit.
-   */
-  automatic_advertisement: boolean | null;
-  /**
-   * The amount of time that the rule threshold must be exceeded to send an alert
-   * notification. The final value must be equivalent to one of the following 8
-   * values ["1m","5m","10m","15m","20m","30m","45m","60m"]. The format is
-   * AhBmCsDmsEusFns where A, B, C, D, E and F durations are optional; however at
-   * least one unit must be provided.
-   */
-  duration: string;
-  /**
-   * The name of the rule. Must be unique. Supports characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
-   * underscore (\_), dash (-), period (.), and tilde (~). You can’t have a space in
-   * the rule name. Max 256 characters.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  prefixes: Array<string>;
-  /**
-   * The id of the rule. Must be unique.
-   */
-  id?: string;
-  /**
-   * The number of bits per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for the
-   * set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  bandwidth_threshold?: number;
-  /**
-   * The number of packets per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for
-   * the set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  packet_threshold?: number;
-export interface RuleDeleteResponse {
-  /**
-   * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
-   * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
-   * available for users of Magic Transit.
-   */
-  automatic_advertisement: boolean | null;
-  /**
-   * The amount of time that the rule threshold must be exceeded to send an alert
-   * notification. The final value must be equivalent to one of the following 8
-   * values ["1m","5m","10m","15m","20m","30m","45m","60m"]. The format is
-   * AhBmCsDmsEusFns where A, B, C, D, E and F durations are optional; however at
-   * least one unit must be provided.
-   */
-  duration: string;
-  /**
-   * The name of the rule. Must be unique. Supports characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
-   * underscore (\_), dash (-), period (.), and tilde (~). You can’t have a space in
-   * the rule name. Max 256 characters.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  prefixes: Array<string>;
-  /**
-   * The id of the rule. Must be unique.
-   */
-  id?: string;
-  /**
-   * The number of bits per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for the
-   * set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  bandwidth_threshold?: number;
-  /**
-   * The number of packets per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for
-   * the set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  packet_threshold?: number;
-export interface RuleEditResponse {
-  /**
-   * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
-   * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
-   * available for users of Magic Transit.
-   */
-  automatic_advertisement: boolean | null;
-  /**
-   * The amount of time that the rule threshold must be exceeded to send an alert
-   * notification. The final value must be equivalent to one of the following 8
-   * values ["1m","5m","10m","15m","20m","30m","45m","60m"]. The format is
-   * AhBmCsDmsEusFns where A, B, C, D, E and F durations are optional; however at
-   * least one unit must be provided.
-   */
-  duration: string;
-  /**
-   * The name of the rule. Must be unique. Supports characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
-   * underscore (\_), dash (-), period (.), and tilde (~). You can’t have a space in
-   * the rule name. Max 256 characters.
-   */
-  name: string;
-  prefixes: Array<string>;
-  /**
-   * The id of the rule. Must be unique.
-   */
-  id?: string;
-  /**
-   * The number of bits per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for the
-   * set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  bandwidth_threshold?: number;
-  /**
-   * The number of packets per second for the rule. When this value is exceeded for
-   * the set duration, an alert notification is sent. Minimum of 1 and no maximum.
-   */
-  packet_threshold?: number;
-export interface RuleGetResponse {
+export interface MagicNetworkMonitoringRule {
    * Toggle on if you would like Cloudflare to automatically advertise the IP
    * Prefixes within the rule via Magic Transit when the rule is triggered. Only
@@ -531,18 +315,13 @@ export interface RuleGetParams {
   account_id: string;
-Rules.RuleListResponsesSinglePage = RuleListResponsesSinglePage;
+Rules.MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage = MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage;
 Rules.Advertisements = Advertisements;
 export declare namespace Rules {
   export {
-    type RuleCreateResponse as RuleCreateResponse,
-    type RuleUpdateResponse as RuleUpdateResponse,
-    type RuleListResponse as RuleListResponse,
-    type RuleDeleteResponse as RuleDeleteResponse,
-    type RuleEditResponse as RuleEditResponse,
-    type RuleGetResponse as RuleGetResponse,
-    RuleListResponsesSinglePage as RuleListResponsesSinglePage,
+    type MagicNetworkMonitoringRule as MagicNetworkMonitoringRule,
+    MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage as MagicNetworkMonitoringRulesSinglePage,
     type RuleCreateParams as RuleCreateParams,
     type RuleUpdateParams as RuleUpdateParams,
     type RuleListParams as RuleListParams,
@@ -553,7 +332,7 @@ export declare namespace Rules {
   export {
     Advertisements as Advertisements,
-    type AdvertisementEditResponse as AdvertisementEditResponse,
+    type Advertisement as Advertisement,
     type AdvertisementEditParams as AdvertisementEditParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/rulesets/index.ts b/src/resources/rulesets/index.ts
index b284adc86d..f36949cca7 100644
--- a/src/resources/rulesets/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/rulesets/index.ts
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ export {
   type VersionListParams,
   type VersionDeleteParams,
   type VersionGetParams,
-} from './versions/index';
+} from './versions';
diff --git a/src/resources/rulesets/rulesets.ts b/src/resources/rulesets/rulesets.ts
index 5e27422172..1fc3e63047 100644
--- a/src/resources/rulesets/rulesets.ts
+++ b/src/resources/rulesets/rulesets.ts
@@ -33,15 +33,7 @@ import {
 } from './rules';
-import * as PhasesAPI from './phases/phases';
-import {
-  PhaseGetParams,
-  PhaseGetResponse,
-  PhaseUpdateParams,
-  PhaseUpdateResponse,
-  Phases,
-} from './phases/phases';
-import * as VersionsAPI from './versions/versions';
+import * as VersionsAPI from './versions';
 import {
@@ -50,7 +42,15 @@ import {
-} from './versions/versions';
+} from './versions';
+import * as PhasesAPI from './phases/phases';
+import {
+  PhaseGetParams,
+  PhaseGetResponse,
+  PhaseUpdateParams,
+  PhaseUpdateResponse,
+  Phases,
+} from './phases/phases';
 import { SinglePage } from '../../pagination';
 export class Rulesets extends APIResource {
diff --git a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts b/src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts
similarity index 96%
rename from src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts
rename to src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts
index 7fe97a0e21..0f2bd438ff 100644
--- a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/versions.ts
+++ b/src/resources/rulesets/versions.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
 // File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See for details.
-import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
-import { isRequestOptions } from '../../../core';
-import * as Core from '../../../core';
-import { CloudflareError } from '../../../error';
-import * as RulesAPI from '../rules';
-import * as RulesetsAPI from '../rulesets';
-import * as ByTagAPI from './by-tag';
-import { ByTag } from './by-tag';
-import { SinglePage } from '../../../pagination';
+import { APIResource } from '../../resource';
+import { isRequestOptions } from '../../core';
+import * as Core from '../../core';
+import { CloudflareError } from '../../error';
+import * as RulesAPI from './rules';
+import * as RulesetsAPI from './rulesets';
+import { SinglePage } from '../../pagination';
 export class Versions extends APIResource {
-  byTag: ByTagAPI.ByTag = new ByTagAPI.ByTag(this._client);
    * Fetches the versions of an account or zone ruleset.
@@ -563,7 +559,6 @@ export interface VersionGetParams {
 Versions.VersionListResponsesSinglePage = VersionListResponsesSinglePage;
-Versions.ByTag = ByTag;
 export declare namespace Versions {
   export {
@@ -574,6 +569,4 @@ export declare namespace Versions {
     type VersionDeleteParams as VersionDeleteParams,
     type VersionGetParams as VersionGetParams,
-  export { ByTag as ByTag };
diff --git a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/by-tag.ts b/src/resources/rulesets/versions/by-tag.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad17b77a0..0000000000
--- a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/by-tag.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See for details.
-import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
-export class ByTag extends APIResource {}
diff --git a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/index.ts b/src/resources/rulesets/versions/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fcf576e0aa..0000000000
--- a/src/resources/rulesets/versions/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See for details.
-export { ByTag } from './by-tag';
-export {
-  VersionListResponsesSinglePage,
-  Versions,
-  type VersionListResponse,
-  type VersionGetResponse,
-  type VersionListParams,
-  type VersionDeleteParams,
-  type VersionGetParams,
-} from './versions';
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/rulesets/versions/versions.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/rulesets/versions.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/api-resources/rulesets/versions/versions.test.ts
rename to tests/api-resources/rulesets/versions.test.ts