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File metadata and controls

92 lines (62 loc) · 4.6 KB

General Rules / Slight Oddities

  • Time is expressed in seconds since the UNIX epoch. Use a library to convert to whatever datetime system you need.
  • There is a confusingly but necessarily, a concept of CSH users AND a concept of in-game users; many people who don't have a CSH account play NetHack, for instance (past members, friends, coworkers, family, freshmen without accounts yet) and there is also a much smaller group of people who have a CSH account but have their in-game username as something different. If you get back a username from requests inside the app/ tree of API requests, you would do well to assume these usernames are only valid for that game.
  • ID numbers are all unique within whatever concept you're in (i.e. all achievement IDs are unique, even across applications, but they would still step on the ID numbers of, say, users, which is a completely unrelated concept), and can be used as such if you require unique concept-global IDs inside your application.

Unauthenticated Read Operations

GET /apps

Returns an apps list containing the name and description of applications that have achievements.

Example output:

{"apps":[{"name":"Nethack","description":"A text-based, turn-based, dungeon-crawling RPG"},{"name":"CSH GameJam 2011","description":"Computer Science House GameJam Winter 2011"},{"name":"netrek","description":"Paradise Netrek @"}]}

GET /apps/:appName

Returns a list of achievements that are contained within this application.

  • id = A guaranteed-unique number ID number that refers to this achievement. This ID number is global to all achievements, not just achievements for a particular application. This is mostly included for backwards compatibility with existing achievements using applications, which previously had to specify know this number for updates.
  • title = A small (<=80 characters, mostly much less) witty title for this achievement.
  • description = A <=255 character description of the achievement.
  • score = How much this achievement is worth when completed.

Example output:

GET /apps/nethack
{"achievements":[{"id":1,"title":"Titillating Tech Talk","description":"Chat with Andy Potter","score":5},{"id":2,"title":"Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Snow","description":"Recieve a scroll from the mail daemon","score":5}]}

Get /apps/:appName/events

Returns a list of events (aka 'binges') that this application is currently having or has had. You could use this information to create some sort of live scoreboard, for instance, or for calendar / dropdown purposes.

Time is expressed in seconds since the UNIX epoch.

Example output:

GET /apps/nethack/events
{"events":[{"app name":"Nethack","event title":"Independence Day Full Moon","start time":1341324000,"end time":1341367200},{"app name":"Nethack","event title":"Winter Quarter New Moon","start time":1357992000,"end time":1358078400}]}

GET /apps/:appName/users

Returns a list of users that have achievement progress in this application.

GET /apps/nethack/users

GET /apps/:appName/users/:username

Returns a list of achievements that this user has in this application.

The user "has" the achievement if user progress = max progress. I'll probably add a "completed" tag to make things easier for API users at some point.

{"achievements":[{"app name":"Nethack","title":"Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers","description":"Make a non-trivial source commit","max progress":1,"user progress":1,"score":10,"updated at":1315633538}]}

GET /users

Get a global list of users (which just contain usernames).

GET /events

Get a global list of events.

GET /users/:userName

Get a list of all a user's achievments, in all applications.

Write Operations

These operations require an appKey to be passed in. This key is only valid for a single application; i.e. NetHack administrators/apps could not issue achievements for Netrek.

POST /app/:appName/achievement

You must provide either an achievement title or ID number, and a username.

Simplest case bare-minimum example:

POST /app/:netHack/achievement
{ "appKey":"ccefe01e6e15c6dd076be4be3536fc84", "achievement":{"id":23, "username":"clockfort"} }

More complicated example (reference by title, possible multi-part achievement progress tracking, backdating achievements)

POST /app/:netHack/achievement
{ "appKey":"ccefe01e6e15c6dd076be4be3536fc84", "achievement":{"title":"Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers", "username":"clockfort", "user progress":1,"updated at":1315633538} }