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AIStore: Kubernetes Operator Deployment Walkthrough

This guide walks you through a complete AIStore deployment on Kubernetes, including a simple monitoring stack based on Prometheus.

Like all storage systems, AIStore relies heavily on the type and quality of the underlying disks on the physical infrastructure. For that reason, this guide will take you through a complete physical build, starting from building out a Kubernetes cluster itself.

You may have your own ways of consuming or deploying Kubernetes, different from those described here. If so, you may want to run through a small virtual deployment to familiarize yourself with it, then pick the parts of this walkthrough that are of use to you, and use them as a guide.



To perform the deployment, we're going to use the following:

You'll be shown how to install these tools in the steps below.

Hardware / OS Setup

AIStore has no size and number-of-nodes limitations. The cluster can consist of a single machine running a single AIS gateway pod and a single AIS target pod. On the other hand, the cluster can consist of (or grow to) 1000s of nodes, and more.

For a variety of reasons, though, a 3-node cluster is considered a good start. Ideally, you'd have another 3 Kubernetes nodes for monitoring; the stack in use here (based on Prometheus) can be expensive to run, and it's best to allocate another, smaller set of nodes dedicated to this purpose if possible.

  • Storage nodes should have physical disks attached as block devices. The faster, the better.
  • Monitoring nodes do not have any particular requirements for storage devices. The default monitoring deployment shown here uses ephemeral storage for metrics.

For a smaller, test deployment, the same nodes used for storage can also be used for monitoring.

In addition:

  • Your nodes should be running Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, or 22.04, or variants thereof.
  • All nodes will need to be on the same IPv4 subnet.
  • Each host should be able to resolve the other's hostnames, be it via DNS, or local /etc/hosts files.
  • The node clocks should be synchronized.

Example Virtual Environment

To try out an AIStore deployment, a hosted hypervisor such as VirtualBox or QEMU allows you to spin up environments like this one easily on your workstation with virtual block devices.

A root filesystem size of 40GB is more than enough for a sample virtual deployment.

Node Type Purpose Node Count Cores RAM Block Devices Networking
Storage and Monitoring Runs AIStore and monitoring services 3 3 4Gb 3 x 10Gb virtualized SATA (/dev/sdb, etc) 1Gbit

Example Physical Environment

For larger environments, we recommend faster networking, NVMe drives, and that you use separate nodes to run AIStore and monitoring services.

Node Type Purpose Node Count Cores RAM Block Devices Networking
Storage Runs AIStore services 10 32 128Gb 32 x NVMe / SSD (/dev/nvme1, etc), 1Tb apiece 10 Gbit
Monitoring Run monitoring services 3 8 16Gb None unless you choose to persist metrics 10 Gbit

For simplicity, our examples in the walkthrough use the virtual environment above. The same steps will work in larger environments too.

Linux user accounts

We'll add two Linux users for our deployment:

For the purposes of this guide, we'll assume the aisdeploy user has a uid / gid of 1001 / 1001, and the aismonitor user a uid / gid of 1002 / 1002.

sudo useradd -u 1001 -G sudo -m aisdeploy
sudo useradd -u 1002 -G sudo -m aismonitor

Configure the OS with Ansible

For more information about the steps in this section, see ais-k8s' ansible documentation.

Log into your deployment node as aisdeploy. Then:

Install and Configure Ansible

Install Ansible, using a python3 virtual environment.

cd && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-venv
mkdir aistore_deployment && cd aistore_deployment
python3 -m venv . && . ./bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip && pip install ansible

Clone the ais-k8s repo and navigate to the playbooks directory.

git clone
cd ais-k8s/playbooks/

Now, set up your inventory file using the sample as a base. Copy it:

cp -p hosts-example.ini hosts.ini

...then edit as appropriate. With a virtual environment like this, for example:

Hostname IP Address Storage devices (10Gb virtual SATA)
node-01 /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd
node-02 /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd
node-03 /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd

We would want a hosts.ini like this:

# All cpu nodes, whether active in k8s cluster or not
node-01    ansible_host=node-01 ip=
node-02    ansible_host=node-02 ip=
node-03    ansible_host=node-03 ip=

# Active CPU worker nodes - those in AIS k8s cluster

# Kube master hosts

# The etcd cluster hosts

# As it says.

# As it says.

# kube-node addresses all worker nodes

# k8s-cluster addresses the worker nodes and the masters

# All nodes - not required by kubespray, so only for admin convenience.
# Loops in active workers of all types, etcd and master hosts.
# XXX Tempting to name this 'all', but Ansible seems to expand that to
# mean "all hosts mentioned in the inventory regardless of grouping".

# See kubespray docs/


Set up a local ansible.cfg.

cp -p ansible-example.cfg ansible.cfg

In our case we'll make one edit, shown below.

remote_user = aisdeploy

Test your ansible configuration as below.

ansible -i hosts.ini all -m ping -u aisdeploy


If your ansible ping command fails, check that your deployment host can resolve the hostnames provided in your hosts.ini file. If it cannot, add them via DNS, or via /etc/hosts.

Pre-Kubernetes deployment

Before deploying Kubernetes, run the ais_enable_multiqueue.yml playbook.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ais_enable_multiqueue.yml -e playhosts=cpu-worker-node --become

At this point, you'll need to reboot every node.

sudo shutdown -r now

Log in once more and run the ais_host_config_common.yml playbook.

cd ~/aistore_deployment
. ./bin/activate
cd ais-k8s/playbooks
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ais_host_config_common.yml --tags "aisrequired" --become

Note: if you are setting up a test instance, you may want to add the aisdev tag to the command above to add some debugging quality-of-life improvements to the deployment.

Deploy Kubernetes

About Kubernetes Networking

We use the default Kubespray network plugin, Calico, in the examples below. Multiple network plugins are available - and we do not recommend any one in particular.

External cluster access

Whichever network plugin you choose, if the users and application consuming storage work outside of your Kubernetes cluster, they will need to be able to access all of the storage nodes in the cluster.

A simple way to achive this is to allow port forwarding over the 51080 to 53000 range. Another way is to use a loadbalancer, such as MetalLB)

For more information about the steps here, see ais-k8s' kubespray documentation.

Configure and Run Kubespray

Clone Kubespray, and create a separate virtual python environment to be used for it.

Note: Ubuntu 18.04

To run recent versions of kubespray on Ubuntu 1804, you'll need to install a newer python 3.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get install python3.10-dev python3.10-venv

Once installed, replace python3 below with python3.10.

cd && git clone
cd kubespray
python3 -m venv .   # (Or "python3.10 -m venv ." on Ubuntu 18.04)
. ./bin/activate
pip install install -r requirements.txt

Create a new inventory for your own k8s cluster.

mkdir inventory/aiscluster
cp -rf inventory/sample/* inventory/aiscluster/
mv inventory/aiscluster/inventory.ini inventory/aiscluster/hosts.ini

Edit inventory/aiscluster/hosts.ini and set appropriate content. For our example virtual cluster, it should look like this:

# ## Configure 'ip' variable to bind kubernetes services on a
# ## different ip than the default iface
# ## We should set etcd_member_name for etcd cluster. The node that is not a etcd member do not need to set the value, or can set the empty string value.
node-01 ansible_host=  
node-02 ansible_host=  
node-03 ansible_host=  

# ## configure a bastion host if your nodes are not directly reachable
# [bastion]
# bastion ansible_host=x.x.x.x ansible_user=some_user






Next, edit some kubespray settings.

In inventory/aiscluster/group_vars/k8s_cluster/addons.yml, set these:

helm_enabled: true
metrics_server_enabled: true

In inventory/aiscluster/group_vars/k8s_cluster/k8s-cluster.yml, set these:

kubeconfig_localhost: true
kubectl_localhost: true

...and add this to the end of the file:

# Allow kube-prometheus-stack to gather kube-proxy metrics

In inventory/aiscluster/group_vars/k8s_cluster/k8s-net-calico.yml, set these:

nat_outgoing: true
calico_mtu: 1480

Note: The calico MTU depends on your network setup. In general it should be 20 less than your link MTU, as seen by running ip a. For a small installation, 1480 is a typical setting; if you are running a production cluster, you should enable jumbo frames if possible in which case a more normal setting would be 8980.

Where possible, use of jumbo frames is highly recommended.

You can discover your network's maximum MTU by running, for example, ping -M do -s 8972 <remote_system> (and varying the packet size of 8972). Subtract 20 from the MTU you discover, and use it to configure the correct calico MTU.

Finally, add some extravars by creating aiscluster.yaml as below. This will add the PodNodeSelector admission controller to our kube-apiserver arguments; we'll be using it later to separate out storage and monitoring nodes.

  - NodeRestriction
  - PodNodeSelector

Test kubespray's ansible connection.

ansible -i inventory/aiscluster/hosts.ini all  -m ping -u aisdeploy

Finally, run kubespray, including our extravars to add the PodNodeSelector admission plugin, to deploy a Kubernetes cluster.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/aiscluster/hosts.ini cluster.yml -e "@aiscluster.yaml" --become -u aisdeploy

...this will likely take at least 25 minutes.

Post Kubernetes Deployment

Navigate back to your ais-k8s ansible environment.

cd ~/aistore_deployment
. ./bin/activate
cd ais-k8s/playbooks

Run the ais_host_post_kubespray.yml playbook.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ais_host_post_kubespray.yml -e playhosts=k8s-cluster --become

Next, set up disks. We're going to create XFS filesystems for all our storage disks, and ensure they are mounted at /ais/sdX, ready for use as Kubernetes hostPath volumes shortly.

Edit vars/ais_datafs.yml and add your disks as shown by lsblk. For example:

  - sdb
  - sdc
  - sdd

Create and mount filesystems by running the ais_datafs_mkfs.yml playbook. This is destructive; you'll need to confirm when asked.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ais_datafs_mkfs.yml  -e ais_hosts=cpu-worker-node  --become
Are you sure you want to destroy and mkfs AIS filesystems on cpu-worker-node, devices ['sdb', 'sdc', 'sdd']? Type 'yes' to confirm. [no]: yes

AIStore Operator Deployment

For more information about the steps in this section and the next, see ais-k8s' operator documentation.

It's time to deploy the operator. Start by copying the kubeconfig generated by kubespray to your home directory.

sudo cp -p /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/
sudo chown aisdeploy:aisdeploy ~/admin.conf
export KUBECONFIG=~/admin.conf

Check that the Kubernetes cluster is ready.

kubectl version

Install some build tools, and go. We'll need it to deploy the operator.

To install a different Go version (we're using 1.20 below), head to the installation guide and follow the instructions.

sudo apt install build-essential
wget -O go.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go.tar.gz
export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH

Navigate to the ais-k8s/operator directory, and install the operator using make.

cd ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/operator
IMG=aistore/ais-operator:0.93 make install

Now, deploy the operator. This will prompt you to install cert-manager:

IMG=aistore/ais-operator:0.93 make deploy
would you like to deploy cert-manager? [y/n]y

The operator will install into the ais-operator-system namespace. Check the pod is running, and wait for it to be fully ready.

$ kubectl get pods -n ais-operator-system
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ais-operator-controller-manager-57944494d7-krrm9   2/2     Running   0          34s

AIStore Cluster Deployment

Finally, it's time to install your cluster.

AIStore namespace

In order to separate out our monitoring and our storage nodes, we're going to use two methods.

  • AIStore pods will be encouraged to sit only on nodes labelled with
  • Monitoring services, with the exception of the Daemonset used to run node_exporter, will be configured with a nodeAffinity section when we deploy them using helm later.

To create the ais namespace then, we need to add an annotation telling PodNodeSelector that it should modify any pods created in the namespace for us to run only on the labelled nodes.

A note on the PodNodeSelector admission controller:

When we deploy aistore to the ais namespace, and this admission controller is active, all pods the operator creates for us will be given this nodeSelector:

nodeSelector: a result, our AIStore pods can be restricted to labelled nodes without us having to modify them after the operator spins them up for us.

If, for any reason, you can't make use of the PodNodeSelector admission controller, you can instead allow the pods to run wherever they like, or edit their spec with kubectl edit, then add the nodeSelector above to each.

Open docs/walkthrough/ais_namespace.yaml in this repo and take a look.

cd ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s
cat docs/walkthrough/ais_namespace.yaml

The namespace definition looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
 name: ais
spec: {}
status: {}

Above, we're annotating the namespace such that only nodes labelled with will be able to run pods within it. This is enforced by the PodNodeSelector admission controller we set up earlier.

Apply it to create the ais namespace.

kubectl apply -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/ais_namespace.yaml

Before proceeding, you'll now need to label your nodes. Any pods created in this namespace will only be able to run one nodes you label in this step - so perform this command once for each of the nodes you would like to run AIStore storage services within your cluster.


If you're using the example virtual environment here, you'll want to label all three nodes - they will be used to run both AIStore and the monitoring platform.

On the other hand, if you are running a larger deployment, you'll want to label only your nodes with extra block devices here, and retain a few (at least three) other nodes for monitoring.

kubectl label node/node-01 ''
kubectl label node/node-02 ''
kubectl label node/node-03 ''

Provisioning Persistent Volumes

AIStore is unusual in that it works well with Kubernetes hostPath volumes. Unless you are running on a platform that supports auto-provisioning for them - and you're probably not, if you're following this guide - you'll need to pre-create these to bring up the aistore target pods.

Note: environments where hostPath volumes are unavailable

If you are not building from bare metal, your Kubernetes platform may not support use of hostPath volumes.

If it does not, you can use whatever persistent storage volumes it allows instead. For the target pods created by the AIStore operator to bind to a volume, it must:

  • Have an accessMode of readWriteOnce
  • Have a capacity matching that configured in ais.yaml.

To create each volume, you'll need to apply a manifest similar to the one below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: aistore-sdb-target-0-pv
    type: local
    storage: "10Gi"
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/ais/sdb"

You can do this quickly by running the helper script at docs/walkthrough/ as shown in the example below. You'll need to supply:

  • --node-count: The number of storage (not monitoring!) nodes in your cluster;
  • --drives: The names of the drives assigned for storage, eg sdb,sdc,sdd;
  • --size: The size of each device. Here we'll go for "10Gi".
bash ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/ --node-count 3 --drives sdb,sdc,sdd --size 10Gi

Deploy an AIStore cluster

Finally, you can deploy the cluster itself. We need to create an AIStore custom resource to tell the operator to build our storage cluster.

Open docs/walkthrough/ais.yaml. It looks like this:

kind: AIStore
  name: aistore
  # Add fields here
  size: 3
    servicePort: 51080
    portPublic: 51080
    portIntraControl: 51081
    portIntraData: 51082

    servicePort: 51081
    portPublic: 51081
    portIntraControl: 51082
    portIntraData: 51083

      - path: "/ais/sdb"
        size: 10Gi
      - path: "/ais/sdc"
        size: 10Gi
      - path: "/ais/sdd"
        size: 10Gi

    # In certain environments (e.g. minikube), storage volumes attached to AIS targets may not have associated block devices.
    # Alternatively, AIS targets may "see" multiple mountpath directories sharing a single given block device.
    # In both of those cases, set allowSharedNoDisks = true (but note that this setting is **not recommended** for production).
    allowSharedNoDisks: true

  nodeImage: "eswqs/aisnode:latest"
  initImage: "aistorage/ais-init:latest"
  hostpathPrefix: "/etc/ais"

  # To be able to access the AIS deployment outside kubernetes cluster, set:
  # enableExternalLB: true
  # NOTE: For external access to work, the kubernetes cluster should have the capabilitly to create LoadBalancer services with valid external IP.
  # For local testing with `minikube` run `minikube tunnel` in background for emulation. ref:
  enableExternalLB: false

Above, we're asking the AIStore operator to create three AIStore proxies, and three targets - one for each storage node. We've also provided it with our hostPath volumes and their sizes.

There's a great flexibility in numbers of AIS proxies (gateways) and their respective locations in the cluster. To keep it simple, though, we'd suggest deploying AIS pods in pairs: one (proxy, target) pair of pods per bare-metal node.

If you are not running the example virtual deployment, you'll need to modify the size and mounts sections here to reflect your storage node count and the mount paths of your disks.

Apply the manifest to create your cluster.

kubectl apply -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/ais.yaml -n ais

Wait for the deployment to come up.

kubectl -n ais get all

Note: beware PodNodeSelector!

If your pods fail to become ready and instead remain in a pending state, check them with kubectl describe.

$ kubectl describe pods/aistore-proxy-0 -n ais
Warning  FailedScheduling  79s   default-scheduler  0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

If you forgot to label your nodes with, Kubernetes will not be able to schedule your pods and the cluster will not be able to start up. Check your labels and apply them if necessary.

Another common reason for - specifically - target pods to remain pending is that they cannot bind to a persistent volume. Check that you have sufficient Persistent Volumes available for use.

A Debug Pod

At this point, you may find it useful to spin up a test container from which you can use the cluster.

You'll find a sample pod definition at docs/walkthrough/aisnode_debug.yaml. Apply it to spin up a debug pod in the ais namespace:

kubectl apply -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/aisnode_debug.yaml -n ais

Wait a bit, then log in to the new pod:

kubectl -n ais exec pods/aisnode-debug -it -- bash

...finally, connect to the aistore cluster. The pod comes with the ais CLI preinstalled.

export AIS_ENDPOINT=http://aistore-proxy:51080
ais cluster show

Congratulations: you have a working AIStore cluster.

Add Monitoring

Both AIStore and Kubernetes provide a wealth of useful metrics we can use to assess the health and status of our storage cluster.

Most users will likely bring their own stack for monitoring. Here, we're going to use the popular kube-prometheus-stack helm chart. This will install various component parts:

...and wire them together on our behalf, which otherwise can be time consuming. When we're done we'll have a simple monitoring stack which can be extended later, should we wish.

Label nodes

The AIStore cluster is restricted to some nodes in the cluster - our storage nodes - by our use of the PodNodeSelector admission controller.

For monitoring, we can't be so exact; for instance, the node_exporter daemonset, to be useful, must run on every node in the cluster. So instead, we override the nodeAffinity settings for our deployment to match another node label,'.

First, label any nodes you would like to use for monitoring in your k8s cluster.


With the example virtual deployment, since all nodes are used for both storage and monitoring, you'll need to label all the nodes in your cluster here.

With larger deployments, you should take care to only label nodes you have allocated for monitoring purposes.

kubectl label node/node-01 ''
kubectl label node/node-02 ''
kubectl label node/node-03 ''

Create a monitoring namespace

This doesn't need to be anything special. Unlike the AIStore deployment, we don't need to add a nodeSelector.

kubectl create ns monitoring

Deploy kube-prometheus-stack

Add the prometheus-community repo to your helm installation.

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

We're going to customize the chart values before installing it. Before installing the stack, open the file docs/walkthrough/kube_prometheus_stack_values.yaml.

vi ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/kube_prometheus_stack_values.yaml

Our values file alters the chart deployment in a few key ways:

  • It sets nodeAffinity for most pods such that the monitoring stack will only run on nodes labelled with
  • It alters the securityContext of the pods such that they run as the monitoring user we provisioned earlier.
  • It sets the password for Grafana's default admin user.

Edit kube_prometheus_stack_values.yaml and set the following:

  • grafanaAdminPassword: Set this to a new password for Grafana's admin user.
  • runAsUser, runAsGroup: Set these to whichever UID and GID you chose for your monitoring user. By default the values file assumes these are both 1002. These do not need to be changed if you added users as shown above.

Deploy the chart

Deploy the prometheus stack using our customized values.

helm install -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/kube_prometheus_stack_values.yaml kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring

At this point, you'll have a prometheus instance running that mostly just monitors itself.

To monitor aistore, we'll need to add a couple of PodMonitor definitions.

Why not ServiceMonitors?

The aistore deployment includes two services, aistore-proxy and aistore-target. Whilst you could scrape these from prometheus using a ServiceMonitor instead, the metrics aistore provides are specific to each proxy and target, and connecting to the service for metrics will follow a round-robin pattern. For a large deployment, with a 30 second scrape interval, this means that some metrics will inevitably be lost as each pod will be scraped infrequently.

You can find two PodMonitor definitions in the file docs/walkthrough/ais_podmonitors.yaml. Apply them:

kubectl -n monitoring apply -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/ais_podmonitors.yaml

When applied, the monitors will configure prometheus to scrape metrics from AIStore's proxy and target pods individually every 30 seconds.

Next, check the prometheus UI with a port-forward.

kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus 9090

Hit http://localhost:9090 in your web browser (you may need to ssh -L 9090:localhost:9090 into your deployment machine to do so).

You should see the aistore pod targets configured and UP.

Prometheus UI showing aistore podMonitors up

Add Grafana Dashboards

kube-prometheus-stack's grafana deployment makes use of the kiwigrid k8s sidecar image, which allows us to provide our own dashboards as Kubernetes configMaps.

A sample dashboard can be found at docs/walkthrough/aistore_dashboard.yaml. Apply it:

kubectl apply -n monitoring -f ~/aistore_deployment/ais-k8s/docs/walkthrough/aistore_dashboard.yaml 

To see the dashboard, open up the grafana port:

kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana 3000:80

...and access http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You'll need to use the username admin and the grafanaAdminPassword you chose earlier to log in.

Grafana dashboard

Once logged in, you can import more dashboards to make the most of the node-exporter and kube-state-metrics deployments bundled with the chart if you wish.

You can find public grafana dashboards here.

Next Steps

This walkthrough takes you through the basics. There are various directions you may like to take next:

You may also want to extend your metrics stack. In particular: