The full demo can be seen here:
- Set up your own clare-bot (instructions in README)
- Fork
- Set up pull request builds for the trivia-api repo with AWS CodeBuild: Use 'buildspec-ci.yml' for the buildspec name.
This demo will walk through clare-bot previewing a pull request for the API service backing the re:Invent Trivia application in a temporary Fargate environment.
The live API service can be seen here:
An example pull request can be seen here:
On your trivia-api fork, create new pull request to merge the 'api-docs' branch into 'master'.
You should see your CodeBuild check start automatically, which uses the buildspec-ci.yml file to ensure the Docker image still builds successfully with the proposed changes:
Comment in the pull request: @your-bot-username preview this
Within 1 minute, you should see your bot respond that a build has started for the preview environment, with a link to the build.
The build will use the buildspec.yml file to build & push a Docker image, and to generate a CloudFormation template with the Cloud Development Kit (CDK):
The build will push the Docker file to ECR with a tag for this pull request. For example:
Once the build has completed, the generated CloudFormation template will be deployed by your bot in a new CloudFormation stack, which can be seen in the CloudFormation console and the ECS console. The code that generates the CloudFormation template can be seen here:
Once the stack is deployed, the bot will provide the URL for the temporary trivia API endpoint in the pull request. Add /api/docs to the end of the URL to see the new API docs.
Merge the pull request.
Within 1 minute, the bot will start cleaning up the environment, and you can see the CloudFormation stack in 'DELETING' state.