When you create a Lambda you can choose either x86_64 or arm64. Both Python and Node are interpreted from source code (or bytecode) so usually either will work. But Python can call out to C and Rust binary code. If your Python code uses these, it must not only match the architecture, it also must have the same exe format, so Mac ARM (Mach-O) won't work as a Linux based (ELF) Lambda.
We have one Layer that does that: package_py. This called by two Lambdas: etl_task_file_copy and etl_task_sftp. Deploying these from our Macs takes a little more work. We have two solutions, both using Docker.
All Lambdas and Layers can be built using one of these two combinations:
Option 1, deploy locally
- In make_variables, set build_mode="sam" and architecture="x86_64"
- Prerequisites:
- Nodejs 20.x
- Python 3.12
- Terraform
- Docker
- git, make and zip
Option 2, using a Docker image
In make_variables, set build_mode="std" and architecture="arm64"
- Docker
To install on Docker, see here.
- In make_variables, set build_mode="std" and architecture to the architecture of your computer.
- Prerequisites:
- Nodejs 20.x
- Python 3.12
- Terraform
- git, make and zip
Docker should work anywhere by setting 'architecture=' to the architecture of your computer.
With the exception of package_py, using build_mode="std" with either architecture ("x86_64" or "arm64") will work inside or out of Docker, for all other Lambdas and Layers.