Reference the .
- Git
- - Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Project.
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Bitbucket
- Make
- Packer
- Docker Hub
- apk - Alpine Linux package management.
- Alpine packages | alpinelinux
- apt - Advanced Package Tool.
- RubyGem - Ruby community’s gem hosting service.
- Homebrew - The missing package manager for macOS.
- npm - The package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.
- yum - Yellowdog Updater, Modified, an open-source command-line package-management utility for computers running the Linux operating system using the RPM Package Manager.
- Selenium
- JMeter
- Capistrano
- CodeDeploy
Infrastructure as Code.
- Docker
- Mesos
- Swarm
- Kubernetes (K8s)
- Rancher
- Azure
- Google Cloud Platform
- Rackspace
- DigitalOcean
- Linode
- Heroku
- Ceph
- OpenStack
- Proxmox VE
- Trello
- HipChat
- Rocket.Chat
- Slack
- none.