TODO Explain .bg
variants, alternate syntax with (execute, …)
This will execute the external command with arguments arg1,arg2,.... It will throw an error if the exit status is not 0, and return 0 itself otherwise.
This will execute the external command with arguments arg1,arg2,.... It will return the return value of the command.
This will execute the external command with arguments arg1,arg2,.... It will throw an error if the exit status is not 0, and return the stdout output of the command otherwise.
This will execute the external command with arguments arg1,arg2,.... It will return the stdout output of the command.
# Creates a pid-file and writes it to /run/user/{user id}/
execute = {bash,-c,echo `ps -p "$\{1:-$$\}" -o ppid=` > /run/user/`id -u`/}