The system requirement for building Apollo is Ubuntu 14.04. Using a Docker container is the simplest way to set up the build environment for Apollo project. A Detailed docker tutorial can be found here.
To install docker, you may refer to Official guide to install the Docker-ce. Don't forget to test it using post-installation steps for Linux.
Now we leverage git-lfs to manage large files in Apollo. Please make sure you installed the plugin by following the steps on its webpage or refer to the Migration Guide for additional information
# Required for Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04.
curl -s | sudo bash
# Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04 / 18.04.
sudo apt-get install -y git-lfs
For latest Git versions, the lfs plugin works automatically and transparently
along with the commands you are familiar with, such as git clone
and git pull
But for old versions like Git 1.x, you may need to call it explicitly with
git lfs clone
and git lfs pull
We provide a build image named dev-latest. The Container will mount your local apollo repo to /apollo.
bash docker/scripts/
bash docker/scripts/
bash build
If you do not have a GPU, you can use the following script instead
bash build_cpu
If your computer is very slow, you can enter the following command to limit the CPU.
bash build --local_resources 2048,1.0,1.0
bash release
This command will generate a release directory, which contains the ROS environment, running scripts, binaries and dependent shared libraries (.so files).
To create a release excluding proprietary software (such as ESD CAN library), use:
bash release_noproprietary
In order to generate and push your images to your own docker repository, please refer to How to Generate and Push Docker images
The easiest way to install for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions is to download from and install the .deb package (64-bit) either through the graphical software center if it's available or through the command line with:
sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb
sudo apt-get install -f # Install dependencies
Start VSCode with the following command:
Use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+K Ctrl+O) to open the Apollo project.
Use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+B) to build the Apollo project.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "run all unit tests for the apollo project" from a popup menu to check the code style for the Apollo project.
If you are currently developing on 16.04, you will get a build error. As seen in the image below, 2 perception tests. To avoid this build error, refer to the how to build Apollo using Ubuntu 16.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "code style check for the apollo project" from a popup menu to check the code style for the Apollo project.
Select the "Tasks->Run Tasks..." menu command and click "clean the apollo project" from a popup menu to clean the Apollo project.
You can change the "build" option to another one such as "build_gpu" (refer to the "" file for details) in ".vscode/tasks.json"
bash docker/scripts/ [release tag]
The HMI will automatically start and you can control each apollo module through any web browser by inputting IP address and port number, such as localhost:8887. You can get into the release container if quick fix needed.
bash docker/scripts/
The docker image that you build may contain ESD CAN library files provided by ESD Electronics (hereby referred as ESD), which you should have obtained via a licensing agreement with ESD. The licensing agreement shall have granted you (as an individual or a business entity) the right to use the said software provided by ESD; however, you may (and likely you do) need explicit re-distribution permission from ESD to publish the docker image for any other third party to consume. Such licensing agreement is solely between you and ESD, and is not covered by the license terms of the Apollo project (see file LICENSE under Apollo top directory).