Simply command line utility to take a Singer-specification JSON catalog file and select which streams and fields to include. Fields with "automatic" inclusion are included... er.. automatically.
pip install
Two ways of using this script.
First takes two filenames: input (--input, -i) and output (--output, -o). These can be the same
singer-discover --input catalog.json --output catalog.json
The second accepts the piped output of a tap in discover mode, making it a little more idiomatic with the rest of the Singer ecosystem.
tap-example --config config.json --discover | singer-discover -o catalog.json
NOTE: This uses a bit of a hack to allow the interactive interface to appear after the script has accepted input from stdin. It worked for me, but please let me know if you see errors. First method should work for all.
First select which streams to include
? Select Streams (<up>, <down> to move, <space> to select, <a> to toggle, <i> to invert)
> • stream_one
○ stream_two
○ stream_three
Hit enter. Then select the fields within each stream to include. Hit a
to toggle select all. Automatically included fields are unselectable and annotated with (automatic)
? Select fields for stream: `stream_one` (<up>, <down> to move, <space> to select, <a> to toggle, <i> to invert)
> - id (automatic)
• name
○ type
○ price
Hit enter, and the catalog file is updated with the field and stream selected
properties updated.