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Get promises out the door and into your store!

Thunk Kickoff enables you to use promises (or any async) with redux-thunk. It ensures each async thunk dispatches actions for request status changes (success, pending, fail), and provides essential request lifecycle functions. It builds on top of redux-thunk.

npm install --save thunk-kickoff


I made this so that I can spend more time enriching my user’s experience, and less time setting up redux. Loading indicators and error toasters are now easy to make for every endpoint. Also, my debugging logs are now rich with meaningful redux actions. You may find this useful too if your frontend is built with redux-thunk, connected react components, and api endpoints.


  • Easily dispatch more actions in response to status changes.
  • Reformat the response json before its added to the store.
  • Fine tune performance by controlling which status changes cause a dispatch.
  • Significantly reduce boiler plate in reducer, action creator, selector, and store definitions.

API Reference

Full refernce maintained in declaration file

Basic Usage


import ko from 'thunk-kickoff'
import { myPromise } from 'some/api'
import { store } from 'some/redux/store'

const init = ko.state({
    // initialize

// Thunk Kickoff Action
const LOAD = "load"

// Thunk Kickoff Action Creator
const thunkAction = () => ko.kickoff(LOAD, myPromise())

// define a reducer using ko.reducer, a function that handles store updates
const reducer = (state = init, action) => ko.reducer(state, action)

// load the promise

// check status and get data
const state = store.getState()
const status = ko.selectors.getStatus(state)
const data = ko.selectors.getData(state)


import * as ko from 'thunk-kickoff'
import { myPromise, ResponseType } from 'some/api'
import { store } from 'some/redux/store'

type State = ko.State<ResponseType>

const init: State = ko.state({
    // initialize

// Thunk Kickoff Action
interface Load extends ko.Action<ResponseType> { 
    type: "load"

// Thunk Kickoff Action Creator
const thunkAction = () => ko.kickoff<State, ResponseType>("load", myPromise())

// define a reducer using ko.reducer, a function that handles store updates
const reducer = (state: State = init, action) => ko.reducer(state, action)

// load the promise

// check status and get data
const state = store.getState()
const status = ko.selectors.getStatus(state)
const data = ko.selectors.getData(state)

Full Example

import ko from 'thunk-kickoff'

// I've got a promise, and I'd like to load it into the store.
const promise = () => fetch("", { method: "GET" }).then(r => r.json())

const init = {
    xkcd: ko.state({
        safeTitle: "",
        image: "",
        date: new Date(),
        issue: -1
    // oatmeal: ...
    // dinosaurComics: ...

// define a Thunk Kickoff action
const LOAD_XKCD = "comics_xkcd_load"

const actions = {
    loadXkcd: () => ko.kickoff(LOAD_XKCD, promise(), {
        // format the data to whatever you'd like
        format: data => ({
            safeTitle: data.safe_title,
            image: data.img,
            date: new Date(data.year, data.month,,
            issue: data.num

const reducer = (state = init, action) => {
    if(action.type === LOAD_XKCD) {
        return {...state, xkcd: ko.reducer(state.xkcd, action)}
    return state

const selectors = {
    isXkcdLoaded: state => ko.selectors.isSuccess(state.xkcd),
    getXkcdData: state => ko.selectors.getData(state.xkcd)

But I thought you said type safety? Typescript Example:

import * as ko from 'thunk-kickoff'

interface XkcdResponse {
    month: string
    num: number
    link: string
    year: string
    news: string
    safe_title: string
    transcript: string
    alt: string
    img: string
    title: string
    day: string

// I've got a promise, and I'd like to load it into the store.
const promise = () => fetch("", { method: "GET" }).then(r => r.json() as XkcdResponse) 

interface Xkcd {
    safeTitle: string
    image: string
    date: Date
    issue: number

interface State {
    xkcd: ko.State<Xkcd>
    // oatmeal: ...
    // dinosaurComics: ...

const init: State = {
    xkcd: ko.state({
        safeTitle: "",
        image: "",
        date: new Date(),
        issue: -1

// define a Thunk Kickoff action
interface LoadXkcd extends ko.Action<Xkcd> { 
    type: "comics_xkcd_load"

interface ActionCreators {
    loadXkcd: () => ThunkAction<void, Store, null>

const actions: ActionCreators = {
    loadXkcd: () => ko.kickoff<State, XkcdResponse, Xkcd>("comics_xkcd_load", promise(), {
        // format the data to whatever you'd like
        format: data => ({
            safeTitle: data.safe_title,
            image: data.img,
            date: new Date(data.year, data.month,,
            issue: data.num

const reducer = (state: State = init, action) => {
    if(action.type === "comics_xkcd_load") {
        return {...state, xkcd: ko.reducer(state.xkcd, action)}
    return state

const selectors = {
    isXkcdLoaded: (state: Store) => ko.selectors.isSuccess(state.xkcd),
    getXkcdData: (state: Store) => ko.selectors.getData(state.xkcd)