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Developer guide

This guide provides information for developers who wish to understand or contribute to the code.


The following software is required to obtain and build the operator:

  • Git (1.8 or later recommended)
  • Apache Maven (3.3 or later recommended)
  • Java Developer Kit (1.8u131 or later recommended, not 1.9)
  • Docker 17.03.1.ce

The operator is written primarily in Java and BASH shell scripts. The Java code uses features introduced in Java 1.8 -- for example, closures -- but does not use any Java 1.9 feature.

Because the target runtime environment for the operator is Oracle Linux, no particular effort has been made to ensure the build or tests run on any other operating system. Please be aware that Oracle will not provide support, or accept pull requests to add support, for other operating systems.

Obtaining the operator source code

The operator source code is published on GitHub at Developers may clone this repository to a local machine or, if desired, create a fork in their personal namespace and clone the fork. Developers who are planning to submit a pull request are advised to create a fork.

To clone the repository from GitHub, issue this command:

git clone

Operator branching model

The master branch is protected and will always contain source for the latest, generally available (GA) release of the operator, including any critical hot fixes. No general pull requests will be merged to this branch.

Active work will be performed on the develop branch. This branch is also protected. Please submit pull requests to this branch unless you are collaborating on a feature and have another target branch.
Please see details on the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA) and guidelines for pull requests on the [README] (

Longer running feature work will be performed on specific branches, such as feature/dynamic-clusters. Since we want to balance separating destabilizing work into feature branches against the possibility of later difficult merges, we encourage developers working on features to pull out any necessary refactoring or improvements that are general purpose into their own shorter-lived branches and create pull requests to develop when these smaller work items are complete.

When it is time for a release, we will branch off develop to create a per-release branch. Here, we will update version numbers, rebuild javadoc, if necessary, and perform any other pre-release updates. Finally, this release branch will be merged to master.

Building the operator

The operator is built using Apache Maven. The build machine will also need to have Docker installed.

To build the operator, issue the following command in the project directory:

mvn clean install

This will compile the source files, build JAR files containing the compiled classes and libraries needed to run the operator, and will also execute all of the unit tests.

Building Javadoc

To build the Javadoc for the operator, issue the following command:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

The Javadoc is also available in the GitHub repository here.

Running integration tests

The project includes integration tests that can be run against a Kubernetes cluster. If you want to use these tests, you will need to provide your own Kubernetes cluster. You will need to obtain the kube.config file for an administrator user and make it available on the machine running the build. Tests will run against Kubernetes 1.7.5+, 1.8.0+, 1.9.0+, and 1.10.0.

To run the tests, uncomment the following execution element in the pom.xml file and update the KUBECONFIG to point to your kube config file.

      <argLine>${surefireArgLine} -Xms512m -Xmx1500m</argLine>

These tests assume that the RBAC definitions exist on the Kubernetes cluster.

To create them, first, make a copy of the inputs file (create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml) and update it.

Next, choose and create a directory that generated operator-related files will be stored in, for example, /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory.

Finally, run the operator installation script with the "generate only" option as shown below, pointing it at your inputs file and your output directory. (See the installation page for details about this script and the inputs):

./ -g \
  -i create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml \
  -o /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory

This will create a file called /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml, which you will need to apply to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory/weblogic-operators/webogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml

After this is done, and the execution is uncommented, the tests will run against your cluster.

Running the operator from an IDE

The operator can be run from an IDE, which is useful for debugging. In order to do so, the machine running the IDE must be configured with a Kubernetes configuration file in ~/.kube/config or in a location pointed to by the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

Configure the IDE to run the class oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main.

You may need to create a directory called /operator on your machine. Please be aware that the operator code is targeted to Linux, and although it will run fine on macOS, it will probably not run on other operating systems. If you develop on another operating system, you should deploy the operator to a Kubernetes cluster and use remote debugging instead.

Running the operator in a Kubernetes cluster

To run the operator in a Kubernetes cluster, you need to build the Docker image and then deploy it to your cluster.

After you have run the build (that is, mvn clean install), create the Docker image as follows:

docker build -t weblogic-kubernetes-operator:some-tag --no-cache=true .

We recommend that you use a tag other than latest to make it easy to distinguish your image from the "real" one. In the example above, we used the GitHub ID of the developer.

Next, upload your image to your Kubernetes server as follows:

# on your build machine
docker save weblogic-kubernetes-operator:some-tag > operator.tar
scp operator.tar YOUR_USER@YOUR_SERVER:/some/path/operator.tar
# on the Kubernetes server
docker load < /some/path/operator.tar

Verify that you have the right image by running docker images | grep webloogic-kubernetes-operator on both machines and comparing the image IDs.

To create and deploy the operator, first, make a copy of the inputs file (create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml) and update it, making sure that weblogicOperatorImagePullPolicy is set to Never and weblogicOperatorImage matches the name you used in your docker build command.

Next, choose and create a directory that generated operator-related files will be stored in, for example, /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory.

Finally, run the operator installation script to deploy the operator, pointing it at your inputs file and your output directory:

./ \
  -i /path/to/create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml \
  -o /path/to/weblogic-operator-output-directory

Coding standards

This project has adopted the following coding standards:

  • Code will be formated using Oracle / WebLogic standards, which are identical to the Google Java Style
  • Javadoc must be provided for all public packages, classes, and methods, and must include all parameters and returns. Javadoc is not required for methods that override or implement methods that are already documented.
  • All non-trivial methods should include LOGGER.entering() and LOGGER.exiting() calls.
  • The LOGGER.exiting() call should include the value that is going to be returned from the method, unless that value includes a credential or other sensitive information.
  • All logged messages must be internationalized using the resource bundle src/main/resources/ and using a key itemized in src/main/java/oracle/kubernetes/operator/logging/
  • Before throwing an exception, there should be a call to LOGGER.throwing(e) to log the exception.
  • After operator initialization, all operator work must be implemented using the asynchronous call model (described below). In particular, worker threads must not use sleep() or IO or lock-based blocking methods.

Code formatting plugins

The following IDE plugins are available to assist with following the code formatting standards


An IntelliJ plugin is available from the plugin repository.

The plugin will be enabled by default. To disable it in the current project, go to File > Settings... > google-java-format Settings (or IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences... > Other Settings > google-java-format Settings on macOS) and uncheck the "Enable google-java-format" checkbox.

To disable it by default in new projects, use File > Other Settings > Default Settings....

When enabled, it will replace the normal "Reformat Code" action, which can be triggered from the "Code" menu or with the Ctrl-Alt-L (by default) keyboard shortcut.

The import ordering is not handled by this plugin, unfortunately. To fix the import order, download the IntelliJ Java Google Style file and import it into File→Settings→Editor→Code Style.


An Eclipse plugin can be downloaded from the releases page. Drop it into the Eclipse drop-ins folder to activate the plugin.

The plugin adds a google-java-format formatter implementation that can be configured in Eclipse > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Formatter Implementation.

Source code structure

This project has the following directory structure:

  • docs: Generated javadoc and Swagger
  • kubernetes: BASH scripts and YAML templates for operator installation and WebLogic domain creation job.
  • site: This documentation
  • src/main/java: Java source code for the operator
  • src/test/java: Java unit-tests for the operator
  • src-generated-swagger: Snapshot of Java source files generated from the domain custom resource's Swagger
  • swagger: Swagger files for the Kubernetes API server and domain custom resource

Watch package

The Watch API in the Kubernetes Java client provides a watch capability across a specific list of resources for a limited amount of time. As such, it is not ideally suited for our use case, where a continuous stream of watches is desired, with watch events generated in real time. The watch-wrapper in this repository extends the default Watch API to provide a continuous stream of watch events until the stream is specifically closed. It also provides resourceVersion tracking to exclude events that have already been seen. The watch-wrapper provides callbacks so events, as they occur, can trigger actions.

Asynchronous call model

Our expectation is that certain customers will task the operator with managing thousands of WebLogic domains across dozens of Kubernetes namespaces. Therefore, we have designed the operator with an efficient user-level threads pattern based on a simplified version of the code from the JAX-WS reference implementation. We have then used that pattern to implement an asynchronous call model for Kubernetes API requests. This call model has built-in support for timeouts, retries with exponential back-off, and lists that exceed the requested maximum size using the continuance functionality.

User-Level Thread Pattern

The user-level thread pattern is implemented by the classes in the package.

  • Engine: The executor service and factory for Fibers.
  • Fiber: The user-level thread. Fibers represent the execution of a single processing flow through a series of Steps. Fibers may be suspended and later resumed, and do not consume a Thread while suspended.
  • Step: Individual CPU-bound activity in a processing flow.
  • Packet: Context of the processing flow.
  • NextAction: Used by a Step when it returns control to the Fiber to indicate what should happen next. Common 'next actions' are to execute another Step or to suspend the Fiber.
  • Component: Provider of SPI's that may be useful to the processing flow.
  • Container: Represents the containing environment and is a Component.

Each Step has a reference to the next Step in the processing flow; however, Steps are not required to indicate that the next Step be invoked by the Fiber when the Step returns a NextAction to the Fiber. This leads to common use cases where Fibers invoke a series of Steps that are linked by the 'is-next' relationship, but just as commonly, use cases where the Fiber will invoke sets of Steps along a detour before returning to the normal flow.

In this sample, the caller creates an Engine, Fiber, linked set of Step instances, and Packet. The Fiber is then started. The Engine would typically be a singleton, since it's backed by a ScheduledExecutorService. The Packet would also typically be pre-loaded with values that the Steps would use in their apply() methods.

    Engine engine = new Engine("worker-pool");

    Fiber fiber = engine.createFiber();

    Step step = new StepOne(new StepTwo(new StepThree(null)));
    Packet packet = new Packet();

    fiber.start(step, packet, new CompletionCallback() {
      public void onCompletion(Packet packet) {
        // Fiber has completed successfully

      public void onThrowable(Packet packet, Throwable throwable) {
        // Fiber processing was terminated with an exception

Steps must not invoke sleep or blocking calls from within apply(). This prevents the worker threads from serving other Fibers. Instead, use asynchronous calls and the Fiber suspend/resume pattern. Step provides a method, doDelay(), which creates a NextAction to drive Fiber suspend/resume that is a better option than sleep precisely because the worker thread can serve other Fibers during the delay. For asynchronous IO or similar patterns, suspend the Fiber. In the callback as the Fiber suspends, initiate the asynchronous call. Finally, when the call completes, resume the Fiber. The suspend/resume functionality handles the case where resumed before the suspending callback completes.

In this sample, the step uses asynchronous file IO and the suspend/resume Fiber pattern.

    static class StepTwo extends Step {
      public StepTwo(Step next) {

      public NextAction apply(Packet packet) {
        return doSuspend((fiber) -> {
          // The Fiber is now suspended
          // Start the asynchronous call
          try {
            Path path = Paths.get(URI.create(this.getClass().getResource("/somefile.dat").toString()));
            AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel =
      , StandardOpenOption.READ);

            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
  , 0, buffer, new CompletionHandler<Integer, ByteBuffer>() {
              public void completed(Integer result, ByteBuffer attachment) {
                // Store data in Packet and resume Fiber
                packet.put("DATA_SIZE_READ", result);
                packet.put("DATA_FROM_SOMEFILE", attachment);

              public void failed(Throwable exc, ByteBuffer attachment) {
                // log exc
                completed(0, null);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // log exception
            // If not resumed here, Fiber will never be resumed

Call Builder Pattern

The asynchronous call model is implemented by classes in the oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers package, including CallBuilder and ResponseStep. The model is based on the Fiber suspend/resume pattern described above. CallBuilder provides many methods having names ending with "Async", such as listPodAsync() or deleteServiceAsync(). These methods return a Step that can be returned as part of a NextAction. When creating these Steps, the developer must provide a ResponseStep. Only ResponseStep.onSuccess() must be implemented; however, it is often useful to override onFailure() as Kubernetes treats 404 (Not Found) as a failure.

In this sample, the developer is using the pattern to list pods from the default namespace that are labeled as part of cluster-1.

    static class StepOne extends Step {
      public StepOne(Step next) {

      public NextAction apply(Packet packet) {
        String namespace = "default";
        Step step = CallBuilder.create().with($ -> {
          $.labelSelector = "weblogic.clusterName=cluster-1";
          $.limit = 50;
          $.timeoutSeconds = 30;
        }).listPodAsync(namespace, new ResponseStep<V1PodList>(next) {
          public NextAction onFailure(Packet packet, ApiException e, int statusCode,
              Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
            if (statusCode == CallBuilder.NOT_FOUND) {
              return onSuccess(packet, null, statusCode, responseHeaders);
            return super.onFailure(packet, e, statusCode, responseHeaders);

          public NextAction onSuccess(Packet packet, V1PodList result, int statusCode,
              Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
            // do something with the result Pod, if not null
            return doNext(packet);

        return doNext(step, packet);

Notice that the required parameters, such as namespace, are method arguments, but optional parameters are designated using a simplified builder pattern using with() and a lambda.

The default behavior of onFailure() will retry with an exponential backoff the request on status codes 429 (TooManyRequests), 500 (InternalServerError), 503 (ServiceUnavailable), 504 (ServerTimeout) or a simple timeout with no response from the server.

If the server responds with status code 409 (Conflict), then this indicates an optimistic locking failure. Common use cases are that the code read a Kubernetes object in one asynchronous step, modified the object, and attempted to replace the object in another asynchronous step; however, another activity replaced that same object in the interim. In this case, retrying the request would give the same result. Therefore, developers may provide an "on conflict" step when calling super.onFailure(). The conflict step will be invoked after an exponential backoff delay. In this example, that conflict step should be the step that reads the existing Kubernetes object.