From 8a4d7eefe41aa57b1b1a44aaee2f91c16ce7c962 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gary Ewan Park Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2015 22:13:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] (GH-220) Use Write-Output everywhere --- BuildScripts/build.ps1 | 12 ++--- BuildScripts/default.ps1 | 106 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) diff --git a/BuildScripts/build.ps1 b/BuildScripts/build.ps1 index ee6dabc22..6c9666123 100644 --- a/BuildScripts/build.ps1 +++ b/BuildScripts/build.ps1 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Import-Module $psakePath; if($Help){ try { Get-Help "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)" -full | Out-Host -paging - Write-Host "Available build tasks:" + Write-Output "Available build tasks:" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -nologo -docs | Out-Host -paging } catch {} @@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ if($Help){ if(Test-Path -Path env:\APPVEYOR) { if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "develop" -And $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -eq $null) { - Write-Host "Since we are on develop branch with no pull request number, we are ready to deploy to Develop MyGet Feed" + Write-Output "Since we are on develop branch with no pull request number, we are ready to deploy to Develop MyGet Feed" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -task DeployDevelopSolutionToMyGet -properties @{ 'config'='Release'; } } elseif($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "develop" -And $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -ne $null) { - Write-Host "Since we are on develop branch with a pull request number, we are just going to package the solution, with no deployment" + Write-Output "Since we are on develop branch with a pull request number, we are just going to package the solution, with no deployment" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -task InspectCodeForProblems -properties @{ 'config'='Release'; } } elseif($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "master" -And $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -eq $null -And $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $false) { - Write-Host "Since we are on master branch with no pull request number, and no tag applied, we are ready to deploy to Master MyGet Feed" + Write-Output "Since we are on master branch with no pull request number, and no tag applied, we are ready to deploy to Master MyGet Feed" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -task DeployMasterSolutionToMyGet -properties @{ 'config'='Release'; } } elseif($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "master" -And $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -ne $null -And $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $false) { - Write-Host "Since we are on master branch with a pull request number, and no tag applied, we are just going to package the solution, with no deployment" + Write-Output "Since we are on master branch with a pull request number, and no tag applied, we are just going to package the solution, with no deployment" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -task InspectCodeForProblems -properties @{ 'config'='Release'; } } elseif($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "master" -And $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -eq $null -And $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $true) { - Write-Host "Since we are on master branch with no pull request number, and a tag has been applied, we are ready to deploy" + Write-Output "Since we are on master branch with no pull request number, and a tag has been applied, we are ready to deploy" invoke-psake "$here/default.ps1" -task DeploySolutionToChocolatey -properties @{ 'config'='Release'; } } } else { diff --git a/BuildScripts/default.ps1 b/BuildScripts/default.ps1 index 3e81c75dd..323d8d2d0 100644 --- a/BuildScripts/default.ps1 +++ b/BuildScripts/default.ps1 @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function analyseStyleCopResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$styleCopRe $styleCopViolations = [xml](Get-Content $styleCopResultsFile); foreach ($styleCopViolation in $styleCopViolations.StyleCopViolations.Violation) { - Write-Host "Violation of Rule $($styleCopViolation.RuleId): $($styleCopViolation.Rule) Line Number: $($styleCopViolation.LineNumber) FileName: $($styleCopViolation.Source) ErrorMessage: $($styleCopViolation.InnerXml)"; + Write-Output "Violation of Rule $($styleCopViolation.RuleId): $($styleCopViolation.Rule) Line Number: $($styleCopViolation.LineNumber) FileName: $($styleCopViolation.Source) ErrorMessage: $($styleCopViolation.InnerXml)"; if(isAppVeyor) { Add-AppveyorTest "Violation of Rule $($styleCopViolation.RuleId): $($styleCopViolation.Rule) Line Number: $($styleCopViolation.LineNumber)" -Outcome Failed -FileName $styleCopViolation.Source -ErrorMessage $styleCopViolation.InnerXml; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function analyseCodeAnalysisResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$codeAn foreach ($codeAnalysisError in $codeAnalysisErrors.SelectNodes("//Message")) { $issueNode = $codeAnalysisError.SelectSingleNode("Issue"); - Write-Host "Violation of Rule $($codeAnalysisError.CheckId): $($codeAnalysisError.TypeName) Line Number: $($issueNode.Line) FileName: $($issueNode.Path)\$($codeAnalysisError.Issue.File) ErrorMessage: $($issueNode.InnerXml)"; + Write-Output "Violation of Rule $($codeAnalysisError.CheckId): $($codeAnalysisError.TypeName) Line Number: $($issueNode.Line) FileName: $($issueNode.Path)\$($codeAnalysisError.Issue.File) ErrorMessage: $($issueNode.InnerXml)"; if(isAppVeyor) { Add-AppveyorTest "Violation of Rule $($codeAnalysisError.CheckId): $($codeAnalysisError.TypeName) Line Number: $($issueNode.Line)" -Outcome Failed -FileName "$($issueNode.Path)\$($codeAnalysisError.Issue.File)" -ErrorMessage $($issueNode.InnerXml); @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ function analyseDupFinderResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$dupFinder $anyFailures = $FALSE foreach ($duplicateCost in $dupFinderErrors.DuplicatesReport.Duplicates.Duplicate) { - Write-Host "Duplicate Located with a cost of $($duplicateCost.Cost), across $($duplicateCost.Fragment.Count) Fragments"; + Write-Output "Duplicate Located with a cost of $($duplicateCost.Cost), across $($duplicateCost.Fragment.Count) Fragments"; foreach ($fragment in $duplicateCost.Fragment) { - Write-Host "File Name: $($fragment.FileName) Line Numbers: $($fragment.LineRange.Start) - $($fragment.LineRange.End)"; - Write-Host "Offending Text: $($fragment.Text)"; + Write-Output "File Name: $($fragment.FileName) Line Numbers: $($fragment.LineRange.Start) - $($fragment.LineRange.End)"; + Write-Output "Offending Text: $($fragment.Text)"; } $anyFailures = $TRUE; @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function analyseDupFinderResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$dupFinder } if ($anyFailures -eq $TRUE){ - Write-Host "Failing build as there are duplicates in the Code Base"; + Write-Output "Failing build as there are duplicates in the Code Base"; throw "Duplicates found in code base"; } } @@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ function analyseInspectCodeResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$inspect $anyFailures = $FALSE; foreach ($errorIssueType in $inspectCodeErrors.SelectNodes("/Report/IssueTypes/IssueType[@Severity='ERROR']")) { - Write-Host "Code Inspection Error(s) Located. Description: $($errorIssueType.Description)"; + Write-Output "Code Inspection Error(s) Located. Description: $($errorIssueType.Description)"; $issueLookup = "/Report/Issues/Project/Issue[@TypeId='$($errorIssueType.Id)']"; foreach ($errorIssue in $inspectCodeErrors.SelectNodes($issueLookup)) { - Write-Host "File Name: $($errorIssue.File) Line Number: $($errorIssue.Line) Message: $($errorIssue.Message)"; + Write-Output "File Name: $($errorIssue.File) Line Number: $($errorIssue.Line) Message: $($errorIssue.Message)"; if(isAppVeyor) { Add-AppveyorTest "Code Inspection Error: $($errorIssueType.Description) Line Number: $($errorIssue.Line)" -Outcome Failed -FileName "$($errorIssue.File)" -ErrorMessage $($errorIssue.Message); @@ -151,29 +151,29 @@ function analyseInspectCodeResults( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$inspect } if ($anyFailures -eq $TRUE){ - Write-Host "Failing build as there are code inspection errors in the Code Base"; + Write-Output "Failing build as there are code inspection errors in the Code Base"; throw "Code Inspection Errors found in code base"; } } function testEnvironmentVariable($envVariableName, $envVariableValue) { if($envVariableValue -ne $null) { - Write-Host "$envVariableName : $envVariableValue"; + Write-Output "$envVariableName : $envVariableValue"; } else { - Write-Host "$envVariableName : Not Defined"; + Write-Output "$envVariableName : Not Defined"; } } function applyXslTransform($xmlFile, $xslFile, $outputFile) { - Write-Host "XML File: $xmlFile" - Write-Host "XSL File: $xslFile" - Write-Host "Output File: $outputFile" + Write-Output "XML File: $xmlFile" + Write-Output "XSL File: $xslFile" + Write-Output "Output File: $outputFile" $xslt = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform; $xslt.Load($xslFile); $xslt.Transform($xmlFile, $outputFile); - Write-Host "XSL Transform completed." + Write-Output "XSL Transform completed." if(isAppVeyor) { Push-AppveyorArtifact $outputFile; @@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ Task -Name __RemoveBuildArtifactsDirectory -Description $private -Action { Task -Name __InstallChocolatey -Description $private -Action { if(isChocolateyInstalled) { - Write-Host "Chocolatey already installed"; - Write-Host "Updating to latest Chocolatey..." + Write-Output "Chocolatey already installed"; + Write-Output "Updating to latest Chocolatey..." $choco = Join-Path (Join-Path $script:chocolateyDir "chocolateyInstall") -ChildPath "chocolatey.cmd"; exec { Invoke-Expression "$choco update chocolatey"; } - Write-Host "Latest Chocolatey installed." + Write-Output "Latest Chocolatey installed." } else { try { - Write-Host "Chocolatey is not installed, installing Chocolatey..."; + Write-Output "Chocolatey is not installed, installing Chocolatey..."; exec { Invoke-Expression ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')); @@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ Task -Name __InstallChocolatey -Description $private -Action { throw "Error installing Chocolatey" } - Write-Host ("************ Install Chocolatey Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install Chocolatey Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Install Chocolatey Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install Chocolatey Failed ************") } } } @@ -271,14 +271,14 @@ Task -Name __InstallReSharperCommandLineTools -Depends __InstallChocolatey -Desc Invoke-Expression "$choco install resharper-clt"; } } else { - Write-Host "resharper-clt already installed"; + Write-Output "resharper-clt already installed"; } - Write-Host ("************ Install Command Line Tools Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install Command Line Tools Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Install Command Line Tools Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install Command Line Tools Failed ************") } } @@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ Task -Name __UpdateReSharperCommandLineTools -Description $private -Action { Invoke-Expression "$choco update resharper-clt"; } - Write-Host ("************ Update Command Line Tools Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Update Command Line Tools Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Update Command Line Tools Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Update Command Line Tools Failed ************") } } @@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ Task -Name __InstallPSBuild -Description $private -Action { (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | Invoke-Expression; } - Write-Host ("************ Install PSBuild Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install PSBuild Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Install PSBuild Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install PSBuild Failed ************") } } @@ -330,14 +330,14 @@ Task -Name __InstallGitVersion -Depends __InstallChocolatey -Description $privat Invoke-Expression "$choco install GitVersion.Portable -pre"; } } else { - Write-Host "GitVersion.Portable already installed"; + Write-Output "GitVersion.Portable already installed"; } - Write-Host ("************ Install GitVersion.Portable Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install GitVersion.Portable Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Install GitVersion.Portable Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Install GitVersion.Portable Failed ************") } } @@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ Task -Name __UpdateGitVersion -Description $private -Action { Invoke-Expression "$choco update GitVersion.Portable"; } - Write-Host ("************ Update GitVersion.Portable Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Update GitVersion.Portable Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Update GitVersion.Portable Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Update GitVersion.Portable Failed ************") } } @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Task -Name RunGitVersion -Depends __InstallGitVersion -Description "Execute the exec { if(isAppVeyor) { - Write-Host "Running on AppVeyor, so UpdateAssemblyInfo will be called." + Write-Output "Running on AppVeyor, so UpdateAssemblyInfo will be called." & $gitVersionExe /output buildserver /UpdateAssemblyInfo true $script:version = $env:GitVersion_LegacySemVerPadded } else { @@ -393,14 +393,14 @@ Task -Name RunGitVersion -Depends __InstallGitVersion -Description "Execute the $script:version = $versionInfo.LegacySemVerPadded } - Write-Host "Calculated Legacy SemVer Padded Version Number: $script:version" + Write-Output "Calculated Legacy SemVer Padded Version Number: $script:version" } - Write-Host ("************ RunGitVersion Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ RunGitVersion Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ RunGitVersion Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ RunGitVersion Failed ************") } } @@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ Task -Name OutputNugetVersion -Description "So that we are clear which version o & $nugetExe; } - Write-Host ("************ NuGet Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ NuGet Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ NuGet Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ NuGet Failed ************") } } @@ -478,11 +478,11 @@ Task -Name NugetPackageRestore -Depends OutputNugetVersion -Description "Restore & $nugetExe restore "$sourceDirectory\ChocolateyGui.sln" } - Write-Host ("************ NugetPackageRestore Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ NugetPackageRestore Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ NugetPackageRestore Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ NugetPackageRestore Failed ************") } } @@ -524,11 +524,11 @@ Task -Name BuildSolution -Depends __RemoveBuildArtifactsDirectory, __VerifyConfi } } - Write-Host ("************ BuildSolution Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ BuildSolution Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ BuildSolution Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ BuildSolution Failed ************") } } @@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ Task -Name CleanSolution -Depends __InstallPSBuild, __RemoveBuildArtifactsDirect Invoke-MSBuild "$sourceDirectory\ChocolateyGui.sln" -NoLogo -Configuration $config -Targets Clean -DetailedSummary -VisualStudioVersion 12.0 -Properties (@{'Platform'='Mixed Platforms'}) } - Write-Host ("************ CleanSolution Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ CleanSolution Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ CleanSolution Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ CleanSolution Failed ************") } } @@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ Task -Name PackageChocolatey -Description "Packs the module and example package" } } - Write-Host ("************ PackageChocolatey Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ PackageChocolatey Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ PackageChocolatey Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ PackageChocolatey Failed ************") } } @@ -592,11 +592,11 @@ Task -Name DeployDevelopPackageToMyGet -Description "Takes the packaged Chocolat & $nugetExe push "$buildArtifactsDirectory\*.nupkg" $env:MyGetDevelopApiKey -source $env:MyGetDevelopFeedUrl } - Write-Host ("************ MyGet Deployment Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ MyGet Deployment Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ MyGet Deployment Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ MyGet Deployment Failed ************") } } @@ -610,11 +610,11 @@ Task -Name DeployMasterPackageToMyGet -Description "Takes the packaged Chocolate & $nugetExe push "$buildArtifactsDirectory\*.nupkg" $env:MyGetMasterApiKey -source $env:MyGetMasterFeedUrl } - Write-Host ("************ MyGet Deployment Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ MyGet Deployment Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ MyGet Deployment Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ MyGet Deployment Failed ************") } } @@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ Task -Name DeployPackageToChocolatey -Description "Takes the packaged Chocolatey & $nugetExe push "$buildArtifactsDirectory\*.nupkg" $env:ChocolateyApiKey -source $env:ChocolateyFeedUrl } - Write-Host ("************ Chocolatey Deployment Successful ************") + Write-Output ("************ Chocolatey Deployment Successful ************") } catch { Write-Error $_ - Write-Host ("************ Chocolatey Deployment Failed ************") + Write-Output ("************ Chocolatey Deployment Failed ************") } }