Reflex-Curses is a TUI/CLI wrapper around streamlink, allowing for easy launching of streams from your terminal.
Fork of twitch-curses with added features.
- Rewritten with classes
- Launch multiple streams at once
- Stream process no longer tied to terminal (setsid)
- Launch chat for selected stream (browser/weechat/irssi)
- Copy channel URL to clipboard (xclip)
- Locally follow channels (No account needed) (+Imports from file/twitch user)
- Custom Config File
- VOD Support
- Search by game name
- Top streams view
- Language filter (Game search only)
- Vim like keybinds
- Updated to Twitch v5 API
- Color support
- Fixed crashing with super small terminal resizing
- Run one off cli commands
- Python 3.6
- python-requests
- streamlink (launching streams)
- xclip (clipboard support)
- setsid (detach player from terminal)
- firefox (default browser)
- mpv (default player)
- urxvt (default terminal)
- weechat / irssi (irc)
yay -S reflex-curses
System: python install
User: python install --user
sudo make install
reflex-curses [OPTION]
NONE Starts up the tui interface
-a channel_name
Add a twitch channel to your followed list
-d channel_name
Delete a twitch channel from your followed list
-f Prints out any followed streams that are online.
-h, --help
Print help message
-i channel_name (--overwrite)
Import channels followed by channel_name into your followed list.
Default is to append to your current followed list, add --overwrite to replace it.
NOTE: Currently limited to the results_limit (default: 75), large lists might not fully import.
-v Print version
More info available from the man page: man reflex-curses
An example dmenu script is Here
Key | Description |
h | Go back |
j | Move cursor down |
k | Move cursor up |
l / Enter | Enter menu or launch stream |
n | Next Page |
p | Previous page |
r | Refresh last query |
Key | Description |
f | Go to followed view |
s | Go to top streams view |
t | Go to top games view |
v | Go to VOD view |
Key | Description |
/ | General Search |
g | Search by Game Name (exact) |
Key | Description |
- | Decrease quality |
= | Increase quality |
Key | Description |
a | Add channel follow / Show all followed |
d | Delete channel from followed list |
i | Import follows from twitch user (limited) |
o | Show only online streams in followed list |
Key | Description |
c | Open chat with chat method |
y | Yank channel url |
q | Quit |
Configuration files are stored in ~/.config/reflex-curses
Config file is stored in ~/.config/reflex-curses/config
Default Config Example:
add = a
chat = c
delete = d
followed = f
game = g
back = h
down = j
up = k
forward = l
online = o
quit = q
refresh = r
t_stream = s
t_game = t
search = /
vods = v
yank = y
page+ = n
page- = p
qual+ = =
qual- = -
browser = firefox --new-window
chat_method = browser
player = mpv --force-window=yes
streamlink = streamlink -t '{author} - {title}' --twitch-disable-hosting
term = urxvt -e
client_id = caozjg12y6hjop39wx996mxn585yqyk
lang =
results_limit = 75
retry_limit = 3
default_state = games
hl_color = blue
l_win_color = white
r_win_color = green
quality = best
show_borders = True
show_keys = True
address =
network = reflex
no_account = True
port = 6697
Reflex will by default connect to the saved network reflex
To connect to twitch irc, you must either connect with the nick
or use an OAUTH Token
for your account.
For more info, see the Twitch IRC Documentation
If you are connecting with weechat and using no_account
, no configuration
should be necessary, as reflex can add the network itself through launch arguments.
If using an account, see the above section on getting your oauth token and add it to your saved network.
NOTE: Reflex uses irc.server.network_name.autojoin
in order to automatically
connect to a channel when launched. It will overwrite the variable should it
Irssi unfortunately does not appear to support running commands through launch
arguments, so support is much more limited in comparison. Only the network
option is supported at this time. Launching chat will also only copy the join
command to your clipboard instead of automatically joining the channel.
If using an account, see the above section on getting your oauth token and add it to your saved network.
In addition to the -i flag, reflex-curses can also mass import a list of channel names from a file.
Place entries (one per line) in ~/.config/reflex-curses/followed
Reflex-Curses will resolve the Channel IDs on startup.