Functions and mixins used for development.
These are the mixins and/or functions in the codebase that are used in development. These rules don’t output any CSS, but they do make writing CSS a lot easier by encapsulating reusable sets of property declarations. Fallbacks are simply mixins that address browser vendor prefixes for CSS properties and values, whereas Tools combine properties commonly used together.
WARNING: Syntax shown in code below has not been completely resolved. Watch out for changes.
Use this tool to create borders on the top side, the bottom side, both top and bottom sides,
or all 4 sides on a box, while preserving vertical rhythm. This tool subtracts a length from
the margin-top
of the box, equal to the sum of the widths of the box’s top and bottom borders,
so that subsequent elements will not be pushed down the page.
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.borders.less');
.your-class {
.border-vert([top | bot | topbot | all]; <length>?:0);
Tip: You may use a hack involving box-shadow
to emulate a border that won’t affect
vertical rhythm. Borders add to the box’s height, which slightly but noticeably
move subsequent content down the page, messing with typographical grid lines. Box shadows,
on the other hand, do not affect the box’s height, so you can apply one without
having to reposition the box or changing its top margin.
Note that this hack is similar to using the outline
property, except that
behaves slightly differently.
There are two ways you can use this hack: to emulate borders on all 4 sides, or to emulate a top (or bottom) border.
To emulate a border on all sides, the box-shadow must be outset, have an offset-x of 0,
an offset-y of 0, a blur of 0, and a spread of <length>
, which is the effective border width.
.border-all {
// .border-vert(all; <length>); // using box-shadow instead
box-shadow 0 0 0 <length> <color>;
To emulate a top or bottom border, use outset, offset-x 0, offset-y <length>
, blur 0, and spread 0.
The shadow will emulate a border-bottom if <length>
is positive, or border-top if negative.
.border-bottom {
// .border-vert(bottom; <length>); // using box-shadow instead
box-shadow 0 <length> 0 0 <color>;
.border-top {
// .border-vert(top; <length>); // using box-shadow instead
box-shadow 0 -<length> 0 0 <color>;
Sub-Tip: Use inset
to keep the box-shadow constrained within the bounds of the box’s box-sizing
There are a few limitations of this hack: it cannot be used in the case of .border-vert(topbot)
because you can’t get the box shadow to appear only on opposing sides.
The effective border color must be provided
in the same declaration, and the effective border-style cannot be specified; it will always be solid.
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.border-radius.less');
.your-class {
.border-left-radius (<radius_h>?:0 <radius_v>?:<radius_h>);
.border-right-radius (<radius_h>?:0 <radius_v>?:<radius_h>);
.border-top-radius (<radius_h>?:0 <radius_v>?:<radius_h>);
.border-bottom-radius(<radius_h>?:0 <radius_v>?:<radius_h>);
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.fontsize.less');
.your-module {
.your-element {
.font-size-el(<number>?:1; <integer>?:1);
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.delims.less');
.your-class {
.delims([!none | [<string> <string>]+]?);
.parens(); // ( )
.brackets(); // [ ]
.braces(); // { }
.angles(); // < >
.apos(); // ' '
.quot(); // " "
.quotes-single(); // ‘ ’
.quotes-double(); // “ ”
.guillemets-single(); // ‹ ›
.guillemets-double(); // « »
This mixin differs from the transition
css shorthand property, which does not allow you to set comma-separated properties/durations/functions/delays.
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.transitions.less');
.your-class {
.transitions(<single-transition-property>#; <time>#; <timing-function>#; <time>#);
// example:
.transitions(color, background-color, border-color; 500ms; ease-in-out);
@import (reference) url('/node_modules/xmeter/css/src/__tool.sprite.less');
.your-class {
.sprite([horizontal | vertical]; <integer>; <length>; <length>);