a pytorch implement of mobileNet v2 on cifar10
The origin mobileNet architecture is designed specifically for ImageNet where images' size is 224x224x3. To make it fit cifar10's size (32x32x3), I have disabled some downsample layer, i.e. replace the first few layers which have stride 2 with stride 1, as highlighted below.
python3 train.py
to start training -
python3 plot.py
to show training curve -
Or you can run
python3 train_ddp.py
using ddp and cosine scheduler(final validacc = 94.71%) -
I have trained this model (width multiplier = 1, more setups can be seen in
) on two titan x, which takes about 6 hours, the weights and logs are available in folderbak
The model can achieve max / mean accuracy 94.69% / 94.52% on validation set. Here the "mean accuracy" refers to mean of last 10 accuracy.
accuracy & loss - iterations curves are shown below:
- python 3+
- pytorch 0.4.0