成员变量一览 继承自类 cn.nukkit.event.Event eventName 构造函数一览 构造函数 构造函数描述 LightningStrikeEvent(Level level, EntityLightningStrike bolt) 成员函数一览 All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 修饰符和类 成员函数描述 static HandlerList getHandlers() EntityLightningStrike getLightning() Gets the bolt which is striking the earth. 继承自类 cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherEvent getLevel 继承自类 cn.nukkit.event.Event getEventName, isCancelled, setCancelled, setCancelled 继承自类 java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait 继承自接口 cn.nukkit.event.Cancellable isCancelled, setCancelled, setCancelled