The website source code. Contributions welcome.
You need to have git
, node
with npm
and ruby
with bundler
, then -
with this repository checked out - you can run the following:
$ make install
$ make
The site should be being served up on
You'll need to have git
, node
with npm
and ruby
with bundler
. Follow
the install instructions here for your operating system:
Installation on Debian Linux
If you're running a debian based distro, run the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs ruby
The nodejs
package on ubuntu is quite old, you probably want a newer
version. Consult the documentation for adding the official Node.js
Now you'll need to install bundler
for ruby:
$ sudo gem install bundler
Installation on MacOS
Firstly ensure you have git
which comes with the XCode Command Line Tools.
You can run the following command:
$ xcode-select --install
You should now have git
, you can check by running
$ git --version
git version 2.20.1
If you have homebrew, you can simply run brew install node
. Otherwise you'll
need to vist the node.js site and download
the Node.js installer. Node ships with npm by default, so you should find that
when you run node -v
and npm -v
on the command line, you get some output
like this:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Ruby comes installed by default on MacOS. However bundler
does not. To
install bundler, run the following:
$ sudo gem install bundler
Now you should have bundler, you can check by running:
$ bundler -v
Bundler version 2.0.1
To clone the website to your local machine, run the following:
$ git clone
It will generate a folder named
, from within that directory,
you can run make install
to download the dependencies:
$ make install
Read the logs carefully, you might notice a message saying:
Following files may not be writable, so sudo is needed:
If you see this message, you can opt to run sudo make install
- or
alternatively run the steps manually:
$ sudo bundle install
$ npm install
The server can be run using the bare make
command, like so:
$ make
This command is shorthand for the following two commands:
$ make generated_data
$ make docs-server
make docs-server
will run the jekyll
web server, which hosts the website on You should be able to visit this
URL and see a local copy of the chaijs website running.