Major refactor was done prior to the public release but there are still some areas with "bad code" which accumulated from the early days. We will take care of these in due time.
Guard is a bnet chat bot based on ghost++ for managing DotA and CG leagues. It takes care of channel management, player warns and bans, player level access, delegating game hosting to ghost++ hostbots and collecting game stats. It also includes a challenge system for professional DotA gaming. You can use guard for channel management only or connect 1 or more slaves which act as game hosts, see bnet-host project. The number of slaves determines how many games can be in lobby simultaneously.
You need cmake
and either clang, gcc or visualc++ build chain to build the project.
Enable clang experimental lifetime checks.
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -H./ -B./build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -H./ -B./build
# now open .sln file in build directory, build from Visual Studio
Enable verbose builds with -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON
depends on:
-udpserver.dll (win only)
apt-get install build-essential libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libmysqlclient-dev
For bncsutil see the bncsutil GitHub repo.
If your dependencies are in some other directory, expand your $PATH variable with all the locations, for example:
export PATH=/home/me/3rdparty/bncsutil/include:/home/me/3rdparty/bncsutil/lib:/home/me/3rdparty/mysql/include:/home/me/3rdparty/mysql/lib:/home/me/3rdparty/boost/include:/home/me/3rdparty/boost/lib:$PATH
Some dependency binaries are already included in the repo for convenience but you are encouraged to build/install your own.
Either get binary releases which include headers from the respective projects or build them from source (recommended). In addition to standard install paths, CMake is configured to traverse the following directories:
MySQL c connector
Boost - You only need to build the following components: filesystem, system, thread, chrono, date-time
Create tables in MySQL database using the mysql_create_tables.sql
Put the guard binary and guard.cfg in the same folder. Change guard.cfg as needed, then run with ./guard
or in screen screen -dmS guard ./guard
You need a valid bnet account which the bot will use to connect to the specified realm. You can then command the bot from channel or by whispering. Use help for full list of commands (e.g. /w myguard !help).
Bot account should have channel OP for some functionality to work (safelist, kick, ban etc).
Bot can be put in public mode, public for specific country or private (whitelist), depending on what kind of DotA league you want to operate. In public mode, all players can use the bot to host the games. In private mode, each player needs to be approved by league managers.
Private mode is achieved by bot_defaultautolvl = 0
Public mode is achieved by bot_defaultautolvl = 1
Further, you can restrict communities by country. See guard.cfg
for more.
Public games and challenge (private) game ladders are completely separate.
0 - player is banned
1 - regular player
2 - low lvl captain
3 - high lvl captain
4 - voucher
5 - admin
6 - hostbot
Each level has progressively more access to guard commands.
Format <comman trigger><command name> <params...>
refreshicons - forces icon system refresh. Gives server icons according to stats.
delgamelist - forcefully clears the game list (locally)
fix - refreshes ban info from db and unbans players
news - enables or disables printing of news
icontimer | it - prints time until icon refresh
delgame <gameId> - deletes game from the list
annmail <text> - sends mass mail to all players
clricons - removes all given icons
com <number> <on | off | print> - enables, disables or prints the status of command number, !com 70 print
maxgames | mg - prints number of created games
cal - calculates ranks on private and public ladder
refresh <infos | mails | warns | bans | cfg | icons | all> - refresh internal memory from db, refreshes config, icon system or php site
rootonly - locks commands so only root can run them
erasewarn <player> - removes warn form player
addhostbot <account> - makes into a hostbot (changes level to 6)
delhostbot <account> - removes hostbot status from <account>
tempop <player> - makes player a temp OP in channel
chat - enables or disables allowance of chat bots in channel
mepro - if you are root admin adds you as lvl 5 admin. Use after first run and empty database.
delinfo <player> - removes player from db
say <text> - say something
channel <channel> - move guard to a channel
exit | quit [all] - shutdown guard. If all is specified, tells hostbots to also shut down.
slap - sends a send-slap whisper to all users
fmslap <text> - sends a (send-slap): whisper to all users
clrobs - clears observer slots
delrmk - delete rmk pool
clrslots - clears player slots
start <hbname> - starts game hosted by
unhostall - unhosts all games
autospam <seconds> - set timer for slot availability spam. Set to 0 to disable.
privgoby <hbname> - host a private game by
chacc <oldaccount> <newaccount> - changes player account (to transfer stats)
icons - prints current icon list
flames - prints flame list
addflame <flame> - adds flame to the flame list
delflames - deletes all flames
showm - prints muted users
mute <player> [reason] - mutes a player, optional reason
unmute <player> - unmutes a player
wtg <text> - mass message
delwarn <player> - removes warnings from player
warns - prints number of warns
kickall - kicks all from channel
mod | moderate - moderates the channel
v | voice <player> - voices player in channel
dev | devoice <player> - devoices player in channel
sayingames <text> - say something via hostbots in-game
t | topic <text> - set channel topic
an | announce [seconds] [text] - with no parameters disables or enables announcement, with parameters sets inerval and text to announce
hostbots - prints hostbot information
minfo | MessageInfo - prints users who are ignoring mass messages
ginfo - prints information about all users in db
tt | ttopic [text] - sets new temp topic o removes it if parameter not set
minslots <1-10> - set minimum amount of slots before game can be made public
hold <player> [reason] - hold a slot for a player, optional reason
idle | afk | finger [player] - kicks afk-ers from channel. If parameter is given, prints the time the player has been afk.
addban | ban <player> [reason] - bans a player
channel - prints info abut users in channel
lvl [player | 1-6] -prints your or player's level or players at specified level
clvl <player> - changes player's level. Only root can clvl 6. Only lvl 5 can clvl 0.
cm <country> - sends mass message to players from country
msg | fm <text> - send a mass message
addinfo <player> <reason> - adds player+s general info to database
warn <player> [reason] - warns a player
cban [fix] - prints channel ban info, unbans expired if param present
cban <player> <hours> <reason> - bans player from channel
cbandel | delcban - unbans player from channel
from [player] - prints from information for you or player
kick <player> [reason] - kicks player from channel
dbstatus - prints db status
delban | unban <player>
No specific commands.
gormk | rmkgo - remakes the game
msg | fm <text> - mass message
spam - spams challenge status to online users
challenge | chal | c [player] - starts a challenge. This is the main command for starting competitive games. Challenge must then be accepted by someone or by the player you challenged. The sign phase then begins where players sign into the game, followed by a pick phase.
unhost - unhost your game
dm | delmap - delete current map pick
ml | maplist - prints map list
obs [obs | ref] - enables or disables obs on a map, enables or disables ref
map <map> - loads map
hbots - prints hostbot info
inform - prints general league info
where <player> - prints player's location
mailbox - prints your mailbox
delmail <id> - deletes mail from mailbox
mail <player> <text> - send "mail" to player. These are like in-game persistent messages you can read from guard.
pub <game name> - host a public game
priv <game name> - host a private game
root - print root admin
users - prints online users
ggs | games - prints active games
gn | getnames <game id> - print player names in game
gg | ggames [game id] - prints information about active game(s)
userson - gather information about current online suer activity
rank <1-N> - prints name of the player at specified rank, !rank 1
find <country> [substring] - find players that come form country and optionally match
find <substring> - find players that match
ex - extends challenge timer by 5 minutes
ss | safelisted - prints number of safelisted users
top - prints top ladder players
gopriv | privgo [game name] - host a private non-ladder (not ranked) game
gopub | pubgo [game name] - host a public non-ladder (not ranked) game
info [player] - prints your or player info
s | stats [player] - prints your or player stats
sd | statsdota - prints your DotA stats
ki | killer - prints DotA kill stats information
fa | farmer - prints DotA farmer information
version - prints guard version
refuse - refuse a challenge
a | accept - accept a challenge. This starts a challenge and layers need to !sign into the game.
cs | challengers - prints the names of the challenger and the challenged
pool - prints player pool of players who signed
res - reserve a slot. Once 10 players reserve, game will automatically be started. This is alternative way to host a professional game as opposed to direct challenge being issued.
sign [obs] - sign up for the challenge
out - sign out of the challenge
mode [cm | cd] - vote for DotA play mode. Leave empty to remove your vote.
startpick - starts the pick phase once the pool is full
pick <r | rand | player> - as captain, pick a player for your team
go - start the game after pick phase
abort - abort challenge
slots | teams | reserves - prints slot information of current challenge
addinfo <data> - updates plaeyr stats info
addnames <data> - add player names with slots
ag <data> - add game
ban <data> - ban player
cban <victim> - channel ban
country <data> - update player country information
delgame <gameId> - delete game
handshake - sends handshake back to the hostbot
hbstate <data> - reports current hostbot state to the guard
mail <text> - mails text to guard admins
pg <data> - add game to game list
rmk <data>
say <text> - say something in chat
ugn <data> - update game name
ugo <data> - update game owner
ugs -update game state
ugsl <data> - update game slots
ugt <gameId> - update game time
If guard account has sufficient realm access, it can set icons to players depending on their rank. This way the rank of the player is visually represented inside the channel. Icon system needs to be enabled in the configuration file and works automatically.
RPM and DEB packages will be available once the code is completely cleaned up.