Install all the packages you need.
Due to a bug in async 0.6.1 you'll have to install async manually:
pip install --no-install async cd build/async/ # apply the patch from # sudo pip install . cd ../.. rm -rf build/
Now install the other requirements:
pip install GitPython unittest2 nose>=0.9a1 nose-cover3 specloud #pip install git+git://
For Running the tests on all supported Python versions you'll need
pip install tox
For building the documentation you'll need sphinx:
pip install sphinx
make test
make cover
There is a tox configuration file in the top directory of the distribution. To run the tests for all supported Python versions simply execute:
If you only want to test specific Python versions use the -e option:
tox -e py25,py26
Build the documentation by running:
make clean-docs doc
Make sure there are no errors or warnings in the build output. After building succeeds the documentation is available in docs/_build/html.