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38 lines (28 loc) · 1.64 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (28 loc) · 1.64 KB


  • craft a smarter script for pulseaudio commands (eg. /usr/local/bin/pulseshort)

    • provide behaviors like mute toggle, increase, and decrease volume
    • iterate all sinks in RUNNING state to apply the change
      • pactl list short sinks | grep RUNNING | awk '{print $1}'?
  • craft a smarter conky launcher

    • add datetime /w uptime
    • detect: hard drives, monitors, valid network address(es), optionally temperatures of cpu/disk
    • generate a template per monitor
    • launch as many conky as there are monitors
  • figure out how to setup either hyperspin or hyperloop as frontends to launch mame & mednafen

  • test ssh key generation & upload logic without /home/$username assumed path (can be done from VM)

  • investigate a method of checking for and adding backports (otherwise packages like ffmpeg will not exist)

  • figure out how to automate ibus-mozc, ibus-setup, and im-config

  • investigate creating debian/

    • test using a preseed that upgrades to testing via:
      • apt-get -u -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1 dist-upgrade
      • if errors occur try dpkg --configure -a, then apt-get -f install
      • finally cleanup after via apt-get autoremove
  • spend some time figuring out arch again

    • try out i3wm, a tiling window manager (especially with my new monitor!)
  • create and share a new debian jessie installation video for youtube

    • demonstrate manual steps & with preseed (using github address?)
    • preferrably record from mac?
  • continue investigating thumbnailers for folders

    • try patching pcmanfm and compiling from source (yay my favorite!?)
    • try out a heavier file browser with folder thumbnail support?