Glossary of random cooking terms I've come across.
- Flour and fat cooked together and used to thicken sauces.
- Typically made from equal parts flour and fat.
- The fat is heated in a pot or pan, melting it if necessary. Then the flour is added. The mixture is heated and stirred until the flour is incorporated, and then cooked until at least the point where a raw flour taste is no longer apparent and the desired colour has been reached.
- Basic white sauce.
- One of the five main sauces in French cuisine.
- Made from a white roux and milk.
- Basic brown sauce
- One of the five main sauces in French cuisine.
- Prepared using a very dark brown roux, add veal stock or water, along with browned bones, pieces of beef, vegetables, brown sugar and various seasonings.
- Light velvety savory sauce
- One of the five main sauces in French cuisine.
- Prepared using a light stock, such as chicken or fish stock, thickened with a blond roux.