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Back-end API framework for colleges.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install node, npm and nodemon globally.
  2. Run
npm install
  1. Rename config.example.json file inside ./lib/data/config/ to config.json and fill the database information whilst creating the necessary databases on your MySQL server.

  2. In case you get an error like npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script, install build-tools for your system.


# install dependencies (development)
npm install

# install dependencies (production)
npm install --production

# serve with live reload at localhost:3000 (development)
# includes nodemon and eslint
npm run dev

# serve in a production environment
npm start

# run eslint
npm run lint

# run eslint with --fix flag
npm run lint--fix

Generating docs using the apidoc

  1. Run grunt apidoc and an apidoc/ folder will be created inside docs folder in the project's root.
  2. Go to that folder and open index.html and access the API documentation.


Contributions are always welcome. Please take notice of the LICENSE and NOTICE files. Any commit to the repository implies you agree with the conditions specified in the files.

Pending Works


Enabling CORS securely.